Eli Whitney Essays

  • Eli Whitney

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    planters thought that conditions had reached a point where a slave's labor no longer paid for his care. Eli Whitney came to the south in 1793, conveniently enough, during the time when Southern planters were in their most desperate days. In a little over a week, he started the biggest avalanche of production that any economy had ever experienced. The South would never be the same again. Eli Whitney was born on December 8, 1765 in Westboro, Massachusetts. The tall, heavy-shouldered boy worked as a blacksmith

  • The Life and Accomplishments of Eli Whitney

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    The Life and Accomplishments of Eli Whitney Historians believe that one of the greatest pioneers in the birth of automation, American inventor, pioneer, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer Eli Whitney. He is best remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin. He made his first violin when he was only 12. Eli started college when he was 23, in 1788. He left for Georgia and got his first look at cotton business. He graduated from Yale in 1792, and went to Savannah, Georgia to teach and

  • Eli Whitney: The Inventor That Shook The Nation

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    Eli Whitney, one of the first great American inventors, who had a very interesting inventing period. It pretty much didn't happen. But I'll explain that later. I chose Eli for a very good reason: I knew absolutely nothing about him. Well, other than the given, he invented the cotton gin. I've always enjoyed researching inventors, so it was either Mr. Whitney, or Robert Fulton. Happily I chose Eli. From studying Eli I hoped to learn about some of his other inventions, what inspired him to invent,

  • The Assembly Line & Henry Ford

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    began. It brought people together to work as a group toward all achieving the same goal. Henry Ford was only aiming to bring cars into the homes of the average citizen when he made the most significant to the assembly line since its inventor, Eli Whitney. Henry Ford not only achieved this goal, but his legacy is still carried on today. Assembly lines of cars as well as many other househo appliances have helped shape the twenty-first century. The assembly line has brought together many workers


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    novelty item of the rich or do-it-yourself engineers. In 1899 Ford left Edison to help run the Detroit Automobile Company. Cars were still built essentially one at a time. Ford hoped to incorporate ideas from other industries -- standardized parts as Eli Whitney had used with gun manufacturing, or assembly line methods George Eastman tried in photo processing -- to make the process more efficient. This idea struck others in his field as nutty, so before long, Ford quite Detroit Automobile Company and began

  • Eli Whitney And The Cotton Gin

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    Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin Eli Whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin and a pioneer in the mass production of cotton. Whitney was born in Westboro , Massachusetts., on Dec. 8, 1765, and died on Jan. 8, 1825. He graduated from Yale College in 1792. By April 1793, Whitney had designed and constructed the cotton gin, a machine that automated the separation of cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber. Eli Whitney's machine could produce up to 23 kg (50 lb) of cleaned cotton daily,

  • The Industrial Revolution

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    through the weaver, but in 1769, two new inventions solved the problem. The spinning jenny and the water-powered frame, both of which fed yarn through the flying shuttle faster. Cleaning the cotton was a boring and time consuming job, so in 1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. The gin cleaned cotton up to 50 times faster than a human could. The Steam Engine The first steam engine was patented in 1769. Invented by James Watt, this steam engine was a combination of previous made engines

  • Eli Whitney Research Paper

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    Eli Whitney was born on the eighth of December in the year 1765 in Westborough, Massachusetts. He was known as an engineer and manufacturer; however more importantly he was known as “the third-best American inventor during the pre-atomic age” (Inventor of the Week). Even as a child Whitney showed interest in machinery. During Whitney’s youth, he invented the nail-making machine, and later in life he devised the first milling machine, pain lessening devices for himself, and the idea of interchangeable

  • The Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney

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    change an entire country in a negative fashion? The cotton gin did exactly this. It was an invention that was so simple, so efficient, that came along at the exact right moment, that it managed to revolutionize the world. It was invented by Eli Whitney while America was still barely 10 years old. At that time America needed a more profitable product to sell than tobacco. America was looking to make itself known in the global market. The problem that the cotton gin brought was that it did

  • slavery and the plantation

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    as domestic, skilled artisans and factory hands (Green, 13). But they were exceptions to the general rule. Most blacks in America were slaves on plantation-sized units in the seven states of the South. And with the invent of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney, more slaves were needed to work the ever-growing cotton game (Frazier, 14). The size of the plantations varied with the wealth of the planters. There were small farmers with two or three slaves, planters with ten to thirty slaves and big planters

  • United States Agriculture

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    labor by the late seventeenth century. Cotton was grown for home use in the late eighteenth century, but because it was difficult to extract the seeds it did not become an important commercial crop until after the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793. Farmers then used crude hand tools made of wood, sometimes with iron parts. Plows too might have an iron facing on the cutting edge. Planting, weeding, and harvesting were done by hand labor. Significant changes in farming began to occur

  • Booker T. Washington Defense

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    In Defense of Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington's legacy is a troubled one. Dubois was right to say, "When Mr. Washington apologizes for injustice, he does not rightly value the privilege and duty of voting, belittles the emasculating effects of caste distinctions, and opposes the higher training and ambition of our higher minds" (afro 1). But can we really fault Booker T. for being misguided and flat-out wrong? Washington is not the first successful, insufferable man in

  • DBQ 1820s 1830s

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    absence of poverty and ignorance and independence of every man are some of the observations she recorded (D). The national economy did in fact boom during the 1820s and early 30s. With Samuel Slater’s introduction of the “Factory System” to America, and Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, the United States’ speed in manufacturing textiles increased rapidly. In 1837, however, America experienced a tremendous financial depression. Bad land speculation, and the fall of the Federal Bank (due to Jackson’s failure to

  • Civil war

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    of the south felt it was their right to own slaves. After all they had slaves in early colonial America when in 1619 a Dutch ship brought twenty Africans for sale as indentured servants thus marking the beginning of slavery in America. In 1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and more slave labor was needed to keep up with the vast amount of cotton that could now be produced. Less than forty years latter a growing anti-slavery movement was gaining recognition in the north. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s

  • Why Did The South Secede In 1860 Research Paper

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    Why Did the South Secede In 1860? The seeds of secession had been sown early in American history; quite literally with the fundamental differences in agriculture and resultant adoption of slavery in the South. From early days, the thirteen states had grown up separately, and each had their own culture and beliefs, which were often incompatible with those held in other states. The geographical and cultural differences between north and south would manifest themselves at regular and alarming intervals

  • How Did Eli Whitney Affect Society

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    brought lots of misfortune to others. It was made by a man called Eli Whitney because of his invention they want for slaves raised dramatically by 70%, quite an increase is it not. To bad, so sad is probably what they would have said. People didn't care to stop slavery the just wanted money, and Eli Whitney gave them that chance with his invention. This invention caused so many people pain, and suffering all because of Eli Whitney. “Slavery spread from the seaboard to some of the new western territories

  • Eli Whitney: The Determined Innovator of the 18th Century

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    Eli Whitney played an important role during the industrial revolution, and through some challenges, Whitney was able to create one of the greatest innovations of the eighteenth century. Eli Whitney was born during the revolutionary war in 1765, and has had an interest in machines and technology as an early teen. Some of the challenges he faced occurred before Whitney even started building his famous cotton gin. Whitney attended the prestigious Yale University in his twenties, and when graduating

  • How Did Eli Whitney Contribute To Invent The Cotton Gin

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    Cotton is important worldwide (Parkman 79-82). This paper traces Eli Whitney's efforts to improve the processing of raw cotton by inventing and perfecting his cotton gin. Topics included are his early background, how he came to invent the cotton gin, disputes about patent rights, the global impact of the cotton gin, Whitney's contributions to mass production methods and his lasting legacy. Eli Whitney's Background Eli Whitney was born in Westborough, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 8 December

  • What Are Eli Whitney's Major Accomplishments

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    Eli Whitney or Eli Whitney Jr. was born December 8, 1775 in a colony named Westborough, Massachusetts. He was born to Eli Whitney Sr. and Elizabeth Whitney. Not to mention, growing up with one sister, Elizabeth Whitney and two brothers, Benjamin and Josiah Whitney, in a farm in Westborough, Massachusetts. His father was a farmer who was well respected, as well as, being a justice of the peace. Eli Whitney Sr. born on December 9, 1740, died on August 25, 1807 in Westborough, Massachusetts. His mother

  • The Cause Of The Civil War: Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin

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    in the North hoped it would. Then came a man, and an invention, which changed the course of history. In 1792, Eli Whitney visited the plantation of Catherine Greene, the wife of Revolutionary War general, Nathaniel Greene, near Savannah Georgia. He watched cotton being cleaned; a very long and time consuming process to do by hand. Watching the cotton being cleaned an idea came to Whitney. He decided he would build a machine that would clean cotton faster than it could be done by hand. Thus, he created