Ella Enchanted Essays

  • Ella Enchanted

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    Ella Enchanted Once upon a time there was a girl named Ella Enchanted. She was so beautiful. Her mother died so she moved with her stepmother and step sisters and her 1 real sister. One day her fairy godmother gave her a gift. She had to take it or she will be turned into a rat. So of course she took it .the gift was kind of like a spell. It was kind of like a spell because the spell / gift was to be obedient, so for an example if someone told her to jump she would have to jump. After ever

  • Reading Response Log: Dialect Journal for Ella Enchanted

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    for Ella Enchanted Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine is the story of a girl who is cursed at birth by a fairy named Lucinda. The fairy Lucinda tries to bestow a blessing on Ella but instead curses her with total obedience to every command. This "gift" is very dangerous because Ella must obey every command anyone issues her, even if they were to command her to kill herself. This book tells of Ella's journey to find Lucinda and reverse the spell that has haunted her since birth. Ella meets

  • Ella Enchanted Comparison

    657 Words  | 2 Pages

    and adults alike. The movies have been mastered into classics such as Ella Enchanted, the Tommy O’Haver 2004 version stars Anne Hathaway as Ella a young girl given the curse of obedience by a very unwise fairy named Lucinda. The movie takes a comedic turn with an old classic making Ella an obediently rebellious girl with a moral streak. In the beginning we see Lucinda thinking of a blessing for Ella, but as Ella is crying in her arms Lucinda decides that obedience was the best blessing

  • Analysis Of Ella Enchanted

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    of the most used archetypes in all of modern adaptations of fairy tales. Ella Enchanted, a 2004 film adaptation of the genre, was directed by Tommy O’Haver and is a fantasy romantic comedy the follows a young woman named Ella on a journey to self-discovery, empowerment, and ultimately to a life of happiness. By using characteristics of the Cinderella genre along with modern adaptations involving female strength, Ella Enchanted gives a new look on what it exactly means to be a modern Cinderella in a

  • The Hero Cycle in Ella Enchanted

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    stories follow, stories such as Ella Enchanted. Ella Enchanted is just another film that follows the Hero Cycle. It has an unusual origin, an ultimate test, and a great reward at the end. In the movie Ella Enchanted, Ella has fulfilled all of the Hero Cycle points, such as she is born with a strange gift, her ultimate test is finding a way out of her gift as she feels as it is a curse, and the reward is a grand married into the royal family. In Ella Enchanted, Ella has a strange origin, typical in

  • Differences Between Ella Enchanted

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    The differences between Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine and its movie counterpart are numerous. For whatever reason, the screen writers felt it necessary to change a great many things that happened in the original story when making it over as a film. One of the largest changes, aside from the introduction of Prince Charmont’s wicked uncle, was the way Ella’s relationships in the movie differed from those in the book—most notably, her relationships with Mandy, her father, and her love interest

  • Ella Enchanted And Fairest Summary

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    The books I chose to review were Ella Enchanted and Fairest by Gail Carson Levine along with The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch and The Knight Who Was Afraid of the Dark by Barbara Shook Hazen. Collectively these books have strong female characters in positive female roles. There is a pro-girl theme across the board with these four stories. I chose this set of book for my review because I have a 5 year old daughter and I thought I could share some of the lessons I learn in the process of this

  • Analysis Of The Movie Ella Enchanted

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    What eight-year-old wouldn’t be excited to watch a movie that they know nothing about? As we all watch the movie trailers before the film begins, the tension in the room rises. The suspense peaks as we all wait for the big reveal. As the words ‘Ella Enchanted’ flash

  • Comparative Analysis: Cinderella And Ella Enchanted

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    overarching plot of her exceeding expectations and realizing her dreams, something that is all too relatable to mankind and our desires. Ella Enchanted, a film with a modernized take on the

  • Ella Enchanted Movie Vs Book

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    Ella Enchanted was a book by Gail Carson Levine published in 1997; Levine wrote it as a retelling of Cinderella. Though, when comparing the movie and the book they are very different from each other, and the author said that the movie is so divergent from the book that it's hard to equate them. Even so, both pieces of media have valuable messages to take away in the end. Although “Ella Enchanted” was just another princess movie in the early 2000s, Ella provides little girls with empowering ideals

  • The Archetype Of A Helping Figure In Ella Enchanted

    2005 Words  | 5 Pages

    like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Miley Cyrus, role models can also be found through tween literature. Using the helping figure/fairy guardian found in Lemony Snicket’s, A series of Unfortunate events: The Bad Beginning and Gail Levine’s, Ella Enchanted, will

  • A Host's Hospitality

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    Hospitality In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, an epic written in fourteenth century by a contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer, we learn about a knight and his quest. Sir Gawain, sworn to seek the Green Knight as part of a deal, first finds himself in an enchanted and beautiful forest and then ushered into a beautiful castle of Bercilak, its host. Bercilak's court seems so like Arthur's that it appears to offer Gawain a familiar refuge in alien territory. The orderliness and beauty of the forest and the castle

  • Realization

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    ordinary. Nothing has happened to me my whole life that hasn’t happened to nearly everybody else on this planet. Except that I met Brian. Being in his arms were some of the happiest times I had ever experienced. I could look deep into his eyes and be enchanted forever. Being with him changed my soul. I felt his love prying apart the hard shell of shyness that encircled me. His trust, his love and his support for me lifted me from the earth and gently sent me into the clouds. He cast off the chains I had

  • A Freudian Reading of The Great Gatsby

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    flowered once for Dutch sailors' eyes--a fresh, green breast of the new world. its vanished trees, the trees that had made way for Gatsby's house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams; for a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for

  • An Overview of The Tempest

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    it far surpasses the majority of those traditional pieces with similar themes which were continuously being updated by other writers of Shakespeare's day. It is a tale of magic and wonderworking, of retribution and forgiveness, of shipwreck and enchanted isles. The Tempest is also the last of Shakespeare's completed plays. Prospero, Duke of Milan, a studious man who had delegated to his ambitious brother Antonio many of the affairs of government, was 'extirpated' by him and sent to sea, with

  • Volunteering at a Nursing Home

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    Volunteering at a Nursing Home I ambitiously decided that I would brighten the lives of the elderly by volunteering at a rest home, but discovered that the elderly were being neglected, shoved aside and forgotten. As I stepped into the home a pungent odor penetrated my nostrils, causing an instantaneous gagging reflex. The place was abounded with neglected and subdued inhabitants, yearning for attention. Anybody that passed them caused a sudden outburst of ranting. The negligence and disregard

  • The Tragic Treatment of Women in Othello

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    are being married without Desdimona's father's consent. In this time period a father owned his daughter in a way, and held the right to choose her husband. When her father ( Brabantio) learns of the news he is furious. He claims that Othello "hast enchanted her! / she had/ run from her guardage, to the sooty bosom of such a thing as thou/(1.3.64-73).  This shows that Brabrantio thought his daughter to be unacceptable of choosing a husband ... ... middle of paper ... ...n the play are tragically

  • Comparing The Two Poems: When We Two Parted And La Belle Dame Sans Mer

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    such as “wild” which are contrary to the harmonious appearance that this woman has. He makes this fairy-like charming impression by describing her as “light” and “sweet”. It then moves to a threatening, victimized ambiance where by the woman has enchanted him into a spell, and he is trapped. Here Keats uses words such as “pale”, “death”, “cold” and “horrid” to show how the knight has become the victim of this unpleasant experience. It then ends with the silent mood it started off with, as if the knight

  • Analysis of the Play Beauty and the Beast

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    reveal a beautiful enchantress. The Prince tried to apologise, but it was too late. As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. The Rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. If he could learn to love another and earn their love in return before the last petal fell, the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a Beast for all time. In a little town, a young girl by the name of belle arrives

  • Discovering the World of a Princess

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    Discovering the World of Princess Disney has been greatly known for Mickey Mouse, but Disney Pictures is also known for their Disney Princesses. From their first production in 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to their most recent production in 2013 Frozen. It's been over 75 years, and Disney is still making princesses films to this day in age. If you could name three princesses out of the top of your head, who would you pick? I would say Snow White, Cinderella, and Ariel are the most known princesses