Jamila Wideman Essays

  • Figurative Language In Wideman's Brothers And Keepers

    1062 Words  | 3 Pages

    By definition, a textual analysis shows the reader how and why an author has used certain techniques and strategies to present and develop an idea. In John Edgar Wideman’s Brothers and Keepers (1984) Wideman uses figurative language consistently in an attempt to convey tone, attitude, persona and imagery to the reader. Although this language isn’t always apparent at first glance, looking deeper into the reading will help the reader fully understand what the author really means. Figurative language

  • Coram Boy by Jamila Gavin

    1494 Words  | 3 Pages

    What do we learn about life in the 18th century and how successfully does the writer convey this information whilst telling us a good story? The story is set in the 18th century and includes factual information which plays a vital part in the storyline. It uses this information whilst entertaining the readers with a fictional storyline. It is based on one thing in particular, hence the title "The Coram Boy", this is The Coram Hospital. A main factor in the storyline is the way the writer portrays

  • John Edgar's Brothers and Keepers: A Struggle Against the Prison Institution

    1124 Words  | 3 Pages

    not always obvious and most times there are multiple conflicts within a single story. This case is no different for Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman. Wideman’s work is memoir that focuses on a comparison between himself and his brother that works to understand how each one of them ended up where they did in life. With in this work by Wideman there exist numerous conflicts, protagonists, and antagonists. One of the main conflicts that occur throughout the novel is between Robby (the protagonist)

  • Human Nature in Bartholomae and Petrosky's Our Time, Theft, and Music of the Swamp

    3114 Words  | 7 Pages

    Human Nature in Bartholomae and Petrosky's Our Time, Theft, and Music of the Swamp Why should college students read the stories that are assigned in English courses? Other than to satisfy the professor, what is the purpose of reading these difficult writings of people we don't know or care about? Many of these students find themselves asking, "What is this writer talking about?" Confused, some quickly give up trying to understand the story and make reading something just to get through, diminishing

  • Wideman Vs. Limerick

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    John Edgar Wideman’s “Our Time”, and Patricia Nelson Limerick’s “Empire of Innocence”, are two very different stories about one particular theme. In these selections both authors are writing history. Wideman is writing the history of his brother’s life, and Limerick is writing the history of the old west. Although the theme is the same, the two authors’ styles, methods, and writing concerns differ greatly. In the following passage from “Our Time”, John is visiting his brother, Robby, in prison. While

  • Despair

    889 Words  | 2 Pages

    John Edgar Wideman’s “Our Time” is an indirect narration of his brother, Robby Wideman’s life, and a parallel journey of Wideman through those times. The story is in fractions; presented in the direct point of view by Wideman, his mother and Robby: while at the same time Wideman representing all of them from his point of view. A person is more like a mid-point of a triangle, where environment, family and personality strike at him perpendicularly, while each of them is parallel to a person’s action