Fascination Essays

  • Our Fascination, Hopes, and Fears.

    6874 Words  | 14 Pages

    Our Fascination, Hopes, and Fears. Introduction: What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. [1] What does it mean to say that a machine might be intelligent? This is the goal of the field of AI, yet it is not an easy goal to define. AI researchers express their goals differently, but they all share an interest in creating, through the hardware

  • Personal Narrative Essay

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    entails is standing in a graveyard late at night with a camera, flashlight, and tape recorder. Certainly not the makings of a typical Saturday evening, but it gives me a rush of excitement I’ve found unattainable anywhere else. My fascination with ghosts goes back as far as I remember. Scooby-Doo and his mystery solving pals was my favorite cartoon. I loved hearing my dad tell ghost stories around the campfire during summer trips. I read every scary children’s book I could get my

  • Reasons for Blogging

    1222 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jorn Barger is calling his potential $1,000/yr banner ads/messages an "Experiment." I guess a guy who lives like a monk in West Rogers Park can't bring himself to admit he's doing business not experiments. Nice blog though, except for his rabid fascination with people living in front of webcams, its not art its voyeurism. (Skallas) Jorn Barger tried to sell pictures to others through his blog. This is what other people like Kristin thought after he tried to sell pictures on his blog, why should he

  • Jeanette Winterson's View on Life

    2504 Words  | 6 Pages

    an obvious message delivered through the content of her stories, we find it within her language. Her words reveal and unfold layers of unrealized meaning on every page, until the reader is gently lowered back into his or her own world with a new fascination and awe for what already existed. Winterson's writing rejects our conventional perception of life. She reveals the shallow fulfillment inherent in traditional values, expands our notion of time and reality, and gives us new insig... ... middle

  • Essay on Picture of Dorian Gray: A Jungian Analysis

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Picture of Dorian Gray begins with Basil describing his fascination with Dorian, and ends with his masterpiece reverting to its original splendour. He describes his reaction to Dorian in these words: "When our eyes met, I felt I was growing pale. A curious sensation of terror came over me. I knew that I had come face to face with some one whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself." (6) Such

  • How Fish Swim

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    Water and all forms of water travel have long fascinated man. With his fascination and the realization that humans are ill-suited for water travel that doesn't involve remaining on the surface, an appreciation for a fish's ability to move in three dimensions with relative ease was also devloped. Although we may not fully understand the physics involved how fish swim, it is obvious from the fascination and the breadth of reseach that it will remain a goal of the modern sicientist. A fish's ability

  • Carmen and Gypsy Culture

    1094 Words  | 3 Pages

    The fascination with exoticism was more and more prevalent within romantic compositions as there was an increased yearning for far off lands within the composer’s imagination. ‘Composers of such works were not terribly interested in authenticity; their primary concern was to create a picturesque atmosphere that would appeal to audiences.’(Machlis p.190) Bizet romanticized gypsy culture in his opera and through the character, ‘Carmen’. The libretto gives off ideas in relation to the emerging theme

  • Friendship

    506 Words  | 2 Pages

    The human survival is based on friendship. From the highest authority to the lowest bums living on the streets all of them have experienced in some way or the other one of these different kinds of friendships. We take this friendship for granted because it is something that exists naturally in society and most of us never really have to actually go out into the world looking for a friend. Those of us who have had to live in a foreign country or in new surroundings have learned how important this

  • I Like The Look Of Agony

    1594 Words  | 4 Pages

    means. Dickinson does not like a look of agony because she enjoys watching others suffer; she is fascinated by the expression of agony. The second line of the poem “Because I know it’s true-,” (line 2) offers some insight into why she has this fascination. Many human emotions can be falsely projected or controlled. People tend to feel comfortable when they are in control of their emotions. People who are in agony cannot only experience pain but can also be removed from their comfort zone. This potential

  • Sport Record

    4035 Words  | 9 Pages

    the same function in the ideology of Olympism as the principle of gravity in Newtonian mechanics (Loland 1995). The record was, so to speak, the eternal axiom of sport. No doubt, Coubertin was right in many ways. The fascination for records is a key element in our fascination for sports. Records are the stuff of which legends and myths are made. Johnny Weissmuller's 1924 one hundred meter freestyle swim under the minute, Wilma Rudolph's fabulous sprint records from the early 1960s, and Michael

  • Montresor Guilt

    916 Words  | 2 Pages

    Revenge is sweet and guilt it torture. Montresor decides to dabble between revenge and guilt and ultimately learns that revenge has consumed him. This can be seen when Montresor is aware of the suffering that Fortunato is feeling as he begins killing him. The compassion that Montresor feels is coupled with guilt from the murder he committed. These feelings make Montresor’s perfect plan of revenge lead to a lifetime of guilt.      Revenge has a thin line which can easily

  • Love and Violence in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    characters display a definite violence directed toward those they love. "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" relates to what seems to be the destructive tendencies of the men in this book. Though Lennie's ruinous behavior originates from his childlike fascination with soft things, George and Candy appear to have almost productive reasons for causing harm. The differing means of hurting those they love emerge throughout the book in harsh words as well as in violence. Love can wound for different reasons and

  • Analysis of Dickinson’s I heard a Fly buzz - when I died

    1316 Words  | 3 Pages

    Analysis of Dickinson’s I heard a Fly buzz - when I died Emily Dickinson wrote hundreds of poems during her lifetime that dealt with death. She seemed to have an almost morbid fascination with the subject. Her poem "I heard a Fly buzz - when I died" is one of the many poems she wrote about this ghastly topic. The symbols she used make this poem interesting because they can be interpreted on more than one level. The punctuation and capitalization used also give the poem an abstract quality

  • Portrayal of the Characters in Frankenstein

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    become enrapt in the strong scientific movement of the time. She created him in response to what she saw happening around her - science was becoming a religion to some people, as it provided answers to their questions about the world, and started a fascination that humans could create anything that they wanted to. In her novel, Victor is one of these people, and wants to be the supreme creator or scientist, and therefore take over the role of God. To do this, he creates a being, thinking that 'a new species

  • Evil in Shakespeare's Macbeth - Lady Macbeth as a Second Eve

    2995 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Different Faces of Evil - Lady Macbeth as a Second Eve Natural disasters in newspaper headlines, literature, video games, Hollywood movies, gapers at accidents, TV series in the afternoon - they all prove the our fascination about the evil, about death and violence. The evil in Macbeth is clearly omnipresent and an almost endless theme for different analysis. The role of Lady Macbeth is interesting on many levels of interpretation, but I shall focus on her way of being evil and her way

  • The New Face of Black Feminine Beauty

    1275 Words  | 3 Pages

    The New Face of Black Feminine Beauty Since the early 1900s, Black women have had a fascination with their hair. More explicitly, they have had a fascination with straightening their hair. The need to be accepted by the majority class has caused them to do so. Though the image of straight hair as being better than coarse hair still hasn’t left the Black community, there has been a surge of non straight hairstyles since the nineteen sixties. Wearing more natural hairstyles, which ironically enough

  • The Occult in A Tale of the Ragged Mountains

    586 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Tale of the Ragged Mountains In his collection of criticism on Poe's stories, Thompson discusses the use of the occult in "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains." He begins the article by explaining that this story might be the product of Poe's "fascination with, but detached attitudes toward, the pseudoscientific occultism of his age." He gives us some technical terms for the techniques that Poe uses in this story: "metempsychosis" is the transmigration of souls, and is the word that surfaces frequently

  • Sterling Seagrave's Dragon Lady

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    Empress Dowager Tzu His Exposed in Sterling Seagrave's Dragon Lady China’s great ancient empire has been the source of stories, fables, and fascination throughout the world for generations. The Asian culture has a long history of powerful leaders and ruthless battles making it one of the longest standing powers that the world has ever known. Yet, what took centuries to create was destroyed during the reign of a single ruler, plunging the country into chaos and confusion. The one who often

  • Charles Baudelaire: Romantic, Parnassian, and Symbolist

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    Charles Baudelaire: Romantic, Parnassian, and Symbolist Often compared to the American poet Edgar Allen Poe, the French poet Charles Baudelaire has become well-known for his fascination with death, melancholy, and evil and his otherwise eccentric yet contemplative style. These associations have deemed him as a “patron saint of modernist poetry” while at the same time closely tying his style in with the turbulent revolutionary movements in France and Europe during the 19th century (Haviland, screens

  • Analysis Of Bel Air

    734 Words  | 2 Pages

    Guillory went and looked at the car, and ended up buying it. By starting this essay with narrative writing he captures the reader’s attention, especially the readers with the same literary repertoire. This is what happened in my case. I have a certain fascination for cars, so when I noticed it was about a car it just grabbed my attention and kept it. Guillory then goes into expository writing. He compares his 1958 Chevy Bel Air to “every man’s space ship,” and he relates it to a space ship because the year