Edwin A. Abbott Essays

  • Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

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    "Flatland" is a story of depth, and the lack there of. The tale of A. Square's ventures through Pointland, Lineland and Spaceland ultimately reveal to him the possibilities of the seemingly impossible. In this case, the "impossibilities" are the very existence of other dimensions, or worlds. His guide throughout the journey, a god - like figure who refers to itself as "Sphere", bestows upon A. Square the greatest gift he could hope for, knowledge. It is only after the Sphere forcibly takes A

  • Edwin A. Abbott's Flatland

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    Flatland We are brought up thinking that everyone shares our views and that they are correct and the only right way of seeing things. In Flatland, a novel by Edwin A. Abbott, two men from different dimensions argue about which one of their societies is right and more superior. They accomplish nothing because each is so closed- minded to the fact that what they have known all their lives may be wrong. This is the case when it comes to homosexuality in today's world

  • Book Report On Flatland

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    Carson Ward #28 Pre-AP Geometry Mr. Tseng 16 April 2016 Flatland Book Report The book Flatland by Edwin Abbott is a story about a two-dimensional world almost completely secluded from the other dimensions. Edwin Abbott creates a story intertwining both geometry and literature, in order to shape the hierarchal universe of Flatland. The plot follows an everyday, normal two-dimensional square protagonist, and his journey in discovering the world around him. His travels take him through lines, thoughts

  • Communism In Flatland

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    Flatland Essay After reading Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott, it was clear to me that this book was in many aspects a reflection of the world Abbott lived in. Abbott lived in England in the late 1800s. The women in Flatland, much like the women in Abbott’s world, were seen as inferior and subordinate to the men. Although the men had a chance to rise above what they were born into, the women lived out their days as a straight line, just like their mothers and grandmothers did before them. There were many

  • Flatland Nature Vs Nurture

    825 Words  | 2 Pages

    to talk of "nature versus nurture" or "genes versus the environment". When it comes to human development, the two are inextricably intertwined…” (Ridley 38). Consequently, I believe that in the novel Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott, both nature and nurture have

  • Edwin Abbott's Flatland

    1218 Words  | 3 Pages

    Edwin Abbott’s novel, Flatland, was written to mirror the society of Victorian England . The story reflects broad themes such as the treatment of women in England in the 1800's, the oppression of disenfranchised groups such as the Irish, and is also a critique of the human tendency to deny the truth, even when directly confronted with it. He used fictional elements of Flatland to voice his own opinion and portray the qualities of the 1800s . Abbott wanted people to find that Flatland wasn’t a whole

  • Ignorance In Edwin Abbott's Flatland

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    In Edwin Abbott Abbott’s famous masterpiece of scientific fiction, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensiosn, A. Square introduces his readers to a fascinating world consisting of only two dimensions. Our scholarly guide explains the inner societal workings of Flatland, providing detailed and insightful accounts of the history, culture, and traditions of him and his people. Afterwards, A. Square is transported in his dreams to a one-dimensional world called Lineland. Our persistent protagonist tenaciously

  • Flatland And The Hunger Games: Literary Analysis

    1911 Words  | 4 Pages

    "Our whole social system is based upon Regularity, or Equality” (Abbott 23). Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins are both books that were later turned into movies. Flatland involves an upper class square, A. Square, and his adventure through different dimensions set in a representational society of nineteenth century England. Meanwhile, The Hunger Games contains the journey a poor girl from District 12 named Katniss Everdeen, who is left

  • Women In Flatland

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott, there are many connections to the world today. When Arthur goes to Lineland, the king refuses to accept what Arthur is telling him about being able to move left and right. Then when Arthur goes to Pointland, the king hears Arthur talking to him about the other dimensions but thinks it's his thoughts because he sees himself as the only one in his dimension. These cases remind me one of the things Mr. Hedden says a lot, “lack of relevance, fosters apathy.” In other words

  • Comparing Flatland and Little House on the Prairie

    1084 Words  | 3 Pages

    families striving for success invite stress into their lives. Too much stress from greedy desires of power creates tension in homes. The higher people c limb up society's ladder, the more likely their families are to fall apart. Flatland, by Edwin Abbott, presents the two dimensional world as a society with mostly working class families. A. Square, the narrator, enlightene d by a three dimensional experience longs to tell of the new knowledge revealed to him. Having no desire to learn of this

  • Happiness in the Fourth Epistle of Alexander Pope's An Essay on Man

    5582 Words  | 12 Pages

    Alexander Pope's philosophical poem An Essay on Man, published in 1732-134, may even more precisely be classified, to use a German phrase, as Weltanschauungliche Dichtung (worldviewish poetry). That it is appropriate to understand An Essay on Man as world view in verse, as a work which depicts humanity's relationship to and understanding of a perplexing and amazing world, is indicated in the statement of the poem's "Design" in which the author avows that his goal was to examine "Man in the abstract

  • Nature v. Nurture in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins

    2232 Words  | 5 Pages

    science, emphasizing environmental influences determined behavior. Max Weber is known his ... ... middle of paper ... ...lard Stern, Nahra, Nancy. American Lives. New York, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1997 Sandler, Martin W., Rozwenc, Edwin C., Martin, Edward C. The People Make A Nation. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 1975. Skinner, B.F. A Brief Survey of Operant Behavior. Cambridge, MA: B. F. Skinner Foundation. 1938 Skinner, Ellen A. Perceived Control, Motivation, & Coping

  • An Analysis Of The Cyberpunk Anime Film Ghost In The Shell

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    It has become a reflexive instinct to reach out for our phones whenever it lights up with a notification. With the proliferation of social media, we share and receive information about daily lives of ourselves and other people, even when we are physically apart. Our daily use of technology including but not limited to the Internet, social media platforms, electronic devices etc. demonstrates how we participate in forming and simultaneously subjected to these networks. The omnipresence of technology-