Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Essays

  • Archbishop Iakovos

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    the lectern to offer his tribute to the fallen heroes as the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of North and South America. He said, “I came to this memorial service because I believe this is an appropriate occasion not only to dedicate myself as well as our Greek Orthodox co... ... middle of paper ... ...dox Press, 1983. Limber, T. Peter. “The Iakovian Era.” In Stephanopoulos, Iakovos: The Making of an Archbishop, 72-87. Moskos, Charles C. Greek Americans: Struggle and Success. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction

  • Greek Immigration Seaphim Canoutas

    1832 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to one Greek writer, the first Greek immigrant in the Americas was Christopher Columbus. Seraphim Canoutas spent many years researching his claim that while Columbus may have lived in Italy at the time of his departure for his explorations, he may have been a member of a high ranking Greek family that had gone to Italy from Byzantium (Moskos and Moskos 7). Regardless of the legitimacy of this claim, the first Greek experience in the United States certainly dates to before the time of the

  • The Lives of Greek-Americans

    1125 Words  | 3 Pages

    In this paper I am going to write about Greek Americans. My paper will include detail about Greek Americans such as residence and housing, date and place of origin, economic activities, education, kinship, traditions and religion as well as their future in the United States. The Greeks came to America in different times and over a number of decades. There are five periods, which encompass the historical development of the Greek population in America. The first period cover the Years 1528 to 1821

  • Religion And Religion

    3310 Words  | 7 Pages

    your side no matter the circumstance. This may be true in any religio-cultural institution, but I can only speak for my own. I know that no matter what Greek Orthodox Church I walk into, in any part of the world, I will understand, I will know the service, the expectations and above all, I will be welcomed with open arms simply because I am Greek. . This feeling of inclusion, of belonging to something beyond just you, to something that transcends time and socio-economic realities incorporating tiny

  • A Lifelong Calling into the Orthodox Christian Church

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Orthodox Christian Church holds true to the teachings of Christ as given by Him to His apostles. The Orthodox Christian Church is universal and Orthodox Christians have a faith and doctrine of Jesus Christ Our Lord as Head of the Church. To date, the Orthodox Church teachings promote the central role of youth and children in the mission of the church. Being an Orthodox Christian is a lifelong calling to whoever is baptized and chrismated in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

  • Eastern Orthodox Church

    1514 Words  | 4 Pages

    Eastern Orthodox Church Behind the elaborate fresco paintings and splendid architecture, Eastern Orthodox Church has played a significant role in the preservation of Christian tradition throughout history. Since the transfer of the imperial capitol of the Roman Empire from Rome to Constantinople, the Eastern Orthodox Christianity has evolved into a distinct branch of Christianity (Steeves). As Timothy Ware, the author of The Orthodox Church, suggests, major intellectual, cultural, and social developments

  • Saint Barbara's Life

    970 Words  | 2 Pages

    always be huge a part of our tradition and an interesting story to pass on to younger generations of service members. Works Cited Martyr of the Lord." Coptic Church. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. . "Barbara the Great Matyr." Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. . United States Field Artillery Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2011. . Macri, Giancarlo. Telephone interview. 18 Oct. 2011.