Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick Essays

  • Lambert Simnel as a Greater Threat to the Security of Henry VII than Perkin Warbec

    1244 Words  | 3 Pages

    Henry. Lambert Simnel claimed to be the 'Edward, Earl Of Warwick'. In fact the real Edward (son of George, Duke of Clarence) was a prisoner in the Tower of London, which Henry proved by parading the real Edward through the streets of London in order to prove that Simnel was an impostor/pretender. If Simnel had been the real Edward, it would have been a very big threat to Henry's throne, because if the princes in the tower were dead, the real Edwards claim would be much stronger than of Henry

  • Henry VII was Successful in Limiting the Powers of the Nobility

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    control the nobility with varying success. Henry sought to limit the power of the nobles as he was acutely aware the dangers of over mighty subjects with too much power and little love for the crown or just wanted a change like Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick who deposed two kings to replace them. Also Henry’s own rise to the throne was helped by nobles dislike towards Richard III. By restricting the nobles Henry wanted to reduce the power of the nobles and possible threats against him and return the