Glinda Essays

  • How Did Glinda Become A Wicked Witch

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    Once upon a time, there were four sisters. Glinda, but you may know her as the Good Witch of the South, Elphaba, or the Wicked Witch of the West, Nessarose, or the Wicked Witch of the East, and Locasta, or the Good Witch of the North. Out of all the sisters, Glinda and Locasta were the favorites. Their mother gave them all the attention, and gifts. There was never anything left for poor Elphaba and Nessarose. Besides being the favorites, Glinda and Locasta also inherited the good looks, brains and

  • Wicked: The Real Elphaba

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    In Gregory Maguire's novel, Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West happen before the novel by L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In Baum’s novel of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, portrays the role of the Wicked Witch of the West being wicked. We have no background or personal preference to understand her life of the Wicked Witch of the West (as known as Elphaba). But in Maguire’s novel, Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, shows how Elphaba traits of

  • Glinda The Good Witch Research Paper

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    Glinda the Good Witch directs Dorothy to the yellow brick road, explaining that it will lead her to the one person who can get her back home to Kansas. Her journey begins amidst cheers and song, as she skips down the Yellow Brick Road she could not see or possibly anticipate all the test and trails that will be encountered along the way…and it did not take long for the Wicked Witch of the West to rear her ugly green face! As an IT manager It has probably already been beaten into you that you must

  • Examples Of Archetypes In The Odyssey

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    to be able to return to Kansas. Glinda becomes the Earth Mother to Dorothy by guiding her along the yellow brick road and protecting her from the Wicked Witch of the West. Glinda says to Dorothy, “Never let those ruby slippers off those feet for a moment… all you do is follow the yellow brick road.” Dorothy is to “never let those ruby slippers off those feet” because the Wicked Witch is trying to take the shoes for herself to acquire the magic from the shoes. Glinda tells Dorothy this to protect her

  • Elphaba And Galinda Act 1

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    Upon learning that Elphaba has been granted an audience with the Wizard in the Emerald City, she invites Glinda along and the two enjoy some quality time with one another. But during her audience with the Wizard, she learns that the Wizard is the one who is causing the Animals to lose their powers. Elphaba then steals the Grimmerie (an ancient, powerful book of spells) and runs away with Glinda. Knowing that they are being pursued, the friends are forced to make a choice: stand firm for their cause

  • Wicked: Broadway Musical

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    the differences in set décor, change my perception of the characters in the story. The musical begins with the celebration, by the Ozians, that Elphaba is dead. Glinda soon arrives, and is accused of being friends with Elphaba, to which she admits that she was. The scene then flashes back in time and tells the story of Elphaba and Glinda. It explains how Elphaba’s mother cheated on her father with a mysterious man and his bottle of “green elixir.”

  • What Does The Color Symbolize In The Wizard Of Oz

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    the novel. Glinda the good witch is symbolized as the United States.The land of Oz is divided into colors and regions. There is a symbolic representation of money used the the novel. Dorthory's home in Kanas is symbolic by the color grey symboling oldness. The colors of the wicked witches are also symbolic. Color is used in the novel to symbolize different things. First, in the start of the novel Glinda, who is a good witch, is represented in the colors of the U.S. flag. Glinda has rich

  • Analysis Of Wicked By Wicked

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    Wicked Evaluation Wicked starts at the end of the story, where all the Munchkins are celebrating the death of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba. During these celebrations, Glinda, the Good Witch, floats out, and soon reveals that she and Elphaba were former friends. She, then launches into Elphaba’s backstory, which includes how and why she had green skin and the fact that she had a sister. The two wind up at the same school. After being assigned as Glinda’s roommate, Elphaba becomes so angry

  • Analysis Of The Musical Wicked

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    Defying Gravity, and its song with Elphaba and her friend Glinda. Elphaba and Glinda hated each other in the beginning of the musical and come together as friends. In the song before we find out that the wizard of Oz isn’t really a heroic figure, Elphaba becomes furious and plans to fight the wizard and stop him in his plans to attack the animals of Oz, and with this information she tries to get Glinda to help her bring him down, but Glinda refuses, and when she tries to talk her out of it Elphaba

  • What Is The Silver Shoes In The Wizard Of Oz

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    shoes represent something different. The slippers in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz held a lot of power, but Dorothy didn’t take that into consideration because all she kept thinking about was how to get home. She thought Glinda, was her only hope to get home, so she goes and tells Glinda

  • The Zen Of Oz

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    Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, a Zen master? The Tin Man an enlightenment seeker? “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” a mantra? Joey Green’s, The Zen of Oz, is a witty, whimsical, and surprisingly insightful introduction to Eastern Philosophy via one of the world’s most beloved movies. It delivers universal truths in a charming, non-preachy, fashion allowing you to explore Dorothy’s yellow brick road, as well as your own. Along the way, you will discover original song lyrics, your favorite dialogue

  • Lost Princess Of Oz Figurative Language Essay

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    but complicated travels you could want. The author L. Frank Baum has written over five books for the series. He was born May 19, 1856. His wife is Maud Gage Baum married 1882-1919. He had three kids and he died in 1919. The books that I read are Glinda of Oz and The Lost Princess of Oz is about a mysterious series of disappearances of all the magical things the people have. The author's style is personification because he uses happy characters in a magical land and has things that don't usually

  • Wizard Of Oz Symbolism Essay

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    dress, and blue eyes. This is symbolizing America’s power in the world. Glinda has a lot of powerful in the land of Oz. She helps the ones who are in need and are to “low on the totem pole”to help themselves. America is just like this. They help other countries by lending them money after a natural disaster. Also, having refugees sent over to america to give them a better life, or just people in danger who need to be safe. Glinda helped keep the munchkins out of reach of the evil witch's powers. She

  • Commentary on the Play "Wicked"

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    would highly recommend seeing this phenomenal production to all ages! Wicked is the story of the two witches of Oz. Elphaba is looked upon as the “wicked” witch and Glinda is looked upon as the “good” witch. Elphaba was born with green skin and is a smart, strong-willed, and misunderstood girl. Meanwhile, her college roommate Glinda is beautiful, ambitious, and loved by all. Elphaba has extremely low self-esteem because everyone looks at her in a negative way. She thinks she isn’t special or important

  • Role Of Hero's Quest In The Wizard Of Oz

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    The Hero’s Quest is a pattern seen through movies, books, art, and mythology; it is also known as monomyth or hero’s journey since the hero’s quest is a theory, not all the components are evident in every film. The theory includes ordinary world, call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting the mentor, crossing the threshold, the test, allies and enemies, approach, death and rebirth, reward, road back, and resurrection. The Wizard of Oz has the majority of these categories. The archetypal roles

  • Wicked, by Gregory Maguire

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    either a women or men can own. The Ozian society sees women as feminine beings and men as masculine figures. For example, the Land of Oz considers Glinda, Elphaba’s best friend, as the ideal feminine women in Ozian society because of “her perfect and brilliantly red lips and her green traveling gown” (Maguire 69). In Wicked, Ozian society sees Glinda as ... ... middle of paper ... ...imply sees her as the wicked witch of the west, who harms and kills people. Ozian society’s failure to misjudge

  • Wicked: The Untold Story Of The Witches Of Oz

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    Solaire. The roles of Elphaba and Fiyero were performed by the respective understudies last February 11, 2017 during the show at 8:00 pm. The story revolves around two witches with opposing personalities, Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of the West), and Glinda (formerly Galinda, The

  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

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    black and white, and Technicolor. This movie was an all-American classic. It was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture in 1939. In the movie the Land of Oz is a dream that Dorothy is having. Dorothy only comes across two witches, Glinda, the good Witch of the North and the wicked Witch of the West. The wicked Witch of the West is the main villain and is constantly out to get Dorothy and her dog throughout her time in Oz. In the movie Dorothy wears ruby shoes. Dorothy, the Tin Man

  • Wizard Of Oz Comparison

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    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s novel that was published in 1900 and written by L. Frank Baum and because of its great success, it lead to the creation of the Oz series of thirteen additional books. Over the years, thousands of adaptations have been made of Baum’s novel. The most successful adaptation is The Wizard of Oz (1939) directed by Victor Fleming and produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). The film and the novel are both very similar, however there are many differences pertaining

  • Cultural Report: Wicked

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    the untold stories of The Wizard of Oz’s most infamous characters, the Wicked Witch of the West and her unlikely friend, Glinda the Good. The show follows green-skinned star Elphaba from birth to college and through the events which eventually