Ismat Chughtai Essays

  • Love Relationship In Karuthamma's Chemmeen

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Chemmeen, Karuthamma is a character that is trying to fit into the fishing community by making the right choice. Throughout the story is shown that Karuthamma and Pareekutty grow a forbidden love relationship. As Karuthamma shows the reader that "She stood silently in the shadows of a boat pulled onto the shore. She felt his gaze on her firm high breasts. But she couldn 't say…- Don 't stare at me so, my Bossman" (Pillai 47) expressing that she felt uncomfortable around Pareekutty. The way Pareekutty

  • Women In The Quilt Theme

    1777 Words  | 4 Pages

    Begum Jan is just a social stamp of approval for the Nawab. Beyond that, the Nawab totally “forgot about her”. Such inequality in marriage is symbolic of the subjugation and oppression of women. Ismat Chughtai brings out the fact that how no attention is paid to female sexuality. The woman’s needs and desires are not acknowledged even in marriage. Women are conditioned against any expression of their sexuality. The Nawab fails to realize that she has

  • The Veil Analysis

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    repression with the words veil, hijab, or burqa, a large number of women who wear these headscarves in public have chosen to do so due to their own religious reasons and/or preferences. In relation to the short story “The Veil,” written by Ismat Chughtai, Chughtai challenges the symbolic meaning and/or significance behind the veil and the power that they hold in society in relation to the power struggles of the women behind them and the men who lift them. In the Islamic and/or Muslim religion, the

  • Gender and Sexuality as Dipicted in the movie ‘Beautiful Boxer’

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    thinks he is just a kid. His father is very concerned about hi... ... middle of paper ...>. Chughtai, Ismat. “Lihaaf [The Quilt]”. Manushi (No. 110). 36-41. Print. Hodgkinson, Will. "'I Don't Think about Gender. I Think about Winning'" The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 19 Aug. 2005. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. . Siedman, Steven. “Social Theories of Sexuality:

  • Alienation in The Revolver, Housewife, and How it Feels to Be Colored Me

    1942 Words  | 4 Pages

    themselves? There are several different uses of this term. However, two uses seem to be especially predominating: the sociological processes and the psychological states. In “The Revolver,” “Housewife,” and “How it feels to be colored me,” Bazan, Chughtai, and Hurston respectively, relate both the social and the psychological aspects of alienation with respect to fear, oppression, and identity. Exactly what is Alienation? Bloom’s Literary Reference states the definition as to “turn away in feeling

  • Lesbian Love Essay

    2464 Words  | 5 Pages

    homosexual relations. As Radha states, “There is no word in our language to describe what we are to each other.” Lihaaf and Fire represent two highly controversial literary, artistic works, Chughtai argued that purdah had already been imposed on her, but her tongue would be a naked sword, unrestrainable. While Chughtai faced obscenity charges for her story, Fire loosely based on Lihaaf was strongly condemned by right –wing parties like the Shiv Sena and the Bhartiya Janta Party as being foreign to Indian