Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize Essays

  • Seamus Heaney's Portrayal of Pain and Suffering

    1083 Words  | 3 Pages

    lead to his poetry being sent to England for publishing in 1964. The following year, Heaney became married to Marie Delvin, who gave him his first son Michael. Later, in 1965, 'Faber and Faber' published "Death of a Naturalist" which earned Heaney such awards as the E.C Gregory Award and the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize! Mid-Term Break " I sat all morning in the college sick bay". My first impressions of this poem was that it was somehow related to a school atmosphere. In seven brief stanzas

  • British Poetry

    4054 Words  | 9 Pages

    Knowledge of contemporary British poetry is of great importance when it comes to understanding the reigning trends of England. The 1970s saw a fair amount of polemic concerning the discontinuities of the national "traditions," most of it concerned with poetry, all of it vulnerable to a blunt totalizing which demonstrated the triumphant ability of "nation" to organize literary study and judgment--as it does still, perhaps more than ever. It remains the case twenty years later that there is a strong