Eternity Essays

  • John Clare's An Invite To Eternity

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    Audience and Expectation in John Clare’s An Invite to Eternity Although John Clare’s “An Invite to Eternity” appears to be a direct address to an unknown and anonymous “maiden,” in reality the poem is a much more complex appeal to the reader, which takes on the guise of traditional love poetry only to subvert it. In many ways, Clare’s poem seems to emulate and echo more classical poems such as Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” in its direct entreaty to a young lover. However

  • Quest for Eternity in the Poetry of Dickinson

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    Quest for Eternity in the Poetry of Dickinson Over the past few decades, a considerable number of comments have been made on the idea of eternity in Emily Dickinson's poetry. The following are several examples: Robert Weisbuch's Emily Dickinson's Poetry (1975), Jane Donahue Eberwein's Dickinson: Strategies of Limitation (1985), Dorothy Huff Oberhaus' Emily Dickinson's Fascicles: Method and Meaning (1995), and James McIntosh's Nimble Believing: Dickinson and the Unknown (2000). However

  • Visualizing Eternity in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself

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    Visualizing Eternity in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself Whitman's poem "Song of Myself #44" stands as a confession and testaments of not only who he is and what he is, but also as who we are, we being people in general. The poem is not about a self-idolizing author claiming to be the greatest being of all time. Instead it paints a picture for all mankind alike to relate to. It puts a mirror in front of the world and presents an angle of an image that, though familiar, we have never seen or

  • Because I Could Not Stop For Death

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    "I first surmised the horses' heads were toward eternity."(Dickinson) In this poem a girl goes on a carriage ride with death and immortality. This carriage ride is very slow and the girl has to gives up a lot for death, almost like he is her family. When she is on this carriage ride she passes many sites that she was too busy to see before. Then death and her stop at a house which looks similar to a grave. Then she dies into eternity. This poem begins with a carriage ride, through many scenes, and

  • Minister's Black Veil Essays: Father Hooper

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    but if you express it, the stress and tension will be relieved. Another reason behind the veil might be sorrow. Deep, dark sorrow for someone or yourself might be expressed and shown with the help of a black veil. By wearing the black veil for eternity, you are exhibiting great love and sorrow for someone or yourself. If the black veil was removed, the sorrow and love would be dead. This might be how Reverend Hooper expresses the veil. Father Hooper might have also used the veil as a friend

  • Emily Dickinson ?Because I Could Not Stop For Death?

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    road. “Because I could Not Stop for Death” is one of Emily Dickinson's most discussed and famous poems due to its unique view on the popular subject of death. Death in this poem is told as a woman's last trip, a trip where she is going into toward eternity. The way that the poem is written it makes the reader feel the woman‘s tragedy on a much more personal level. Different from the more popular views of death being brutal and cruel, Dickinson makes death seem passive and easy. The theme of the poem

  • Doctor Faustus Essays: Dr. Faustus and the Christian Moral

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    Mephostophilis "I think hell's a fable" (Marlowe 43). You can also make the assumption that he believes that the only place you go after you die is to heaven. Towards the end of the play he believes that heaven and hell exists and that you can spend eternity there. Faustus could be also thought of as an Atheist because during some of the acts of the play he denies that there is a God and he thinks of religion as a false ritual. Faustus even calls on God, "Ah my God... I would weep, but the devil drains

  • Emily Dickinson's Feelings About Death Revealed in Her Poem, Because I could not stop for Death

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    death became very real to her, and it made a large impression on her life. Conrad Aikin, one of the many critics of Dickinson's work, believes that: "Death and the problem of life after death obsessed her" (15). She had a very peculiar idea about eternity that was unlike any of the traditional Christian ideas of that time period. Dickinson's strong feelings about death are expressed through hundreds of poems where she maximizes and characterizes many qualities of death. However, "Because I could not

  • Ginsberg, Allen. Howl and Other Poems. San Francisco: City Light Books, 2001.

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    ‘proper noun.’ By capitalizing the first letter of certain words, Ginsberg gives a solid identity to intangible things and redefines their role in a corrupted society that has destroyed the “best minds” of his generation. Heaven, Terror, Time, Zen, Eternity, Capitalism, Absolute Reality and Space find their niche among the cities and events in section one. None of the words begin a sentence and some are used multiple times, giving them even more validity in their existence. Somewhere along the line

  • The Human Condition

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    discouraging? In Albert Camus’s “The Myth of Sisyphus,” Camus describes the correlation between Sisyphus’s fate and the human condition. In the selection, everyday is the same for Sisyphus. Sisyphus is condemned to rolling a rock up a mountain for eternity. Camus’s “The Myth of Sisyphus” forces one to contemplate Sisyphus’s fate, how it relates to the human condition, and how it makes the writer feel about her part in life. Camus states “if this myth is tragic, that is because its hero is conscious”

  • The Problem of Loneliness

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    committed while they were alive. The sinners are punished with an overindulgence of their sin. For instance, the circle of the angry is filled with angry people who yell at each other for eternity just as the circle of the wrathful is filled with wrathful people who will, similarly, hit each other for eternity. While being placed in these circles is not desirable, it should be noted that the sinners do have contact with one another and, in a demented way, are happy because they are getting to do

  • The Meaning of Life in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself

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    launch all men and women forward with me into the unknown. The clock indicates the moment ... but what does eternity indicate?" (1133-1136) It is as though he is asking each reader to join him in the exploration of the unknown, forgetting about the moment, and what the clock says and really considering what forever signifies. I don't know if you've ever sat down and actually thought about eternity... I mean really thought about it to the point that your brain seems like it's going to explode, but forever

  • because i c ould not stop death

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    Tippet-only Tulle We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground The Roof was scarcely visible The Cornice-in the GroundSince then--'tis Centuries-and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses' Heads were toward Eternity--* -Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for Death" (no. 712) has aroused conflicting interpretations. For example, Clark Griffith in The Long Shadow sees death as a "courtly lover," and "kindness" and "civility" he accepts

  • The Ideology of Scientology and Kabbala

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    principles. They believe in one god who is an all knowing, all loving, all forgiving, and perfect being. Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross for our sins. They believe we must live our lives striving to be Christ in hope that our souls will live in eternity, Heaven. Kabbalahism, too, states that individuals must always try to walk the way of the Creator, be attached to him and all one’s thoughts should be in regard to him. Yet, Kabbalahists question the “Divine force.” Kabbalahists do not believe

  • John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor

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    John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor Editors have always played an important and powerful role in the works of John Clare, from Clare’s own time until the present. An Invite to Eternity presents a model of that relationship between text and editor in microcosm, from its composition inside the walls of a mental institution to its transcription by an asylum attendant, to its early publication and its modern re-presentation today. Written in the 1840s, no extant manuscript of the poem exists in Clare’s

  • Analysis of To His Coy Mistress

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    We begin to see the guy develop his words more and more until eventually by the third stanza he is pretty desperate. In the first stanza we see the guy begin to make a move. He begins to tell her all these sweet lines about how he could spend eternity with her. For instance, he says on line 11, "My vegtable love should grow vastar than empires, and more slow;...." In these two lines he is trying to tell her how his love will grow more and more everytime he sees her. He will love her until the

  • Augustine of Hipo's Ideas of Creation and Time in The Confessions

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    in which Augustine reflects on the ideas of eternity and time. In this Book, Augustine addresses the concept of eternity, and how to define what is eternal and what is not. Augustine applies this to the Christian notion of God, and how he created the world. The place of time in creation is then explained. After the idea of time as creation is explored, what time consists of is directly addressed. Augustine presents a concise philosophy of time in eternity in his book The Confessions, and these concepts

  • The Dawn Of A New Beginning

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    gorgeous. One of my first visits to this place I remember very vividly. We got up early and my father drove us to the hill. We laid down our blanket under the tree and leaned up against its massive trunk. After waiting for what seemed to be an eternity (which was really only a matter of minutes) the sun began to peer over the trees almost like a child looking over the sofa to see if anyone has discovered them in a game of hide and seek. As the sun slowly rose over the trees, and with it my excitement

  • Divine Comedy - Contrapasso of Dante’s Inferno

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    Inferno - Contrapasso In Dante’s Inferno, Dante takes a journey with Virgil through the many levels of Hell in order to experience and see the different punishments that sinners must endure for all eternity. As Dante and Virgil descend into the bowels of Hell, it becomes clear that the suffering increases as they continue to move lower into Hell, the conical recess in the earth created when Lucifer fell from Heaven. Dante values the health of society over self. This becomes evident as the sinners

  • Analysis of Because I Could Not Stop for Death by Emily Dickinson

    1993 Words  | 4 Pages

    many different ways. Emily Dickinson is one of the numerous poets who uses death as the subject of several of her poems. In her poem "Because I Could Not Stop for Death," death is portrayed as a gentleman who comes to give the speaker a ride to eternity. Throughout the poem, Dickinson develops her unusual interpretation of death and, by doing so, composes a poem full of imagery that is both unique and thought provoking. Through Dickinson's precise style of writing, effective use of literary elements