Equilibrium constant Essays

  • The Determination of an Equilibrium Constant

    1087 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Determination of an Equilibrium Constant I will be determining the equilibrium constant - Kc; of ethanoic acid reacting with ethanol producing an equilibrium to form ethyl ethanoate and water. CH3COOH(aq) + C2H5OH(aq) ó CH3COOC2H5(aq) + H2O(l) Following the method as detailed, I conducted experiment 4 and these results were obtained: Titration Trial Volume of Sodium Hydroxide Neutralised (cm3) 1 7.65 2 7.75 3 7.80 4 7.70 5 7.75 μ 7.75

  • Equilibrium Constant of an Ester Hydrolysis Reaction

    1197 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Equilibrium Constant of an Ester Hydrolysis Reaction Abstract The first step in determining the equilibrium constant of an ester hydrolysis reaction is to prepare five different reaction mixtures with the volume given in Table 1. the bottles have different mixtures of HCl, H2O, an unknown ester, and one bottle has alcohol. We will later determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction between the unknown ester and water to produce an unknown alcohol, and unknown acid.

  • Determining Equilibrium Constant: Spectrometric Analysis of FSCN2+

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    absorptivity and the equilibrium concentration of FSCN2+. With these data, the equilibrium constant for the reaction between the Fe(III) ion and thiocyanic acid was calculated. Introduction: The purpose of this was lab to use Beer’s Law to measure the equilibrium concentrations of FSCN2+ and to use that measurement to determine the equilibrium constant for the reaction. In a reversible reaction, the concentrations of reactants and products oscillate continually until equilibrium is reached. Ongoing

  • Chemistry: Reversible Chemical Reactions

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    Eventually, the amount of A and B being formed is the same as the amount of A and B being used, which results in chemical equilibrium, denoted with Keq. From this reaction, the equilibrium constant can be calculated by using the ratio of the product of the products over the product of the reactants. Thus Keq= [C]*[D] / [A] * [B]. Some reversible reactions reach equilibrium faster than others such as that of Iron (III) ion (Fe3+) with thiocyanate ion (SCN-) that forms thiocyanatoiron(III) (FeSCN2+)

  • Colorimetric Determination for the Composition and Equilibrium Constant For the Formation of a Metal Complex Ion

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    Colorimetric Determination for the Composition and Equilibrium Constant For the Formation of a Metal Complex Ion Abstract The object of this experiment was to determine properties for the formation of a metal complex ion, ferrothiocyanate by observing its colorimetric characteristics. The reaction was done for differing amounts of Fe+3 and SCN-, and the absorbance was measured using a spectrophotometer. The absorbance showed that maximum Fe(SCN)+2 ion production was achieved when the mole

  • Biography and Works of Henry Louis Le Chatelier

    2323 Words  | 5 Pages

    became and his goals in life. The second section will feature his career and scientific work. The third section will describe Le Chatelier’s principle which used by chemists to predict the effect a changing condition has on a system in chemical equilibrium. To finish, the last section will inform you of his later years and the decorations he received. The final page of my paper will be a works cited page and I will also include in-text citations to cite you to the works I have used. Childhood and

  • Island Biogeography Theory

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the review article, “Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography and Ecology”, Simberloff (1974) described how the equilibrium hypothesis can be used to explain island biogeography. According to the author, islands offer significant scientific, economic, evolutionary, or ecologic importances due to their unique characteristics (isolation, insular depauperization). However, detailed study on the somewhat puzzling island biogeography is limited. Therefore, Simberloff (1974) provided an in-depth research

  • Consumer Equilibrium and the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    Consumer Equilibrium and the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility Introduction The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility is an extension to the law of diminishing marginal utility. The principle of equi-marginal utility explains the behavior of a consumer in distributing his limited income among various goods and services. This law states that how a consumer allocates his money income between various goods so as to obtain maximum satisfaction. Assumptions The principle of equi-marginal utility is based on the

  • Studying a Simple Harmonic Oscillator

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    detached from the mass. The dots marked on the tape were examined. During the oscillation, the pendulum bob accelerated and then decelerated when it was approaching its highest position. The acceleration of the bob was always pointing towards its equilibrium position. 3. The two most widely spaced dots were marked on the tape - the zero position of the pendulum bob was found. 4. Every dot on the tape was marked from the zero position. The displacements of these points from the zero position

  • Hardy-weinburg Equilibrium

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Hardy-Weinberg theorem states that the frequency of alleles and genotypes in a population’s gene pool remain constant over the generations unless acted upon by agents other than sexual recombination. For example, take a population of mice that consists of 1,000 members. A specific allele, albino allele, is recessive within this species. 80% of the population expresses the normal phenotype- brown coloring, while the remaining 20% are albino. 640 members of the population have the genotype AA,

  • Atmospheric Circulation And More

    701 Words  | 2 Pages

    be broken down into smaller controlling factors. The global energy balance is an equal balance of short-wave radiation coming into the atmosphere and long-wave radiation going out of the atmosphere. This is called thermal equilibrium. The earth is at thermal equilibrium; however, there can have a surplus or deficit of energy in parts of the heat budget. If you have a net radiation surplus warm air will rise, and a net radiation deficit will make the air cool an fall. Air gets heated at the

  • Investigating the Water Potential of Celery Cells

    862 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating the Water Potential of Celery Cells Aim === I will be investigating the water potential of celery and to find out which solution will be isotonic with the celery cells, in other words equilibrium between the two no water will leave the cell, or enter. I will do this by following this method. Method 1. Cut a 5 cm length of celery stem 2. Cut through the grooves to divide the stem into thin strips 3. Dry the cell sap from the strips using a paper towel 4.

  • Macro Economics

    4197 Words  | 9 Pages

    "hot" toy. This is an example of the effect of _________ on demand. a. tastes and preferences b. expectations c. income d. prices of other goods e. wealth 3. A market is in equilibrium when there is: a. excess demand. b. excess supply. c. a shortage. d. a surplus. e. None of the above. 4. The equilibrium quantity in a market could remain unchanged if there were a/an _________ in demand offset by a/an ________ in supply. a. increase, decrease b. increase, increase c. decrease

  • Investigate the Osmotic Point of Equilibrium in a Potato

    1901 Words  | 4 Pages

    Investigate the Osmotic Point of Equilibrium in a Potato The following Passages are information which I have managed to find when researching the topic of Osmosis: - The cell membrane controls the movement of substances going into and out of the cells. The cell therefore controls the Chemical composition of the internal environment of the cell. It does this in two ways; Passive Process - this does not require energy Active Process - this does require energy to occur This works in principle which

  • Making Moral Decisions: The Synergistic-Reflective-Equilibrium Model

    4571 Words  | 10 Pages

    Making Moral Decisions: The Synergistic-Reflective-Equilibrium Model ABSTRACT: This treatise is a contribution towards the understanding of why humankind cannot agree on the foundation of morality and why moral pluralism is the logical constitution of moral reality. The synergistic-reflective-equilibrium model is the model that will describe how persons can make moral decisions as pluralistic agents. If this model is correct, then it will not be a new discovery, rather, it will be a new description

  • Le Chatelier's Principle

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    that if a change is made to a system in equilibrium, the system reacts in such a way as to tend to oppose the change, and a new equilibrium is formed. For example, whatever is done to the equilibrium, the system does the opposite. If something is added to a system at equilibrium, the system will behave as to remove it and vice versa. By increasing the concentration of a reaction, it will result in an increase of the rate of reaction. The new equilibrium will have a higher concentration of products

  • The Effect of a Concentration of Water on the Mass of a Potato

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    molecules move. For example look at Figure 2. The solute molecules are too large to pass through the pores in the membrane, so the movement of water molecules can only achieve equilibrium. Solution A has the higher concentration of water; so there will be a net movement of water from A to B by osmosis. At equilibrium there will be no further net movement of water. The tendency of water molecules to move from one place to another is measured as the water potential, represented by the symbol

  • Science

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    Addition of Torques Objective: To ascertain equilibrium of the meter stick. Doing so by finding missing variables consisting of torque, length, weight and mass. Record all results and compare to calculated results. Procedure: (Lab part A) •     A fiberglass meter stick is to be used. Suspend this meter stick using string. •     Hang 100 gram weight from the meter stick with a string a the 10 cm point on the meter stick. •     Move the loop that suspends the meter stick left or right

  • Case Study of Fluvial Landforms and Processes

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    Landforms and Processes All rivers aim to reach equilibrium so they are balanced and when they are in equilibrium from source to mouth a smooth curve is created called the graded long profile. However, as you can see from the diagram many rivers such as The Afon Glaslyn, do not acheive equilibrium and reach their graded long profile: Long Profile of Afon Glaslyn River with graded long profile [IMAGE][IMAGE] Rivers become out of equilibrium when there is a change in base (sea) level. There

  • Freight Market Equilibrium Theory

    1326 Words  | 3 Pages

    Freight Market Equilibrium Theory An amazing assortment of goods are moved over the worlds ocean trade routes. Of necessity, the carriers charge for the service they render. These charges vary almost as widely as do the cargoes, for they mirror both the shipowner’s costs and the special conditions prevailing on the trade routes traversed by the ships. Ocean freight rates may be described as the prices charged for the services of water carriers. Each ship operator develops it’s own rates, usually