A Child at Elementary School Recess This observation is of a 10 year old male child during his lunch recess at an elementary school located in the South Bay area. The student participates in a day treatment program for children with emotional/social difficulties. The length of this observation was approximately forty five minutes. For the purpose of confidentiality this student will be referred to as John. In the first section of this observational analysis a brief description of the program
Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class The highest achievers and the lowest achievers in an elementary class can sometimes be treated differently because of their achievement levels. Without even knowing the class very well it can be determined who in the class is more likely to be a higher achiever and who is not as gifted. Even though it is evident sometimes who is the least and highest achievers a great deal of the time the best achievers can be overlooked
Teaching Elementary School Science The National Science Education Standards have set the standards for teaching science. Under Program standard B the standards discuss the best ways children learn science. Program standard B states ì the program of study in the science should be developmentally appropriate, interesting and relevant to students lives: emphasize student understanding through inquiry,, and be connected with other school subjects.î This sums up what teachers need to be doing un their
Computers in Elementary School Classrooms Technology has influenced many aspects of life, but I think that it has influenced education the most. I am going to be an elementary teacher after I graduate, so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to learn how computers will help me to teach. I will be focusing on how technology influences the development of young children. Today the computer has worked its way into the classrooms of our elementary schools. To some this may seem a
One of the main struggles for principles and school boards in elementary schools is wondering if the district should switch classes, therefore this debate has been going on for a long time. Expert’s opinions vary, so greatly, that the vote has gone on since 2006. So far, some districts have tried out departmentalization, but the group is not widespread. The schools that have integrated switching classes start at either kindergarten or fifth grade. Some, but not an innumerable group, have started
states have adopted mandates to teach comprehensive sex education, and thirty more have supported it (internet). West Virginia schools have implemented sex education in most high schools, but it may seep even further down, possibly to your community's elementary schools. While people are divided and confused in their concerns of this class being taught in grade schools, I disagree with the course being studied from kindergarten through third grades. Sex education should only be taught when a child
ABSTRACT: By looking at certain WEB sites (AskEric, PBS, KidLink, Interactive Frog Dissection, Hillside Elementary School, and Dade County Schools) this paper examines the ways the WEB is used in elementary schools. In addition, this paper addresses some controversial issues that arise when the WEB is used in elementary classrooms. The development and growth of the Worldwide Wide Web have had an enormous impact on several areas including government, business, and even education. The WEB facilitates
Language in Elementary School The ultimate goal in many classrooms is to communicate in meaningful and appropriate ways (Slavit 1998). In the United States, American students get the opportunity to learn a second language in high school, yet it has been proven that children learn better when they are young. Some schools are taking this opportunity to teach a foreign language to elementary students. The United States may be the only nation where it's possible to complete elementary and secondary
1. Outline/describe the lesson and specific activities. Today, for the first time, I observed Ms. Anton’s first grade gifted class. Warm smiles and big hugs filled my physique; I was returning to my former elementary school. As I entered Ms. Anton’s class, I could feel she was very happy to see me. She informed me that today’s lesson would be about Johnny Appleseed. I thought to myself: “Wow! I have not heard that name in a long time!” Firstly, Ms. Anton puts the morning announcement. Secondly
for many students. In a media-dominated culture that idolizes athletes and entertainers, computer science may not seem glamorous or worthwhile to students. In short, athletic and cultural groups reign; academic activities fall to the wayside. When schools make computer science fun and relevant, it becomes a tangible and desirable possibility for students. Kids who love playing video games might be interested in going “behind the scenes” -- the Angry Birds themed coding game presented during The Hour
One of the most horrific tragedies that could ever happen in one of our nation’s elementary schools occurred on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. Around 9:30 a.m. a heavily armed lone gunman, blasted his way through a window located to the right of the front door of Sandy Hook Elementary school using a Bushmaster .223 caliber rifle. It only took six .223-caliber bullets to shatter enough glass to create a hole big enough for him to enter through. The name of this lone gunman was 20 year
Located in north-central Mississippi, ABC Elementary School is part of the XYZ County School District. While historically recognized for athletic accomplishments, XYZ County Schools have only recently gained recognition for educational accomplishments. ABC Elementary School has contributed to the growth and educational accomplishments of the district. ABC Elementary’s average enrollment of approximately 500 students serves grades pre-K through 6. The teacher to student ratio is approximately 14:6
Children confront many transitions throughout their lifetime that can be stressful. They face their first transition from home to school, elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and high school to college or work (Schumacher, 1998). However, the transition from elementary to middle school seems to be harder for adolescents due to the personal changes of puberty. Research suggests that roles, expectations, and responsibilities are the primary concerns of students (Akos, 2002). In order
Throughout my final two years of high school I volunteered in kindergarten and first grade classrooms at the local elementary school. Initially I was volunteering to satisfy community service hours, but I found myself enjoying these weekly visits to the colorful and rambunctious classrooms more than I expected. Though high school and elementary school share many common characteristics, I simply prefer elementary school because at my high school I grew so used to the negative environment that the
The most laid back and fun school years I ever had was my elementary school years. I attended Roosevelt Elementary School for my whole elementary school life. I remember those years as if it happened yesterday. I did not have much homework and I mostly came for my friends. I miss the times where school would start at 8:00 a.m. and I would go to bed around 8:00 p.m. I was a bright and cheery person during my elementary school years. I had no worries in the world and all the free time in the world
In my early years of Elementary School I was in a neighborhood with a lot of children who were from different cultures. When I was in third grade I moved to the next town over and went to a different elementary school. This elementary school was completely different considering it was out in the country and only white children attended this school. At that age I was used to Hispanics, Latinos, African-Americans and Asian Americans. When I changed schools, it was almost frightening to see all white
Many people can relate to being absent a few days from school and coming back to a ton of work to makeup. Depending on the individual it may take a extended time to complete the work and catch back up. The feeling of falling behind and unsure of the material can lead to stress and even anxiety. Similarly, students in elementary school may feel this way if they advance when they are not ready. Students in elementary school should not be advanced to the next grade level without successfully completing
Endeavor Elementary school has 99 students, 4.5 students for a 22:1 student to teacher ratio for grades 4K through 5th grade. The student to teacher ratio in grade 4K through 3rd grade of 15:1 and in grade 25:1 for grades 4th and 5th grades; these ratios are exactly in line with EBAA. Odden and Picus (2014) state, “Prototypical schools with class sizes of 25 in grades 4-12 and class sizes of 15 for grades K-3 with these class sizes, a K-5 elementary school would have an average class size of 17
The Effects of Gender Bias on Elementary School Children “It’s a girl!” or “It’s a boy!” is typically the first thing parents hear after the birth of a child. This simple statement of fact sets the groundwork for every interaction they will have with their daughter or son, and for every experience that child will have throughout her or his life. Gender identity—the private experience of being female or male—forms a core part of one’s sense of self (Welker). The nature of this private experience
My overall experience at Pine Meadow Elementary school was great. I got to meet many new kids in Ms. Uran’s 3rd grade classroom. These 3rd graders are 8 or 9 years old. Ms. Uran’s classroom was a very normal or average sized room. To get to her classroom you take the first main hall to the left. That’s the one closest to the office. After that hallway you take the next right at the first hallway. Ms. Uran’s door is the second to the left. Inside this classroom I would help the kids with their worksheets