English Law Essays

  • Betrothment In English Law And Position In English Law

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    INTRODUCTION : Position in English laws In english law marriage restraining agreements are not encouraged as they are averse to increase in population . Some watershed events to testify this are : 1) lowe vs peers (1768)-court of king’s bench In this case the defendant had entered into an agreement to marry no one but the promisee on penalty of paying her 1000 Pounds within three months of marrying anyone else. Remarks by the court were “that it was not a promise to marry her, but not to marry any

  • Characteristics Of English Law

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    need the help of rules to keep order and respect among its population. With the passing of years, the law, which was and is an indispensable tool to regulate peaceful coexistence within any country, has been changing for the purpose of adapting to the evolution of moral rules in the society. This fact enables all citizens of the same country to feel protected by same rules, most commonly known as laws. That is the reason why all people should be aware and understand how our society is regulated and

  • English Only Laws

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    English Only Laws To start with, we may not live in England, but the language we speak is supposed to be English. So, one would think that a person would have no problem speaking this language at the workplace unless the job calls for a different language, This is not so. Countless people have challenged this policy of several different companies and this is what I will be discussing, in English. First, most of the workers speak English, maybe not as a primary language, but speak it to the best

  • Exploration of English Law

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    Exploration of English Law In English law, there is no formal separation of public and private law, no constitutional court and before the enactment of the Human Rights Act 1998 there has been no catalogue of fundamental rights as it can be found in many continental European constitutional documents.

  • The Sources of English Law

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    The Sources of English Law In UK there are three main sources of English law, Legislation (Statue Law), Common Law (Judge-made Law) and the European Communities law. English Law was historically based on customs and social traditions. Today Custom Law is a part of Common Law, notably being in cases where there was no judicial precedent but which were known to exist since time memorial (i.e. since 1189). Many of these laws such as the Fisherman's Case (1894) 2 East PC 661( http://wilmington

  • The Common Law And The English Law In Malaysia

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    1.0Introduction In Malaysia, the law is commonly derived from the English law which compromises of local law and laws of England which includes legislation, common law and rules of equity, and was applied in Malaysia through the doctrine of reception. It has England as its prototype and shares substantial heritage with the common law (Shamrahayu A Aziz, 2009). The common law is the body of rules emerged by the old common law courts which is the Court of Exchequer, Court of Common Pleas and Court

  • The Importance Of Privacy In English Law

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    privacy has not been directly protected in English Law but, nonetheless, is a rapidly growing area of English Law due to pressing issues such as the role of the internet in privacy, unlawful interference on behalf of governments, and others that will be analysed further below. Privacy law considers in what instances does an individual have a legal right to informational privacy. Laws of this nature are typically considered as part of criminal law or the law of tort, but that has not been the case with

  • Should English Be the Law?

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    spoken in the united states? What if english was the only official language of the United States? The cultural richness that we have slowly developed through hundreds of years in the United States would surely decrease. There are citizens of the U.S who would surely denounce this change and there are those who would welcome this change without hesitation. With this change would come equality and unity but there would also be a large amount of commotion. Making english the only official and legally recognized

  • A History of English Common Law

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    A History of English Common Law The origin of English Common in the 12th century was sparked by the death of King Henry I in 1135. The nephew of Henry I was Stephen, and he was acknowledged to be the rightful king, but the magnates and such had sworn loyalty to Henry’s daughter, Matilda. The entire reign of Stephen, which lasted from 1135 to 1154, was spent fighting with Matilda and her French husband. Upon Stephen’s death the son of Matilda, Henry II, became king in 1154. It was from here on

  • English Commercial Law: The Codification Of The English Legal System

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    by historical and cultural roots, can be distinguished in two families, the Civil law and the Common law legal systems. The distinctions lies in the process in which each decision is make by the judge and on the legal sources that shapes the law. Indeed, by contrast to the Common law system, which is largely based on Precedents, meaning the decisions that have already been made by judges in similar cases, the Civil law system is based on legislator’s decisions and legal codes with which judges have

  • Consideration In English Contract Law

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    Contract law is vital as it provides legality for agreements made between parties. English contract law was developed as common law which relies a lot on precedent. To form a legal contract, there needs to be offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations, capacity to contract and the final contract (Open University, 2016). Consideration in contract law, is an exchange of something of value between two or more parties in a contract. Each party in a contract must be a promisor

  • The English Law on Vicarious Liability

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    The English Law on Vicarious Liability An employer is responsible for damage caused by the torts of his employees acting in the course of employment. This is known as ‘vicarious liability’[1]. Essentially, vicarious liability is where the employer is generally substituted in terms of liability for the employee, the employee also has liability but the resources of the employer such as insurance makes them more financially attractive to the claimant. The mechanism of vicarious liability

  • The Burden of Proof in English Criminal Law

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    principle is that when it comes to proving the guilt of an accused person, the burden of proving this rests with the prosecution . In the case of Woolmington v DPP , it was stated in the judgment of Lord Sankey that; “Throughout the web of the English Criminal law one golden thread is always to be seen, that is the duty of the prosecution to prove the prisoner’s guilt subject to….. the defence of insanity and subject also to any statutory exception”. From the Judgment of Lord Sankey, the following circumstances

  • Penalty Doctrine Of The English Contract Law

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    Traditionally in English contract law, a common law rule called the ‘penalty doctrine’ has applied. This rule prohibits the enforceability of contractual clauses that stipulate the payment of an extravagant level of damages in the event of breach. Recently, this doctrine has come into question in Talal El Makdessi v Cavendish Square Holdings BV; judgment from the Supreme Court on the case is currently awaited. In Makdessi, the Supreme Court must decide whether the penalty doctrine should remain

  • The Role of Consideration in the English Law of Contract

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    Based on common law and precedent, the English law of contract has been formulated and developed over a number of years with it’s primary purpose to provide a regulated framework within which individuals can contract freely. In order to ensure a contract is enforceable there are certain elements which must be satisfied, one of which is the doctrine of consideration. Lord Denning famously professed; “the doctrine of consideration is too firmly fixed to be overthrown by a side wind” . This is a crucial

  • State of Good Faith in English Contract Law

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    The law of contract in many legal systems requires that parties should act in good faith. English law refuses to impose such a general doctrine of good faith in the field of contract law. However, despite not recognizing the principle, English contract law is still influenced by notions of good faith. As Lord Bingham affirmed, the law has developed numerous piecemeal solutions in response to problems of unfairness. This essay will seek to examine the current and future state of good faith in English

  • Overview of the Process of Law Reform in the English Legal System

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    The intention of this essay is to explain the process of law reform within the English legal system. The way in which the activity of parliament and that of the judiciary affects the way in which laws are reformed in the UK will be also discussed. The common law system in the UK means that the UK's primary legal principles have been developed by the judiciary rather than by parliament. However, as parliamentary sovereignty is an important key principle of the UK constitution parliament is the

  • Criminal and Civil Law in the English Legal System

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    wrongdoing, however civil wrongs tend to have only an impact on the parties involved in the case. For example: a breach of contract. Where as criminal wrongs tend to have an impact on society itself. For example: a murder, theft or rape. Criminal law is dealt with in the Magistrates court and if very serious in the Crown court. It is said to be more difficult to win a case in the Magistrates court and Crown court than in a civil court as in a magistrates and crown court the evidence has to be

  • English Law And European Law

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    There are three sources of the English legal system which are: European law, domestic legislation also known as acts of parliament and case law which is court made law. Out these three sources of the English legal system some are of greater importance than the others. As European law is a part of English law, there are bound to be conflicts between the two and I will go on to further discuss the manner in which the courts decide which law is superior, European or English law when a conflict does arise

  • Comparing The Three Certainties When Creating An Express Private Trust In English Law

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    This quote from Professor James Penner concerns one of the three certainties required when creating an express private trust in English law, which is certainty of subject matter. In most trusts, the subject matter can be clearly identified. However, in can occur in some cases that the subject matter is ambiguous. That is a problem because in an express private trust, the ‘three certainties’ need to be satisfied in order to create a valid express trust, as stated in Re Kayford Ltd (In Liquidation)