Ethnic Minorities Essays

  • The Travellers: Ireland’s Ethnic Minority

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    The Travellers: Ireland’s Ethnic Minority Who are the Travellers? The Travellers, a minority community indigenous to Ireland, have existed on the margins of Irish society for centuries. They share common descent, and have distinct cultural practices - early marriage, desire to be mobile, a tradition of self-employment, and so on. They have distinct rituals of death and cleansing, and a language they only speak among their own. Travellers are not overtly conscious of a sense of group history

  • Minority Groups: Ethnic Minorities

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    customs, and practices. It has been said that “minority group” families, which in Canada or the United States, could be considered anyone who isn’t Caucasian, are less stable in form and function than families who are a part of the general societal “majority”. Throughout this essay, I would like to discuss how untrue this statement is. From racial and cultural differences, to relying on each other and to growing as a unit, it is evident that minorities can have an even stronger relationship than those

  • Ethnic Minorities and Elder Employment

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    An ethnic minority is a group of people who differ in race or color or in national, religious, or cultural origin from the dominant group—often the majority population—of the country in which they live. The different identity of an ethnic minority may be displayed in any number of ways, ranging from distinctive customs, lifestyles, language or accent, dress, and food preferences to particular attitudes, moral values, and economic or political beliefs espoused by members of the group. Characteristically

  • The War Against Terror and China's Treatment of the Uigher Ethnic Minority

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    The War Against Terror and China's Treatment of the Uigher Ethnic Minority In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, President George W. Bush reached out to the world to back the U.S. in a war to eradicate terrorism. One of the more surprising participants in this coalition, China, had until that point been at odds with U.S. policy but seemed to find sufficient common ground with the U.S. to support the war. In recent months however, China has not been lauded

  • Police Relations with Minority Ethnic Communities

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    Police Relations with Minority Ethnic Communities The Macpherson report was published in 1999 amidst problems of racial inequality and a lack of faith in the police amongst minority ethnic communities. There is an ongoing debate on whether Macpherson’s report was a help or a hindrance with regards to minority ethnic relations and the police; it is this dispute that the essay shall examine. To begin with the paper will look at the problems, which existed prior to Sir William Macpherson’s

  • Ethnic Minorities in Inner City Areas

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    Ethnic Minorities in Inner City Areas (Carr P175-P180 and Independent Review) It can be said that ethnic minorities do remain concentrated in the inner areas of many MEDC cities, as can be seen in the 1991 census data, which shows disproportional numbers of ethnic minorities in London and major cities in the Midlands and the North of England. This can also be seen in the USA but is more significant as ethnic minorities make up a much lager proportion of the population, due to the higher

  • Exploring the Reasons for the Underachievement of Ethnic Minority Children

    8160 Words  | 17 Pages

    Underachievement of Ethnic Minority Children Rational ======== Every child goes through the same education system, every child works through the same ‘curriculum 2000’ set by New Labour and every child sits the same exams up to the age of 16. So why are there marked differences in educational attainment for ethnic minority students? My main aim is to find out if racism is the main cause of the gap between different ethnic groups in education, which can lead to some ethnic minority groups being

  • Marginalisation of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Media

    2830 Words  | 6 Pages

    Marginalisation of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Media In the last decade there has been an enormous change in the nature of the media and the ways people interact with it. For example, cable, terrestrial and satellite television channels plus widespread cheap access to the Internet and digital technology have spread rapidly from the USA to many other parts of the world. In addition audiences are now able to interact with the media to some extent, so they are able to exercise some control

  • The Past and Present Treatment of Ethnic Minorities in Britain

    1380 Words  | 3 Pages

    Present Treatment of Ethnic Minorities in Britain For this assigment I will be looking at the past and present treatments of the ethnic minorities in Britain. I will also prove or disprove my hypothesis, of which is: 'The arrival of various ethinic minority groups in Britain over the past 60 years, has created a more tolerant and multicultural society today? Do you argree?' The eithnic minority group I will be

  • The Extent to Which Voting by Ethnic Minorities Reflects the Voting Behaviour of the Whole Electorate

    674 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Extent to Which Voting by Ethnic Minorities Reflects the Voting Behaviour of the Whole Electorate In present day there are currently 12 ethnic minority MP’s in parliament, all of who belong to the Labour party. Ethnic minority groups tend to be part of the immigrant population and so are more likely to belong to the working class and so have a stronger party identification with labour. This can be shown in the 1997 general election in which 70% of Asian voters and 86% of Black voters

  • Ethnic Minorities In The Media Essay

    881 Words  | 2 Pages

    the representations of ethnic minorities in the continent. In this context, Mira como ves: racismo y estereotipos en los medios de comunicación provides an interesting overview of the images of ethnic minorities, focusing most of its essays on the representation of Afro-Peruvians and Afro-descendant in the mass media. The book compiles a series of essays presented at the International Seminar “The media: a path to ethnic inclusion”, organized in 2006 by the Center for Ethnic Development in Lima, Peru;

  • Ethnic Minority Prisoners in Britain

    2982 Words  | 6 Pages

    Prison can be a daunting and psychological challenge for anyone. Experiences can have lifelong effects and can often traumatise those incarcerated. However the experience minority ethnic prisoners face can be deemed diverse. They can become victims of discrimination, racism violence and harassment all on the basis of their race, skin colour, or nationality. Scott and Codd (2010, P. 70) note that ‘prisoners from certain believed culturally or biologically determined ‘racial groups’ are understood

  • America Needs Environmental Equity

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    Introduction "...We live in a breakable takeable world, an ever available possible worldÖ" These words, by poet and singer-songwriter Ani Difranco, articulate the relationship between the environment and its inhabitants. Society is constantly manipulating the environment. Our capacity for changing the environment is kept in check by the destructible aspect of nature. The changes we make, those advancements in technology, are limited. While the industrial revolution, per say, is over, industry

  • Diversity Incident Analysis

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    difficulties of accommodating multiculturalism is that defining a multicultural society or institution seems to be determined by one's perspective. A commonly held view suggests that being multicultural involves tolerance towards racial and ethnic minorities, mainly in the areas of dress, language, food, religious beliefs, and other cultural manifestations.” Most organizations nowadays have to deal with multiculturalism in one way or another. The globalization phenomenon has reached most of the civilized

  • Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

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    encouraging minorities, women, elderly workers, people with disabilities as well as foreign workers to join white males in the workplace. The following analysis will focus on these groups and how companies are encouraging them to join an ever-expanding workplace. Even if affirmative action is dismantled, diversity of the workforce is clearly here to stay. Business owners and managers, experts say, will still need to maintain or step up efforts to recruit and advance ethnic minorities in the year

  • Nazism

    1477 Words  | 3 Pages

    Struggle), Hitler developed his political theories after carefully observing the policies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was born as a citizen of the Empire, and believed that ethnic and linguistic diversity had weakened it. Further, he saw democracy as a destabilizing force, because it placed power in the hands of ethnic minorities, who he claimed "weakened and destabilize" the Empire, by dividing it against itself. The Nazi rationale was heavily invested in the militarist belief that great nations

  • Peace

    1722 Words  | 4 Pages

    from this weaponry. Early in the 20th century the growth of ethnic nationalism had led to the collapse of multi-ethnic states. This further increased the number of potential conflicts in our existing civilizations—especially where, as in Eastern Europe, past movements of peoples had left behind a palimpsest of ethnic minorities that simply could not be accommodated comfortably within any conceivable set of geographical boundaries. Ethnic conflicts broke out in many other parts of the world as the

  • Cheap Labour: Canada

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    Pierre Vallieres. White Niggers emphasizes on the mentality of French Canadian working class and Voiceless People emphasizes on immigrant's mentality towards working, which in this case is the Italian community. After reading "Rivalry Over the Ethnic Minorities", it was like reading my own family's past when they immigrated in Quebec back in the early 70's. Many Greek immigrants who immigrated from their native country followed the same pattern towards finding happiness. Like most of the French, they

  • Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia

    2290 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Prior to Spanish discovery of the new world, the area now known as Bolivia was home to three major ethnic and linguistic groups; the Uru, Aymara, and Quechua. The Uru lived on rafts, fishing and foraging along the shore of Lake Titicaca. The Aymara dominated the Uru, reducing their status to poor fishermen and landless workers. Aymara society was built upon a basic social unit of kinship that organized the distribution of labor, and this

  • Racism and the American Dream From 1492 and 1877

    908 Words  | 2 Pages

    over the world. Hitler killed close to six million Jews during World War II due to the fact that he claimed that Germans were superior. He said that Jews polluted Europe and began “cleaning” it up. “Racism serves both to discriminate against ethnic minorities and to maintain advantages and benefits for White Americans.” This is what Mark Feinberg, PhD, stated about this issue and most people would agree. Secondly, it is important to know what the “American Dream” really is. The term was first