Femslash Essays

  • A Speculation on Why Female Fans Read Slash Fanfiction (and Enjoy It)

    1078 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fanfiction is fiction literature about a medium such as a TV show, movie, or book, written by fans of the medium. It generally consists of many different genres and locations, but uses characters specific to the medium chosen. One of the most prominent parts of fanfiction culture is shipping or more specifically slash shipping. Shipping is the act of supporting two or more characters, personalities, or real people in a romantic relation-“ship” regardless of whether the relationship exists in real

  • Re-Imagining For Representation: Fanfiction And Queer Youth

    1674 Words  | 4 Pages

    Re-Imagining for Representation: Fanfiction and Queer Youth The medium in which a story is told often tells a deeper story. In terms of pop culture, modern media is still targeted to a predominantly heterosexual audience. Consequently, queer characters are under-represented, represented poorly, and often killed. The message within the medium is that to exist as queer is to exist as deviance and to result in death. However, queer audiences are not mindless consumers of these products. One empowering