Great Blue Hole Essays

  • Sinkholes Case Study

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    In Central Florida, sinkholes are a growing crisis. The causes of these sinkholes are numerous, but one of the main causes is because of Florida’s karst topography. According to the Oxford Dictionary, karst topography is “Landscape underlain by limestone that has been eroded by dissolution, producing ridges, towers, fissures, sinkholes, and other characteristic landforms.” Although sinkholes form unexpectedly without much warning, there are ways to prevent harm to people in Florida. Some ways to

  • Who Is Sarah Orne Jewett's A White Heron

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    last of its generation. She believed climbing this great pine-tree will help her locate the white heron and please the hunter’s desire of finding the rare bird. Sylvia’s journey up the tree is significant in Sarah Orne Jewett’s story “A White Heron” because it shows that she is generous, one with nature, and the reader gets to understand Sylvia’s point of view. Her desire to satisfy both her grandmother and the hunter led her to climb the great pine-tree, which is a dangerous task for a girl her

  • A White Heron Analytical Essay

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    In Sarah Orne Jewett’s A White Heron, Jewett uses the main character Sylvia’s innocent, and considerably naive, point of view to defend the intangible power of beauty against the young bird hunter, who symbolizes the abuse of power through the destruction of the beauty in nature. The first indication the reader receives that Sylvia is represented as a savior of the beauty in nature is through her connectedness with nature in the beginning of the story. There are several points in which Jewett is

  • An Analysis Of Sarah Orne Jewett's The White Heron

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    repercussions from the Native Americans. The ornithologist did the same and killed many birds that were considered without truly understanding that many of the birds played an important part in the environment, as well as being very beautiful and certainly a great sight to see. He did not care

  • Blue Heron

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    In Cold Mountain and "A Poem for the Blue Heron", tone is established in a multitude of ways. These two pieces of literature describe the characteristics and actions of a blue heron, both aiming for the same goal. However, Charles Frazier and Mary Oliver approach their slightly differing tones employing organization, metaphoric language, and diction. Organization is a key element in Frazier's and Oliver's work, as it works directly to set the tone, as well as acting as a symbol of nature. Charles

  • Symbolism In The White Heron

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    Sylvia material goods to her just to tell him where the ‘White heron’ was hiding, she decided not to take any chances to tell him. The reason for her action I believe is that she wanted to length the birds freedom even though she maybe had given up a great opportunity of marrying a ‘young tall boy’ and also profit material goods. From Sylvia’s actions we can see that not always money is important in our lives, but sometimes it’s more important the happiness of others. She decided to give the freedom

  • Analysis Of Sarah Orne Jewett's 'A White Heron'

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    quest to find a bird , a heron , but not a black heron nor a gray heron ; he instead is specifically on a search for a white heron . The author explicitly focuses on a white heron as it is even the title for this short stories , but why ? What is so great about the color white ? The color white is ideally paired with what is clean , what is good , what is pure . Here the color white is Sylvia 's purity to stay true to herself and the heron is the rarity in finding a girl that is just entering the elusive

  • Sylvia's Journey In A White Heron By Sarah Orne Jewett

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    reports as "The Twelve Stages of the Hero's Journey". She will leave what had become her usual world to enter an extraordinary one full of wonders but also scary, to wind up again in her ordinary world but as a changed person. Sylvia’s voyage is one of great importance as it will change her character forever. Sylvia starts her journey in a normal place, “the woods (…) one June evening”; she is “a little girl” with “her cow”, at home in “a beautiful place” and happy in that rural

  • Analysis Of Sarah Orne Jewett's A White Heron

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    Sylvia’s past. For example, Sylvia’s grandmother, Mrs. Tilley, explains that Sylvia had grown up in a “crowded manufacturing town” (1.2) and that Sylvia was “Afraid of folks” (1.2). This perspective provides context as to why Sylvia possesses such a great affinity and appreciation for nature and the countryside. Likewise, because Mrs. Tilley’s perspective highlights Sylvia’s discomfort and anxiety in the metropolitan setting, pathos is used to make the

  • A White Heron Anylytical Essay

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    In 1886, author Sarah Orne Jewett wrote a short story “A White Heron.” The premise of the story revolves around a young girl, Sylvia, who is uprooted from her home in the city and taken by her grandmother, Mrs. Tilley, to live out in the middle of a forested, country culture. Sylvia, a nine year old girl, is quiet and shy but goes about business of caring for the family cow where life was so different from the “crowded, manufacturing town”(p.1598) she came from. For the first time in her short life

  • A White Heron, By Sarah Orne Jewett

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    In this life, she is seen as one of the animals herself. “Alas, if the great wave of human interest which flooded for the first time this dull little life should sweep away the satisfactions of an existence heart to heart with nature and the dumb life of the forest!” (pg. 181). She climbs and soars up a pine tree and discovers

  • Individualism In Sarah Orne Jewett's 'A White Heron'

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    Another short story that depicts individualism as a main theme is Sarah Orne Jewett’s, “A White Heron” (1886). Conceptualizes the main protagonist, Sylvia, perspective of nature vs humanity as a mystical sanctuary. She changes throughout the story because of her experience coming face to face with the heron bird, and meeting the hunter. Her relationship with nature is one that is very passionate, and unique. She believes nature holds standards for boundless treasures. Sharing a special bond with

  • Solitude In A White Heron

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    Throughout the late 19th century following the Industrial Revolution, society became focused on urban life and began to neglect the importance of rural society and nature. In “A White Heron” Sarah Orne Jewett, through Sylvia’s decision to protect the heron, contemplates the importance of nature and rural society. In particular, Jewett employs the cow grazing scene to show the importance of and solitude that Sylvia finds in rural life. When the hunter appears and Sylvia accompanies him on his journey

  • White Heron Character Analysis: A White Heron

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    Dylan Wyatt Period: 5 8 April 2014 A White Heron Character Analyzation Essay Life-altering decisions are often difficult to make and the long term consequences are rarely seen. For Sylvia, she had to make a difficult choice early in life. This particular choice could make her family richer but at the cost of a beautiful white heron seen by only a select few. In the end, Sylvia must decide between her personal happiness or to preserve the nature around her instead. To better understand why this decision

  • A White Heron Literary Analysis

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    What would you do if yo were faced with a situation that would either benefit yourself or change the fate of something else. Sylvia is faced with a situation that determines the fate of a white heron in Sarah Orne Jewett’s “A White Heron”. When Sylvia walks outside, she meets a hunter/ornithologist that wants to capture a white heron. When the hunter offers ten dollars to anyone who helps him find the bird, Sylvia struggles to decide to tell him about her findings of the bird. A symbol is “an object

  • Sarah Orne Jewett's The White Heron

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    bravely climbs, the primordial pine that stands like a guardian of the forest. She believes that scaling this ancient landmark wil be rewarded in a vision of the world, the ocean, and ultimately a revelation - the nest. “It was almost too real and too great for the childish heart to bear.” (nineteenth paragraph) Sylvia returns from this quest exhausted, bedraggled, and baptized in pine sap. When grilled by her grandmother and the young man, she is mute. She is unable to accept opportunity, recalling

  • Research Paper On A White Heron

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    corruption that breaks Sylvia's innocence and leads Sylvia to a new experience in her life. The great pine tree enhances Sylvia's courage by making her a better person, while also posing as a guardian for the white heron and an obstacle for Sylvia. The white heron provides a light for Sylvia of her connection with nature. The white heron provides a sense of freedom in Sylvia's mind. The benefit of the hunter, the great pine tree, and the white heron all coincide to help Sylvia find a new outlook on her life

  • Transcendentalism In The Story Of A White Heron By Sarah Orne Jewett

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    We know that everyone in this world is a unique person and our thoughts and desires are so diverse that it makes each of our lives unique. However, we are not always permitted to do as we please because we live in a society with rules. Often we have to give up from our desires in order to adapt with society that surrounds us. Those rules are more often found in urban cities than villages where nature has more power. This presents an era called Transcendentalism, which is easily found in the story

  • A White Heron

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    ‘‘A White Heron’’ begins on a June evening near the Maine coast. As the sun sets, nine-year-old Sylvia drives home a cow. This girl has no other friends and really likes these walks with the cow. However, this certain night it has taken her an unusually long time to find the cow and she hopes Mrs. Tilley, her grandmother, will not worry about her. But her grandmother knows that she likes to wander about in the woods so she will not worry. The little girl comes across a stranger in the woods this

  • Asexuality In A White Heron By Sarah Orne Jewett

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    Often times, a seemingly simple story can convey complex themes. In her short story “A White Heron,” Sarah Orne Jewett is able to dive into the sexuality of her main character Sylvia. Though seemingly innocent on the surface, the reader might interpret the hunt for the elusive white heron as Sylvia’s discovery of herself and her sexuality. Though sexuality may seem like a mature topic for such a young character, it is irresponsible to completely ignore it. Especially in a story with innuendos that