James Best Essays

  • King James: The Best Basketball Player

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    individualized and arguments about who is the best player of all time have risen. The NBA is highly recognized as the best basketball league in the world. The National Basketball Association was founded on June 6, 1946 according to Justin Wehr in 2014 “there have been 3,071 NBA players” and some stand out above the rest. Lebron James also known as King James stands out from all the others, he is the greatest basketball player of all time. The reason James is the best is his stats, ability to turn a franchise

  • Creative Writing: Dukes Of Hazard

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    Growing up my dad would re-watch the Dukes of Hazard and I usually would be on the couch right beside him. It influenced me to grow up as a rebel. The Dukes of Hazard showed me an 8 year old kid that sometimes the culturally wrong thing it the right thing to do. The general Lee and the confederate flag represent that but now it’s seen as racist. In the thirty years that show has been around it was never called out once for being racist. Over the years Dukes of Hazard has inspired me in a number

  • Humorous Wedding Speech Made by a Fellow Teacher

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    little surprised when James invited me to his wedding as I only met him a few years ago. But on reflection, I think he was swayed by the fact that I know very little about the first years of his life, which therefore puts some rather embarrassing stories out of reach. James and I have been close ever since we met whilst (while) teaching at Ferndale secondary school - so close, in fact, that he has told me secrets that nobody else knows. One of those secrets is that James keeps a diary. In preparation

  • The Batman Theatre Shooting

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    come out but not knowing what was going to be in store for them later on that day. James Eagan Holmes was a student out of University of Colorado-Denver of Medicine. He won a federal grant for full tuition and also 26,000 in living expenses he was majoring for a Ph.D. Neuroscience. His professors tried to tell him to find another career after he flunked a major exam. That put him in a since of depression. As a teen, James Holmes was referred into being more withdrawn and rarely started conversations

  • Framed

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    Her little heart was pounding, racing as if it couldn’t beat any faster. Her knees were shaking and she was breathing heavily. She knew that what she had done was a bad thing. It was the first feeling of trouble she ever felt. As if things couldn’t get any worse, she had the urge to pee. These were her thoughts one day in second grade. She remembers it as it were yesterday, the classroom had one teacher with many children. The smell of Chinese cuisine was all that she could smell. It was Chinese

  • The Rent: A Short Story

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    “What happened?” Sarah concernedly asked as dad came into the house with his eyes watering looking as if he was going to cry and his face red. “Nothing happened, I was just thinking about our money and what we are going to do about the rent, I just don’t know what to do anymore.” he said as he started to shed a tear. My brother, sister, and I just looked at dad in such surprise since we had never seen him cry before. Then we heard the dog barking and a strange knock at the back door and

  • Short Summary Of The Night By Peter Taylor Chapter Summary

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    This novel by Peter Taylor opens with James and Mary Tyrone talking. They seem to be a very loving, married couple. James compliments Mary many times about how beautiful she looks. However she seems to be insecure about her looks because she is discontent with her case of rheumatism in her hands which makes it shake all the time. Then they heard their two sons laughing, as they walk out from the dinning room. As Edmund and Jamie enter, their parents question them what they are talking about. Edmund

  • Taking Grandma Home

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    The road stretches back and forward, whirring beneath tires worn bald by old age. James, dark haired and bright eyed, grips the wheel with one hand and looks lazily between the mirrors to the road to the sky, trying to stay awake. He floats beyond trucks and minivans, driving with the confidence of one never scarred. They pass fields, stretches of yellow and dust, not waving, just watching, guarded by the occasional brooding building. Everything is older here, in middle America, in Kentucky

  • A Short Story: Summary, Mrs. Patrick Maloney '

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    The main characters in this story are the Maloney couple, known as Mary and Patrick Maloney. She can be recognized as the typical housewife, she 's intelligent, bright, has a clean and well organized home, loves her husband over everything on earth - and, she 's pregnant in the sixth month. Patrick is a police officer, a senior. Obviously he 's been a police officer for a long time, and therefor has affected their daily life with a sense of regularity. The home is warm and clean, they usually go

  • The Stomach Flu-Personal Narrative

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    The large bus driver shouted at her to sit down as the bus jerked forward. “I’m not new,” Paul tried to say. “New or not,” she said, “I’m Eve”. She continued to introduce Paul to the other 3 kids on the bus. They were all boys and one of them, named James was asleep. Dave, another kid wore a puffy jacket and didn’t say much. The other

  • Pamela Haist

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    rules that may have hurt other people's social skills, Miss Bailey had many friends as a child. She told me of one friend that she remembers quite well, her best friend Daphne. "When I was a young girl," she reflected with a laugh, "I remember us going out one day to play. We were on our bikes, which is how we usually got around, wearing our best Sunday clothes at the time, white frocks with frilly lace. We were walking along the wall of the sewage centre. I said 'Let's go over that wall and see what's

  • Medicine River

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    I also wish the producer would have incorporated the many flashbacks that the main protagonist, Will, had from his youth. For example, the letters written by his father to his mother; the stories about his mother and her best friend; and the relationship with his brother James, namely, the childhood pranks that they played on one another. I am, however, aware of the time constraints involved when producing a motion picture, and I realize that the script had to be somewhat altered considering the

  • Nilda by Nicholasa Mohr

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    During the summer, I read a novel entitled Nilda written by Nicholasa Mohr. I found the novel interesting and different from ordinary novels because Nilda had a different style of writing, a journal-like style. The story is mainly about the life a young Puerto Rican girl named Nilda during the years of World War II. Nilda goes through numerous experiences that are both good and catastrophic. From camp to miracles and new friends to losing loved ones, Nilda is a novel of surprises waiting to be uncovered

  • Best Buy Co., Inc. Case Study: Richard M. Schulze

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    Company Background In an interview with James Wetherbe, Richard M. Schulze tells of how at eleven-years-old he became an entrepreneur in St. Paul, Minnesota as a paperboy. This newspaper boy would grow up to be founder of the world’s largest consumer electronics chain store, Best Buy Co. Inc. (Schulze, 2014). As an adult in 1966 Schulze partnered up with Gary Smoliak and opened the company called Sound of Music until 1986 (Bailey, 2015). Schulze bought out Smoliak around 1970 and by 1983 he had

  • The Pros and Cons of Benchmarking

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    the practice of Benchmarking or “continuous improvement” was first introduced in the 1950’s by Toyota. Benchmarking is the process used by organizations to improve specific processes within the organization. Benchmarking focuses on obtaining the “best practice” for the company and not measuring based on the maximum performance. Benchmarking is done by obtaining information from one organization and improving that information to be used in another organization within the same market. The two primary

  • Reconsidering Harcourt in Wycherley’s The Country Wife

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    comes close to being found out but narrowly escapes discovery when the women of the play and the doctor reaffirm his condition, thus persuading the cuckolded husbands that they have not been made cuckolds. The other plot involves Harcourt, Horner’s best friend, who falls in love with and immediately proposes to Alithea when Sparkish, the would-be wit whom she is arranged to marry, introduces them in an attempt to make Harcourt jealous and thus win his approval. Harcourt then spends the rest of the

  • Nothing Can Bring You Peace But Yourself.

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    Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." "Yourself,"… I am thinking about the time when my best friend died, and when I stopped being myself and my life started going to hell. It happened maybe two or three years ago. The day is very clear in my memory. The weather was cold and nasty. The monotonous rain made everything outside look gray. I was at home, waiting for my girlfriend to arrive. I was sitting on the couch drinking hot tea and feeling warm and cozy. My cat was there too, I remember. We

  • Finding Inner Peace

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    Finding Inner Peace "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."  I am thinking about the time when my best friend died, and when I stopped being myself and my life started going to hell. It happened maybe two or three years ago.  The day is very clear in my memory.  The weather was cold and nasty.  The monotonous rain made everything outside look gray.  I was at home, waiting for my girlfriend to arrive.  I was sitting on the couch drinking hot tea and feeling warm and cozy.  My dog

  • Eulogy for Son

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    sensitivity for the world around him.  He had a way with people that made them feel comfortable around him and infected others to gravitate toward him.  Dylan exuded kindness and pulled generosity and altruism out from everyone he touched.  He was everyone's best friend. To say Dylan was polite is an understatement.  Since his early years, he showed respect and caring for all around him.  Even through the tormentous experiences of his hospital stays and chemotherapy treatment he never once failed to thank

  • Free Great Gatsby Essays: The Truly Great Gatsby

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    even that much greater. When Gatsby was still James Gatz, he had a dream of leaving his life on the farm behind and become part of the upper-class. Even Gatsby's father knew when he said, "If he'd lived, he'd of been a great man." (169) Little did his father know that Gatsby was already great. Gatsby didn't always do the right thing to gain his wealth but he was always good at heart. His first real break in the outside world was when he met his best friend Dan Cody. Gatsby was seventeen at the time