Great Lakes Storm of 1913 Essays

  • The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

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    sinking is one of them. At the time it was launched in 1958, the 729-foot long, 75-foot wide freighter was the largest ship to ply the Great Lakes. Although, on November 9, 1975 the ship embarked upon what would become its final voyage. She was carrying 26,000 tons of iron ore pellets and bound for Detroit, and though the day was bright, in her path laid great turbulence. On November 10, at 1:00am, the first signs of trouble appeared, and prevailed into the afternoon. As the waves built, luck

  • White Hurricane: The Great Storm

    2517 Words  | 6 Pages

    gales are a curse on the Great Lakes. In 1835, a storm was said to have "swept the lakes clear of sail." Lake Erie was blasted by 60 mph winds on November 22 and 23, 1874. On Nov. 25, 1905 a November gale sank or stranded more than 16 ships. On Nov 11, 1940 (Armistice Day Storm) a storm wrecked 12 vessels. The giant bulk carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank during a November gale in 1975. The Great Lakes have nearly 5,000 recorded shipwrecks, beginning with Le Griffin in 1679 on Lake Michigan. In November

  • Owens Valley Tragedy

    1971 Words  | 4 Pages

    because they involve the removal of resources of an area in which other inhabitants are dependent upon. A great example of this regrettable indirect expansion is the loss of the rich habitat of the area known as Owens Valley. Owens Valley History Owens Valley lies to the east of the Sierra Nevada mountain and west of the White-Inyo mountain ranges, just to the west of the U.S.’s Great Basin. Early settlers to this area, as all other immediate surrounding area’s originally, were Indians, one

  • The Edmund Fitzgerald

    1669 Words  | 4 Pages

    Since commercial shipping began on the five Great Lakes, there have Been six thousand shipwrecks. Half have never been found. There are three storms The sailors still talk about: The great storm of 1913 claimed 250 lives and 12 ships. The storm of 1940 claimed 100 lives and two ships. The storm of 1975 claimed only one ship and 29 lives. The wreck of 1975 remains the most mysterious and controversial of all shipwreck tales heard around the Great Lakes. The legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald is surpassed

  • History and Geography of the Great Lakes

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    There is no denying the presences of the Great Lakes, not only are they unavoidable, but they have also been a major player in the growing of civilization in North America and Canada. A person would have to live under a rock, no pun intended, to not know about these phenomenons. Most would ask from where did these Great Lakes come? How did they form? How are they beneficial? What are some of the Great Lakes here? A Great Lake is an extremely large inland freshwater sea, which is amazing since we

  • The Architectural Design and Significance of The New Art Gallery of Ontario

    883 Words  | 2 Pages

    just a British scene which thereafter spread and became international. Architecture has then taken great revolution from time to time. There are several Current Trends in Architectural Designs which have taken place since its launch (Anderson, 2011). Architecture is dependent on current trends. It was comparable with any other form of art, whether it is music, fashion design or painting. There is great demand for the incorporation of the latest and greatest advances in architectural design into the

  • Water Pipes

    1481 Words  | 3 Pages

    The History of Water Pipes The earliest known evidence of a pipe being used for plumbing was found in Mesopotamia it is estimated to have been made around 3000 BC. The pipes were made from clay mixed with short lengths of straw. This was the first type of pipe to be used to transport water from different places. Both brass and copper pipes have been found in Egypt believed to have been constructed close to 2500 BC. The Romans used lead pipes, extensive use of lead pipe by joining sheets of lead into

  • Human Interactions with Nature in the Rocky Mountain States

    2835 Words  | 6 Pages

    Human Interactions with Nature in the Rocky Mountain States Human interaction with the Rocky Mountain States has shifted tremendously since the beginning of recorded history. These changes can be broken down into three phases. The first phase would be the communal posture held by Native Americans. This period of time ran from the Spanish colonization in the 16th century until the era of the mountain man. With the establishment of the United States a new period of exploration for exploitation

  • life during wartime

    7072 Words  | 15 Pages

    There’s nothing I can say about the parade of still pictures, the faces on the television – except, perhaps, that they all seemed to share a fierce pride in their eyes, photographed for the first time in their Marine Dress Blues. Surely their families are proud of them. I certainly am, and I never got to know any of them. And now, I never will. Names scroll in little yellow letters across the bottom of our glowing screens: Sergeants, and Captains, and Privates. These men have died for us. More will