Haplorrhini Essays

  • Opposable Thumb Essay

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    1956 Grips and Opposable Thumbs There are multiple ways to classify and identify a primate versus a non-primate. One attribute would to look at the anatomy of the primate’s hand and to identify an opposable thumb. The discovery of opposable thumbs found in primates is stated as, “… opposable thumb on either hand, the tip of the thumb can touch the tips of the other four fingers” (Larson 2017, pg 138). Due to having an opposable thumb, it has allowed two unique grips to develop for primates. John

  • Sara Gruen's Ape House

    2048 Words  | 5 Pages

    Ape house by Sara Gruen is a unique book that incorporates humor with fictional events, based on real research. Originally published in 2010, Ape house is “a tale that’s full of heart, hope, and compelling questions about who we really are” (Redbook). Apes capable of communication don’t fail to entertain. When the bonobo apes are in danger, two very different characters unite to save them. Isabel Duncan has always had a deeper connection to her bonobo family, a group of apes that can understand

  • Golden Lion Tamarin

    1273 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reserve, and Traquara Municipal National Park. All three work towards protecting and helping rebuild the Golden Lion Tamarin species before they become extinct. The taxonomy of the Golden Lion Tamarin is as follows, the Order: Primate, Suborder: Haplorrhini, Infraorder: Simifformes. Family: Cebidae, Subfamily: Callitrichinae, Genus: Leontopitchinae. Finally, Species: Leontopithecus Rosalia or commonly called the Golden Lion Tamarin. Other local names in South America consist of: “Mico-Leão-Dourado”

  • Saimiri: Squirrel Monkeys

    1456 Words  | 3 Pages

    eyes. This feature is referred to as Roman type; the arch of other squirrel monkey species is Gothic type, meaning their arch is more pointed and dramatic (Zimbler-DeLorenzo and Stone, 2011). Taxonomic Classification Order Primates Semiorder Haplorrhini Suborder Anthropoidea Infraorder Platyrrhini Superfamily Ceboidea Family Cebidea Subfamily Cebinea Genus Saimiri (Fleagle, 2013)