Female Identity Essays

  • Anne Brandstreet and Female Identity

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    There are not many “major” female writers in American Literature, and writing, traditionally, has always been viewed as a masculine activity. It is therefore very interesting, and even ironic, that the first author published in the newly established Puritan society on the American soil, Anne Bradstreet, was a female. Indeed, Bradstreet's poems are filled with female presence. However, I also sense that Bradstreet’s feminism is held in check by her Puritan values, and there is a conflict created throughout

  • Impact Of Identity On Female Sexuality

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    Defined identities impact female sexuality Nowadays, more people trend to care about and working on social justice, women’s rights, as one of the topics, draws people’s attention. The society and female-selves have changed their opinion of what do being women means in 21st century. Therefore, nowadays twenty-something girls starts to behave differently from early generation. One of the behaviors become ambiguous, that is female sexuality. In “Selections from Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and

  • Carol Ann Duffy's Revision of Masculinist Representations of Female Identity

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    Carol Ann Duffy's Revision of Masculinist Representations of Female Identity Carol Ann Duffy is one of the freshest and bravest talents to emerge in British poetry —any poetry — for years', writes Eavan Boland (Duffy, 1994, cover). This courage is manifest in Duffy’s ability and desire to revise masculinist representations of female identity and her engagement with feminine discourse, a concept which, as Sara Mills points out: has moved away from viewing women as simply an oppressed group, as

  • The Importance Of Female Identity In Trifles By Susan Glaspell

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    his wife (Minnie Foster), who is placed in jail and does not appear on the scene. Instead two female characters, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, become the voice for Mrs. Wright throughout the play. A division is displayed amongst the genders within this play, and the setting and character roles are used to point it out. “Trifles,” by Glaspell uses irony and symbolism to uncover the importance of female identity versus

  • Identity and Its Impact on Female Sexuality in the 21st Century

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    attention. The society and female-selves have rethought the meaning of being women in the 21st century. Therefore, nowadays twenty-something girls start to behave differently from early generation. One of the behaviors becomes ambiguous, which is female sexuality. In “Selections from Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom”, Leslie Bell argues that neither contradictory directing nor expectation from others is the main reason that causes female sexuality. She sets up this

  • Toni Morrison's Sula - Female Struggle for Identity

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    The Female Struggle for Identity in Sula The novel Sula by Toni Morrison exemplifies the new feminist literature described by Helene Cixous in "The Laugh of the Medusa" because of the final portrayal of the two main characters Nel and Sula.  However, it is clear throughout the novel that both Cixous's and Gilbert and Gubar's descriptions of women characters are evident within this novel.  The traditional submissive woman figure paradoxically is set against the new woman throughout the novel

  • Cultural Influence on Gender Identities: Female Genital Mutilation

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    Gender identities and gender relations are determined by the culture of a society. Culture makes gender roles meet certain inescapable beliefs, assumptions, expectations, and obligations. Gender politics camouflaged by cultural norms and governed by patriarchal interests and manifested in cultural practices like female genital mutilation, make the life of women difficult and burdensome. Alice Walker’s fifth novel Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) discusses a tabooed cultural practice called

  • Comparing Female Identity in To The Lighthouse, Heat of the Day and Under the Net

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    Female Identity in Virginia Woolf’s, To The Lighthouse, Elizabeth Bowen’s, Heat of the Day and Iris Murdoch’s, Under the Net After reading Virginia Woolf’s, “To The Lighthouse”, readers are left with the disturbing reality of the role of a woman during this time period.  The characters of Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe portray these demeaning roles.   However, instead of completely giving in to the domination of men, they are starting the woman’s movement of resistance in the period of the beginning

  • Female Identity in Japan

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    traditional gender roles and female identity within contemporary Japanese Culture? The face of unfamiliar and irrelevant representations is it difficult to assert as sense of identity. Although this is a concern of female assertion of identity and position in many different cultures, including western cultures like the United States. The essential issue that is wished to be resolved within these findings is whether cultural imperialism is the disabling factor of the female identity within Japanese society

  • Social Identity Of Female Athletes

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    and clothing have a significant role in the construction and expressivity of one’s social identity. Fashion and clothing gives the self a sense of distinctiveness and a reflection of one’s identity, as an extension of self-expressivity and self-definition. For a female athlete, their identities are consistently being challenged by their dual disposition and situation in the larger society (cite). These female athletes battled between the thin lines of athleticism and femininity which have rendered

  • Treatment of Women in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road

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    women and their feelings or actions are either referred to flippantly or blatantly degraded. It can be said, however, that Sal (Kerouac) did not necessarily agree with this narrow female identity, and there is evidence to support this claim. The novel also shows though that Sal did participate in this male forced female stereotyping whether he wanted to or not. This is not to say that Sal (Kerouac) is necessarily malicious in his treatment of women but more possibly he is merely acting in accordance

  • William Farrell’s Men as Success Objects

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    William Farrell’s “Men as Success Objects” Identity is a subject commonly discussed within literature. In William Farrell’s essay entitled “Men as Success Objects” this subject is the object of much scrutiny. Farrell analyzes the role of gender in today’s society and states that male identity is in a condition where male insecurities about success, their appearance, and females have left most men in today’s society in dire straights. Compounded by prevailing ultra-feminist ideals, society has

  • Female Identity In Vampire Literature

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    Female identity from time immemorial is linked to the men in a woman’s life. Till her marriage her identity remains to be her fathers and after getting married she is identified as her husband’s. This is the reason why women change their surname to her husband’s after marriage. Even the Indian ancient text like the Manusmriti holds the view that Girls are supposed to be in the protection of their father when they are children, women must be under the protection of their husband when married and under

  • The Search for Language in The Awakening

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    break away from the male-dominated society to find an identity of her own.  Edna Pontellier is trying to find herself when only two personas are available to her: the ‘true woman,’ the classic wife and mother, or the ‘new woman,’ the radical women demanding equality with men.  Patricia S. Yaeger, in her essay “‘A Language Which Nobody Understood’: Emancipatory Strategies in The Awakening,” argues that what Edna is really searching for is a female language of her own.  Edna is prevented from finding

  • The Role Of Female Identity And Roles In Victorian Society

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    During the early 1900s, in the years linking the Victorian and post-World War I eras, female identity and role was drastically shifted and altered by vocal suffragettes. Fighting for women’s rights, these radical women were seen as “naughty children, excited ladies, misguided ladies, wild women, howling fanatics, shrieking sisterhood, masculine women and viragoes” (Carstens, 63). Suffragettes voiced the right for female vote, education, as well as marriage, and encouraged them to take part in masculine

  • Identity of Women in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road

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    The Identity of Women in On The Road The women in Jack Kerouac's work, On The Road, are portrayed as superficial and shallow, while the men display depth in character. Women are stereotyped as falling into one of three categories; virginal, maternal or promiscuous, and, throughout the novel, are referred to in a facetious, derogatory manner. ‘Sal’, the protagonist, expresses sexist attitudes, which are a result of both his upbringing and societal attitudes of the time. Although the novel does

  • Marriage And Female Identity In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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    Vogue on December 6, 1894. This short story describes a woman’s reaction to the news of her husband’s sudden death then following news that he is, in fact alive. The story demonstrates Kate Chopin’s beliefs regarding women’s roles in marriage and female identity. The events in the story play out in about an hour’s time, which justifies the story’s title. Chopin is making a justification about life and how it can be drastically changed in an instant, in this case in an hour. Mrs. Mallard’s life was entirely

  • The Death of Louise Mallard and Female Identity in The Story of an Hour

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    of this story where she explores female identity in a patriarchal society. For women of her time, marriage could be likened to prison where only death could set their “body and soul free” (Chopin 237). Considering the status of women in the late nineteenth century, Louise Mallard is a sympathetic character; she represents the oppression of women and the futility of asserting female identity in a patriarchal society. Kate Chopin’s works explore female identity in a patriarchal society and place

  • Wieland: The Significance Of Female Identity Within Gothic Literature

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    The Significance of Female Identity within Gothic Literature through Clara, Catherine and Judith In Charles Brocken Browns novel Wieland, he presents us with two obvious themes in his novel Wieland, one being gender and the other gothic and when reading, one can identify with female identity when reading it through a gothic lens because of how many perspectives Brown offers the reader to see through. Brown presents women in a way that often changes the reader’s perception of the women characters

  • Identity of Women in Shelley's Frankenstein, Bronte's Jane Eyre, and Eliot's The Mill on the Floss

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    Identity of Women in Shelley's Frankenstein, Bronte's Jane Eyre, and Eliot's The Mill on the Floss George Eliot is quoted as stating: "A woman's hopes are woven of sunbeams; a shadow annihilates them" (Miner 473). To extend this notion, Jean Giraudoux in Tiger at the Gates, states "I have been a woman for fifty years, and I've never been able to discover precisely what it is I am" (474). These two statements are related to each other because they express, in large part, the dilemma facing Mary