Hui people Essays

  • History Of The Hui People

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    The Hui people were a unique race in china during the Qing and the Ming dynasty. The Hui people, Chinese Muslims, were Asians who follows the Islamic ideas. The Ma Clique participated in several battles and wars such as the Chinese civil war. There were three major members of the ma clique, Ma Bufang, Ma Hongkui, and Ma Hongbin, they were known as the “Xibei San Ma” or “Three Mas of the Northwest”. The Guomindang was a political party, created in 1911, comprised of several Chinese nationalists and

  • Virginia Tech Shootings: Seung-Hui Cho

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    Dontey Branch 4/11/17 Essay Two Virginia Tech Shootings On April 16, 2007 a man named Seung-Hui Cho went on a killing massacre at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg Virginia. Prior to the attack Cho was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. It was apparent to his family and teachers that there was something dark about the way he carried himself and in the work that he submitted it class. Cho attended counseling throughout childhood and into his late teens but would decide not to attend counseling

  • Seung-Hui Cho: The Virginia Tech Massacre

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    Seung-Hui Cho was a 23 year old senior that studied English at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. On April 16, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 17 others in two separate attacks before taking his own life. This event is known as one of the deadliest shootings by a single gunman in the United States and worldwide. When Cho was a young boy he had been described as shy and mild mannered. Family and classmates report that he never spoke much and

  • Virginia Tech Shooting

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    particular shooting. The Virginia Tech is only one of the several examples of the horrible behavior and violence in our school systems today. To begin with, there were several events leading up to the shootings on the campus of Virginia Tech. Cho Seung Hui, 23, an English major from Korea, was identified as the person responsible for the shootings (New York Times). Many students and faculty members described Cho as a very quiet and lonely person who very seldom said anything. He always had a very depressed

  • Video Games Relieve Stress and Cause Crimes to be Committed

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    games and worry that they may have an effect on the minds of all that play. Could these games be harmless or are they able to lead people to murdering each other? Video games may not be the main cause, but they are a contributing factor. Some of things that can lead people to commit violent crimes are their home life, social settings and their mental state. Seung-Hui Cho, Marc Lepine and Kip Kinkel all came from hostile home environments. Marc Lepine, a man who killed 14 women and injured 13, was

  • The Role Of The Monsters In Beowulf

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    man’s beginnings” (Beowulf ln. 87-91). Hearing all the jubilation that he cannot share in makes Grendel bitter. Because nothing that can be done to make Grendel’s resentfulness subside, he “[wages] his lonely war, inflicting constant cruelties on the people, atrocious hurt” (ln. 164-166) to make himself feel better. Every day he finds satisfaction in killing and eating the men who fall asleep in the hall after they have drunk and partied the evening away. Causing harm to human society is Grendel’s means

  • The Mass Shooting Epidemic in America

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    Nine students were killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. A man opened fire in a church, in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine people, including the pastor. Twenty-seven were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Twelve were killed in the Washington Navy Yard. This is only a few examples from a very long list. The grim truth is that mass shootings are becoming the new normal. Every few months, another mass shooting occurs and the public goes through the same

  • General Strain Theory Analysis

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    Seung Hui-Cho was the perpetrator of the Virginia Tech shooting in April 2007. He was born in South Korea but immigrated to the United States at a young age, becoming a permanent resident. From a young age, Cho’s relatives expressed concern about his mental health as he did not socialize much with other children. In primary school, he was academically gifted but became noticeably more antisocial and angry in the eighth grade. Notably, Cho mentioned that he wanted to “repeat Columbine.” Cho was later

  • Summary Of Gun Control Dishonesty By Charles C. W. Cooke

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    Guns have possessed the spotlight of almost every news station. From the latest tragedy of a shooting killing innocent men, women and children to the arguments centering around if our gun laws possess strict enough qualities to keep our country safe. Charles C. W. Cooke, the author of “Gun-Control Dishonesty”, spreads his conservative view on the topic by ripping away any hope for a brighter day. Cooke’s main idea states that if nothing has happened to make gun law more strict even after the lives

  • Understanding Violence: The Virginia Tech University Shootings

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    On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, a 23-year-old college student, shocked the nation when he perpetrated the deadliest shooting massacre in U.S. history. The violent rampage took place on the Virginia Tech University campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, where Cho was a senior majoring in English. Before turning the gun on himself and delivering a fatal gunshot to the head, Cho murdered more than 30 of his classmates and University faculty; numerous others were injured. In a strange twist, several days

  • Aztecsinga Clendinnen

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    MesoAmerican area and it's history for over 30 years. Having wrote many books on the peoples and history of the region, her knowledge makes her well qualified to write a book such as Aztecs. The book is not one based on historical facts and figures, but one which is founded on interpretations of what the author believes life was like in different spheres of Aztec life. Clendinnen refers to the Aztec peoples as Mexica(pronounced Meh-SHee-Kah)as that is what they called themselves and her interpretations

  • Loyalty In Book Characters

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    Can the perfect ideal of loyalty ever be achieved? What is loyalty, how can you become loyal person? How do the people of today compare to the heroes in the stories that we read Beowulf Sir Gawin and the Green Knight and Camelot. When do you know you are a loyal person, is it something that you are born with or do you learn to become loyal? Is loyalty a valuable human characteristic?How does someone become a loyal person? In Sir Gawin he proved to be loyal when he showed up to a challenge that no

  • Metis' Struggle for Self Identification

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    Metis. Some people feel this unique group of people does not deserve any sort of recognition, whereas others believe their unique history and culture is something to be recognized and cherished. The history of the Metis people is filled with struggle; not only struggles against other powers, but also a struggle for self-identification. Despite strong opposition, the Metis people of Canada have matured as a political force and have taken great strides towards being recognized as a unique people. The word

  • Art History

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    Description and Interpretation All five of the archetypal shapes are in my self-portrait. First of all, the outside appearance is that of a square of rectangle. I feel that people who do not know me do not perceive any of the characteristics that the other shapes represent. Stability is the only characteristic represented by the shapes that people perceive of me. Inside my stable world is a circle in the middle of the bottom of the box. Within the circle is a triangle. This represents how spirituality is the

  • Model of Power within Organizations

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    Introduction To explain the statement: 'Power does not flow to unknown people in the organization', I will give an overview of the Model of Power in Organizations according to Mc Shane and Von Glinow, which includes a definition of the meaning of power, the different sources of power, and the contingencies that need to exist before sources of power will translate into actual power. Finally, I will provide a conclusion and recommendation. The Sources and Contingencies of Power in Organizations

  • Overview of Paparazzi

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    When one discovers the phrase "paparazzi," what is their immediate considered? A camera? A flash? My first thoughts are blaring voices, blinding lights, people running to get away, and to put it all in one word, chaos. Paparazzi are freelance photographers that take candid images of celebrities for publication. They are a sinister assembly that are renowned for getting such images by any means possible, if it is by harassment, threatening others, or causing fear. One can see by any celebrities’ reality

  • The Price of Fame: Celebrity's Loss of Anonymity and Privacy

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    maintaining the celebrity’s fame. In attempt to preserve fame and appease society’s ever increasing “need to know”, reality and fantasy are merged, the outcome is the loss of anonymity and privacy to the star. Works Cited Freydkin, Donna. "People - Celebrities Fight for Privacy." 7 July 2004. Web. 18 May 2009. Gameson, Joshua. Claims to Fame: Celebrity in Contemporary America. Berkeley: Univesity of California Press. 1994. Print. Walls, Jeannette. "For Some Celebs, Price

  • How childhood history and culture affects how we live as adults

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    Childhood history has a lot to do with how we live as adults because certain childhood events could trigger something that would last a life time. Take for example if a child fails at something and the parent does nothing to help the child, the child will grow up thinking that failing is alright and that he or she will have a hard time in life with their job or in school or life in general. Many events from a persons’ life can stick with the person throughout their life like a thorn in the side

  • "Who Shot Johnny?": A Portrait of Youth Violence

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    as we continue on no matter how hard it gets. However, there are a multitude of people who tend to think that life is just too hard and that they should be handed everything on a silver platter. Greed and violence begin to factor into their life as they continue in their set ways. They think that the world should revolve around their every need and that life is unbearably hard and unjustly unfair. These are the people who think that rules are meant to be broken and cannot grasp the genuine idea of

  • Dangerous Social Forces

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    Social forces always come along with behaviors, whether they’re good or bad. They create who people are and can even help identify who we are. Those forces can even help with identifying others too. But they can become dangerous and they shape who a person will grow up to be. If they're influenced to do amazing things or horrible things, help others in need or ignore them. Social forces are beyond our control. Nothing can change them. Social forces influence identities and become dangerous. Gender