Exclusionary Rule Essays

  • Exclusionary Rule Essay

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    倀鷠 is the Exclusionary Rule? The exclusionary rule is a legal doctrine in the United States supported and affirmed by the Constitution. It holds that any evidence that was searched illegally and that violates the rights of defendants cannot sometimes be used in a criminal prosecution. The exclusionary rule was created in order to protect three amendments of the constitution, the first is the Fourth Amendment, which protects against “unreasonable searches and seizures” and requires of a warrant

  • What Is The Exclusionary Rule

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    the exclusionary rule? Discuss its history through several landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases. The exclusionary rule is when police collect evidence that is related to a crime illegally, or against the defendant’s constitutional rights by unreasonable search and seizure. Such evidence is inadmissible in court. It is still inadmissible even if the seized evidence happens to be highly incriminating, such as a murder weapon (Dempsey, Forst, & Carter, 2016, p. 403). The history of the exclusionary rule

  • Exclusionary Rule Research Paper

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    don’t believe that exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule should be made. The Exclusionary Rule is a simple, judge-made rule to prevent illegally seized evidence by police from being admissible. Therefore, if an individual’s Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure is violated, or their Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights are violated, this can result in the invocation of the Exclusionary Rule. Basically, the Exclusionary Rule has a two-fold purpose to protect an

  • Exclusionary Rule Of Evidence Essay

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    The exclusionary rule of evidence, supported by the fourth amendment to the United States Constitution, is a proactive law that in its simplest form attempts to deter police misconduct and protect the rights of United States citizens in criminal trials. Simply put "Evidence that is found as a result of a Fourth Amendment violation is subject to exclusion from court."(Shein) This is achieved by calling for the dismissal in the court of any and all evidence that was illegally obtained by the state

  • Exclusionary Rule Case Study

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    explaining the exceptions to the exclusionary rule, let’s get a better understanding on what the exclusionary rule is. The Exclusionary Rule is meant to deter any illegal police conduct and to not be punished for any errors that are made during the process of doing their work. It’s also stated that the exclusionary rule also bars the admission of any evidence obtained by the government which is in violation of the constitution (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). Such rule mostly involves cases of search

  • Arguments Against The Exclusionary Rule

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    prevail. The exclusionary rule and its companion, The most common exception is when an officer is acting in good faith. Other exceptions include when a person’s rights are not violated by the search; if it can be proven that the evidence would have been predictably discovered; if the evidence was discovered by an uncontrollable chain of events; to prove a defendant committed perjury when that defendant chose to stand witness; and as evidence before a grand jury (Exclusionary Rule - Origins And

  • Pros And Cons Of Exclusionary Rule

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    In a gist, the exclusionary rule prohibits the presentation of evidence that is illegally or unlawfully acquired. If proof was obtained in violation of the Constitution, a criminal defendant can strike it as admissible. Because the constitutional exclusionary rule covers a lot of aspects, it is often misleading. For example, a witness may be prohibited from testifying if he or she was not disclosed before the trial. On the other hand, a minor traffic violation that led to the discovery of cocaine

  • Analyze the Rationale and Purpose of the Exclusionary Rule

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    rationale and purpose of the exclusionary rule The exclusionary rule is not in the Constitution because it was made by the court due to the need that presented itself. The intension was to ensure that the 4th Amendment is kept and not violated. Most people are aware of their right to privacy, and how it protects them from unwarranted searches. Nevertheless, most them do not comprehend how the Exclusionary Rule which ensures this right is guarded. The Exclusionary Rule is intended to refrain the police

  • Exclusionary Rule: How, When, and Why Was it Established?

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    would have been sitting in our jails and prisons were it not for the introduction of the exclusionary rule. The Exclusionary Rule is a law passed by the United States Supreme Court. It demands that “any evidence obtained by police using methods that violate a person’s constitutional rights be excluded from use in a criminal prosecution against that person” (Ferdico, Fradella, and Totten, 2009). Before this rule, under common law, evidence was acknowledged in court as long as it satisfied evidentiary

  • The Exclusionary Rule

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    The Exclusionary rule requires that any evidence taken into custody be obtained by police using methods that violates an individual constitutional rights must be excluded from use in a criminal prosecution against that individual. This rule is judicially imposed and arose relatively recently in the development of the U.S. legal system. Under the common law, the seizure of evidence by illegal means did not affect its admission in court. Any evidence, however obtained, was admitted as long as it satisfied

  • Exclusionary Rule Essay

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    will discuss the aspects of the forth amendment rights in relation to the exclusionary rule, exceptions and holding. The facts on deterrence in court and evaluating the ins and outs of the exclusionary rule what is acceptable and admissible and inadmissible in the United States courts and Supreme Court. This paper will exhibit the constitutional and unconstitutional rights and laws. The future goals of the exclusionary rule and instruction of ethical and unethical choices by officers in relation to

  • Summary: The Exclusionary Rule

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    case, which helped in his favor. The evidence collected during the illegal search was in violation of the 4th Amendment and was thus inadmissible at the trial. The Weeks decision was the birth of a new legal doctrine titled ‘The Exclusionary Rule.’ The Exclusionary rule is defined as is a legal principle in the United States, under constitutional law, which holds that evidence collected or analyzed in violation of the defendant's constitutional rights is sometimes admissible for a criminal prosecution

  • Criticism Of The Exclusionary Rule

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    The exclusionary rule is one of the utmost controversial rulings in our judicial system. The exclusionary rule can be best defined as “the principle based on federal Constitutional Law that evidence illegally seized by law enforcement officers in violation of a suspect 's right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures cannot be used against the suspect in a criminal prosecution.” (The Free Dictionary , 1981-2015) The exclusionary rule is not to be mistaken as being intertwined within the

  • Essay On Exclusionary Rule

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    The Exclusionary Rule The Exclusionary Rule was originally created in 1914 in Weeks v. United States. However, it only stated that evidence obtained illegally couldn’t be used in Federal cases. This meant that state police were still free to obtain evidence illegally and use it in court. State police could even hand off evidence that was illegally gathered to federal law enforcement, this was known as the “silver platter doctrine.” It was known as this because evidence that wasn’t seized legally

  • Essay On The Exclusionary Rule

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    The exclusionary rule is a court-made rule. This means that it was created by the U.S. Supreme Court.” The exclusionary rule applies in federal courts through the Fourth Amendment. The Court has ruled that it applies in state courts through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Bills Of Rights which consists of the first ten amendments applies to actions of the federal government. The Fourteenth Amendment, the Court has stated the protections in the Bill of Rights are applicable

  • Mapp V. Ohio Essay

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    extending the exclusionary rule that existed at the federal level to include state courts. The exclusionary rule prevents the use of evidence obtained through an illegal search and seizure, without a warrant, to be use against the defendant in court. Before this case, each state decided whether to adopt the exclusionary rule. At the time of this case, twenty-four states were not using the exclusionary rule. The decision of this case meant that all stated needed to comply with the exclusionary rule of the

  • Jackson's Case: The Case Of Mapp Vs. Ohio

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    violation charges of owning “obscene material.” This led her through a battle of the courts against the state of Ohio. Furthermore, Mapp vs. Ohio led to some significant constitutional changes as well. The more prominent stakes of the case were the exclusionary rule, and the 4th amendment. Dollree Mapp’s rights were at stake along with the rest of the public. At the time of the case unlawfully seized evidence was banned from federal courts but not state courts. Dollree Mapp was a single mother living in

  • Mapp v. Ohio and the Fourth Amendment

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    cause to issue a warrant. This leads to the introduction of the landmark Supreme Court case Mapp v. Ohio and the connection to a fact pattern (similar case). Both cases will be analyzed showing the importance of facts and arguments regarding the exclusionary rule and the poisonous doctrine. In the fact pattern provided, Mark Quickdraw, a detective is conducting an investigation case whose main mission is to capture a drug dealer named Sally Martin. Detective Quickdraw relies on what he heard about the

  • Mapp vs Ohio

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    owned a dry cle... ... middle of paper ... ...believed that the exclusionary rule protected their privacy and a defeat to others who believed that safety came before individual privacy. Works Cited 1. Harlan, John. Justice Harlan. Supreme court of Ohio. Harlan’s opinion of dissent. Print. . 2. "Mapp vs. Ohio key people." the Cleveland memory project. . 3. Thomson, Reuters. "The Fourth Amendment and the "Exclusionary Rule"." FindLaw. . 4. "Mapp V. Ohio." Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. .

  • Probable Causes Of The Fourth Amendment In The United States

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    Introduction The fourth amendment states, “The United States Constitution provides the right of the people to be secured in their persons, house, against unreasonable searches and seizures, and should not be violated, and no warrants should be issued, but upon probable cause sustained by Oath or affirmation, and specifically the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” (law.cornell, n.d.). With that being said, in order for the authorities to search and seize an individual