Environmental Protection Essays

  • Environmental Protection And Sustainability

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    Environmental protection and sustainability Prepared by Islam Abdelnaser Abdelhafeez Student number:1791033 Environmental Protection Increasingly, environmental protection is being incorporated more broadly into all human actions and into the process of development. Meeting our needs while protecting the environment is called sustainable development. Environmental protection has evolved from piecemeal local efforts to a much more comprehensive global strategy involving high levels of cooperation

  • Creation Of The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

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    of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It all started in 1969 after the election of President Richard Nixon in 1968. He ended establishing an advisory group focused on the problems caused by pollution which was to work closely with the Congress in the establishment of a long-lasting solution to the environmental problems. On the other hand, the courts had to deal with all those found responsible for the increased pollution (Kaplan, 2017). Afterwards, Nixon formed the Environmental Quality

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Environmental Protection Agency

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    The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA is the result of a 1970 executive order by President Richard Nixon for the purpose of protecting the environment of the United States through regulation on business and citizens. Public opinion on the Environmental Protection Agency has been divided fairly evenly across the population of the United States as of recently, as compared to the widespread public concern of the 50’s and 60’s that led to the agency’s creation. Recently the agency has come under

  • Environmental Protection Must Be Our Top Priority

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    pesticide use in the US has doubled.4 As an environmentalist (or a "radical" environmentalist, as I am often labeled by members of the mainstream environmental movement), I feel it is my duty as a protector of the Earth's well-being to write this editorial as a means of bringing into the American consciousness a variety of frightening environmental issues. Though some of you may be aware of these problems, I know many are not, and thus may be shocked to learn about the degradation of our Earth

  • Essay On Environmental Protection

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    Laws for environmental preservation The government has implemented new policies that have comprehensive rules to try to prevent the pollution to the environment. The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) is in charge of coming up with laws. After the laws are drawn up, they await approval from the State Council. The purpose of SEPA is to circulate environmental laws and rules, gather information and statistics as well as contribute guidance on environmental problems. The Chinese government

  • It’s Time for a Supranational Sustainable Development Authority

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    leading to worsening pollution problems, and urban sprawl that encroaches upon fragile ecosystems. Quite often, these two sides appear to face each other with opposing prescriptions for future world development.  The former argues for environmental protection and creation of a stable ecosystem; the latter supports jobs and increased development of  Third World countries.  Yet this false dichotomy between jobs and the environment need not exist.  The key is promotion of worldwide sustainable development

  • Benefits of Multi-Level Watershed Management

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    Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) have played a significant role in establishing grassroots methods of environmental protection while incorporating citizen involvement. The most prevalent types of NGO’s in the United States are ones that rally public opinion and advocate legislative and/or social change. Among these are the various Public Interest Groups (PIRG’s), the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, and Greenpeace. Public education and involvement are seminal components to the success

  • Phytoremediation: Using Plants To Combat a Stressed Environment

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    plants play in the environment. With the advent of transgenic biotechnology, plants can be enhanced with qualities that not only allow them to flourish in stressed environments but also allow them to be used in the effort to alleviate certain environmental stresses. Phytoremediators, plants that are used to clean-up soil in contaminated areas, can remove heavy metals, arsenic, petroleum, TNT, and many other elements from toxic soil. This paper will review the strategies used to create transgenic

  • Drinking Water Scarcity and Conservation

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    granted anymore. Because we live in a polluted world, and because we pollute our rivers our streams our ground water with hazardous waste we are polluting the very same thing we rely on, our drinking water. Environmental advocates contend that a recent report issued by the Environmental Protection Agency shows the nations bodies of water are “either more polluted than they were two years ago or not much cleaner.” The EPA report was published in USA Today’s newspaper this past summer. It is interesting

  • 14 Elements Of A Successful Safety & Health Program

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    Management The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and state safety and health agencies establish and enforce safety and health regulations.Other agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, also issue and enforce regulations relating to safety and health in the United States. We discuss key aspects of international regulations in the European Union, Canada and Mexico. Staying informed about and complying with regulations

  • Endangered Species - Causes of Endangerment

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    taken off the list. Upon signing the Endangered Species Act on December 28, 1973, President Nixon stated "Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed" (Environmental Protection Agency). And now that scientists have cloned the last surviving member of a rare breed of cow, some fear that the public's sense of urgency regarding vanishing species might fade. Why not just clone more owls, the thinking goes; but that

  • Importance Of Environmental Protection Npos

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    Environmental Protection NPOs and the strive to save the Environment Conserving environment has become one of the most important issues of 21st century. There has been a significant rise in the establishment of environmental protection NPOs around the world, these Non-profit organization not only protect environment but also raise awareness of declining climate changes among people. In this essay I will discuss the efforts of NPOs in the environmental protection and the difficulties these organization

  • Drinking Water Quality and Health

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    Lawrence, Massachusetts. Sand was the filtering medium. Within a short time the incidence of typhoid fever dropped enormously. In 1974 Congress enacted the Safe Drinking Water Act. It set up government oversight, through the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, of surface and ground-water sources. “The EPA set up two types of regulations: (1) mandatory, enforceable maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), to be set as close to the recommended health-based goals and (2) non-mandatory, health-based

  • Human Rights And Environmental Protection

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    Human Rights The human rights principle is there to guide environmental policy. The environmental protection is necessary to support some of the most fundamental human rights, such as the rights to life, health and wellbeing (UNHCHR, 2002). Human rights are entitlement based on morality, justice and fairness which has been agreed that all people should have. Human rights are regarded as essential to human dignity and cannot be taken away (Beder, 2006). The International Covenant on Civil and Political

  • Informative Speech: Recycling May Be Bad For the Environment

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    300 feet.? Also, according to Daniel Benjamin of PERC Reports, ?the United States has more landfill space then ever before.? b.     Another myth about landfills is that they are poisoning the soil and our water supply. Even the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, says modern landfills pose little to no risk to humans. Modern landfills are built on a thick foundation of clay and plastic liners. Also, the methane gas produced in biodegradation is often...

  • A Critique of Thank You for Smoking?

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    Smoking…?” Peter Brimelow’s “Thank You for Smoking…?” had me interested from the title alone. This essay lists a few of the benefits that can occur from smoking. Bimelow is aware of the many dangers of smoking as he acknowledges “the Environmental Protection Agency has claimed that ‘second hand smoke’ is a significant risk for nonsmokers and the Food & Drug Administration is making noises about regulating nicotine as a drug” (The Genre of Argument 141). Brimelow’s essay gives some reasons why

  • Persuasive Essay: America Needs Gun Control

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    other human beings. Why would our country allow us to have the right to own an object that is deadly? Our government seems to want to protect us. For example, seatbelt laws and motorcycle helmet laws were created to protect our lives. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforces pollution laws to keep us safe and healthy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspects food and tests drugs to make sure American citizens are not harmed by nasty food and dangerous drugs. Yet, our government

  • Genetically Modified Organisms: The European Union vs. The United States

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    currently in dispute over the trade of genetically modified organisms. These altered plants produce more fruit per acre than traditional methods of farming while protecting the species from insects, environmental changes, and mutations. The output coupled with the benefits of environmental protection yield better products at a cheaper price for consumers. Adam Smith would favor the technologies of genetic modification because the fertility of the land increases, as well as its abundance. This growth

  • Persuasive Essay On Environmental Protection

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    to greenhouse gas emissions, factory smog, and pollution. Among other disposable concerns, environmental protection has been pushed to the backburner for far too long on a global and federal level. Environmental protection should be at the forefront of government priorities because the Earth is irreplaceable, preventative measures are more cost-effective than reversing it later, and environmental protection has the potential to be a lucrative career field. Protecting the environment is more crucial

  • Maquiladoras: Manufacturing Poverty in Mexico

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    A prime example of this is the relationship between Mexico and the United States. Mexico has a comparative advantage over a large majority of countries in the world in its abundance of cheap labor. Mexico also has fairly underdeveloped environmental protection and labor laws, which allows corporations more leeway in their operations. Additionally, Mexico provides incentives to foreign corporations including reduced tariffs, unrestricted leases and certain tax exemptions. As a result, corporations