History of measurement Essays

  • English Metric System

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    The metric system is a system of measurement used to make the processes and fundamentals easier to understand. This system has been around for centuries. It was created by a group of French scientists after the French Revolution. Many countries across the world have accepted the metric system as their basis of measuring. The United States is one of the only countries in the world that does not use the metric system. Although it is true that the English system works, the United States should use the

  • Types Of Mercury Thermometers

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    Thermometers 1) Mercury thermometer History: The mercury-in-glass or mercury thermometer was invented by physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in Amsterdam (1714). How does it work? The main element of a mercury thermometer is a capillary tube. The tube is sealed on both sides of the nutria and she pumped the air. At one end of the tube is a reservoir of mercury. To measure the temperature there is a special scale. Scale deposited on the bar attached to the tube. Scale measurement range from 34 to 42 degrees

  • Nissan VSS-From-Instrument Cluster Investigation

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    with 100KOhm pull-up resistor built in. Modify all in-house stock to include pull-up resistor, and replace all distributer stock with modified units. 57A-02360 fault report Nissan VSS-from-instrument cluster investigation INTRODUCTION AND ISSUE HISTORY Several 250-1856 kits have been returned to Rostra with various failure modes being listed as the reason for the return. The reported malfunctions ranged from: “Cruise doesn’t work right” to Mr. Garret’s issue of unintended and erratic acceleration

  • The Keeping of Time

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    what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.” (Galileo 1-5.) Meaning that anything is meant to be measured, including time. Businesses need certain traits to be successful; the most prominent of these is the keeping of accurate time measurements, which creates organized schedules to construct a prosperous business. (Galileo.) The first occasion time was measured in the most simple of ways goes back all the way to B.C.E. with sun dials. It was only until Galileo decided to measure time

  • Telemedicine Essay

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    blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, xray, ultrasound to verbal or written data collection namely name, history of illness, ancestral history or illness and others. Although the data is recorded and transmitted

  • Nutrition Focused Physical Assessment (NFPA)

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    included in NFPA. The examination may start out broad, or global, and then become more defined and focused based on the patient’s medical and nutrition history. The findings of NFPA alone cannot be used to diagnose malnutrition. It must be supported by evidence of malnutrition that come from components of nutrition assessment such as diet history, intake, weight

  • Quality Measurement

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    Use of Quality Measurements outside of Reimbursement Quality measurements, once collected, need to be used, this a reoccurring theme in the literature. One way the data is used is to help physicians meet standards and regulations and ensure quality care. The American Board of Emergency Medicine has shown great support for the development of quality measure reporting for emergency physicians (ABEM, 2015). In their article discussing the considerations for a registry for EM physicians, they are discussing

  • Body Composition Wellness

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    Bray, Xavier Pi-Sunyer, & Martin (2015), body composition measurements may be helpful for assessing undernourished or overweight patients, and for recognizing patients who do not have an improvement in overall body fat but who have a gain in visceral fat; this recent event is correlated with a considerably increased chance of heart disease and diabetes. The way I incorporate the elements of body composition wellness in the history, systems review and tests and measures as part of my physical

  • Non Falsifiable Theory

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    science, formal science and applied science. Each of them have a different purpose and application. In all of them, to some extent, falsifiable theories are essential in order to learn about the world we live in and to understand each other. Throughout history, scientists have been coming up with new theories. At present, we know which ones have been falsified and which were not or which are yet still unfalsifiable. Considering life science, which include medicine, theories that have been proven to be wrong

  • Measurement Of Short Distance Measurement

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    always tried their own ways of using daily measurements. It was needed and used for daily trade as well as further businesses. These things could only have been made if the people knew they were being fair and honest; hence, the reason that different measurements needed to exist. Many short distance measurements were based on the lengths of the human body. The width of a thumb was used to resemble the inch, which we used today in the English System of Measurements. The foot, which is twelve inches, was

  • A Proposal for Sustainable Development through Microfinance

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    A Proposal for Sustainable Development through Microfinance The following proposal synthesizes from the history of the microfinance industry, particularly its successes and failures, a model for developing a sustainable microfinance initiative. Central to this synthesis is the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities, and characteristics of three well-managed microfinance institutions (“MFIs”): Grameen Bank (“Grameen”), Compartamos, and Friendship Bridge (“Friendship”)

  • The History of Invasive and Interventional Cardiology

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    continued to shape America and its medical practices, moving it towards becoming a much more medically advanced nation. Ranging from the birth of catheterization to the interventional era of development of surgeries, drugs, imaging, and care, the history of invasive and interventional cardiology is a field of modern medicine that has stepped up to another level, transformed the way medicine is utilized, and ultimately, changed the way America has saved lives. Invasive and interventional cardiology

  • Essay On Kalman Filter

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    considered as research problems. In control and communication engineering fields, filtering problems appears when the measurement of the system is not adequate due to the noise appearance or other disturbance. A filtration technique is used to obtain a more valuable information from a non ideal measurement. It can be formulated in sense of Bayesian projection of given set of measurement history, so called filtration, or any other sense of the optimality, like H-infinity norm. One of the most widely known

  • The Metric System

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    most scientific groups and people use the standard unit of measurement; the metric system, there used to be a time when a variety of units of measurement were frequently used throughout the world, some units were also measured using the human body. For example length could be measured in numerous ways such as feet, hands, cubits, palms, rods, furlongs and many more. This creation of multiple varying units created an absence in common measurement standards, leading to a lot of misunderstanding and a significant

  • Clinical dentistry

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    or filled, the DMFT index, is a total score of all affected teeth and provides a caries experience score for an individual. DMF-S: A count of tooth surfaces that are decayed, missing, or filled and provides a greater precision about the caries history of an individual or a population group when mean scores are derived. Gingival Inflammation Index: Provides an assessment of gingival inflammatory status that can be used in practice to compare gingival health before and after dental visits and or

  • Smoking Patterns

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    individuals were divided into manual workers and non-manual workers. The FEV and FVC values were standardized and averaged for the subjects along with their ages. Overall, the FEV and FVC measurements were considerably higher for the men from Bath than those of the men from Caerphilly. Likewise, the FEV and FVC measurements were also higher for non-manual workers compared to those of manual workers. During the survey it was noted that Caerphilly had a much higher percentage of smokers in its region than

  • The Role Of Clothing During The Industrial Revolution

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    Clothing and its means of production have gradually changed throughout the history of mankind; from simple rags made out of the skin of distinct type of animals, to intricate raiments made out of every fabric imaginable accompanied with vivid patterns only the human mind could contrive. Nevertheless, clothing was not always produced and distributed as it is now. It wasn’t before the industrial revolution that clothing was starting to be mass produced in factories, prior to its mass production clothing

  • Barbie Annotated Bibliography

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    Bibliography: Women and Culture: Then and Now Cloer, L. (2009). Barbie Turns 50. Retrieved from http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/society-and-culture/barbie-dolls-barbie-turns-50/13166.aspx (Accessed on 1/17/2015) This website article provides the history of Barbie and her newly inspiring images for young women. Barbie was the new popular doll during World War 2 because she provided something inspiring for young girls and something that mothers felt strong about, independence. Barbie helped with what

  • Aeration Essay

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    2.0 Aeration in Wave Loading Aeration appears to play an important role within the impact process when the wave loading is applied on the structure. Aeration is defined as the process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance. In this case, aeration refers to the mixture of sea water with air bubbles. The existence of the air content within the water has an effect on the temporal variations of pressure caused by waves breaking on structures (Biackmore &

  • Cervoin And Pervin Summary

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    this chapter was the data of personality psychology because they discuss the four different types of data categories. Those categories are L-data, O-data, T-data, and S-data. L-data, life record, is data from life history or events of an individual that are recorded such as medical history or a college transcript. O-data, observation data, is data from observations of an individual from important people in their life such as parents or friends. T-data, test data, is data from experiments on peoples