Edith Essays

  • Edith Hahn Beer

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    Edith Hahn Beer, born in 1914, wrote The Nazi Officer’s Wife, a memoir about her life and struggles for survival during the rein of Adolf Hitler. Edith goes chronologically through her life and tells the truths about the constant fear she lived in. Throughout her entire ordeal, perhaps her biggest fear was that her identity would be revealed and lost at the same time. Yet despite the risk it posed to her life, Edith Hahn created a remarkable collective record of survival: She saved every set of real

  • Edith Wharton

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    Biographical Summary Edith Wharton lived a very interesting life. She had grown up in a relatively high class family. She had some trouble in her relationship though. Most of her novels are written about her past life experiences. Although she did have challenges to face, Edith Wharton ended up extremely well. On January 24, 1862, Edith Wharton was born in New York City. Her parents are George Fredric Jones and Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander. They were descents from English and Duitch colonists who

  • Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence

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    Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence “As he entered the box his eyes met Miss Welland’s, and he saw that she had instantly understood his motive, though the family dignity which both considered so high a virtue would not permit her to tell him so. The persons of their world lived in an atmosphere of faint implications and pale delicacies, and the fact that he and she understood each other without a word seemed to the young man to bring them nearer than any explanation would have done.” (Wharton

  • Edith Warton's The Age of Innocence

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    The Stranger Within In Edith Warton’s novel, The Age of Innocence the main character Newland Archer has a complex personality that is filled with hidden desires and ideas; some of these ideas are controversial in the society that he lives in. The arrival of Ellen Olenska and the harsh realization of living in a boring society help expose these unseen traits. Newland Archer seemed like the typical wealthy New York bachelor. He took part in all of the proper etiquette that was expected of him

  • Subjectivity in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth

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    Subjectivity in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth presents an interesting study of the social construction of subjectivity. The Victorian society which Wharton's characters inhabit is defined by a rigid structure of morals and manners in which one's identity is determined by apparent conformity with or transgression of social norms. What is conspicuous about this brand of social identification is its decidedly linguistic nature. In this context, behaviors

  • Expectations Of Edith Wharton

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    Piper-Iman Paul-Stubbs Mrs. Gaede English II-A1 2 May 2014 Edith Wharton: Women’s’ Place and Expectations in Old New York On January 24, 1862, Edith Wharton was born to George Frederic Jones and Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander in New York City. Wharton’s family were decedents of English and Dutch colonists who had made fortunes in shipping, selling and banking. Wharton, the youngest and only girl of 3 children, spoke 3 languages and was taught by a series of governesses. Because Wharton was taught

  • Family Allegiance in Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence

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    interpretation or viewing of the picture also affects these thousand words. This analogy pertains to the wide world of literature, in which certain frames can affect our perceptions of women and gender-related roles within families, marriages, and cultures. Edith Wharton had the unique ability to see her New York culture in a different light than her contemporaries. As she reminisces about “Old” New York, Wharton can put her picture (in this case an analogy for her novel, The Age of Innocence) in the frame

  • Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome

    671 Words  | 2 Pages

    In many ways, the ideas and themes expressed in Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome are comparable to those detailed in Margaret Atwood’s poem, “February”. As both works of literature feature the cold winter months or a single harsh winter month as the respective settings for the pieces, the messages that the writers intend to convey to their readers is incredibly similar. In both cases, winter symbolizes the repression of love and passion and the increased frequency of depressing thoughts. Atwood writes

  • Isolation In The Dilettante, By Edith Wharton

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    Defying the expectation is hard to do in a world so set in its ways. The only way through dark times is with the immersion of light and as Edith Wharton once said herself, “there are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” It was her privileged lifestyle that shaped her view of social class and as a writer it pushed her toward her social realist style, thus allowing her to depict the truths hiding in plain sight. Communication baffles even those who get paid

  • Poverty in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    Poverty in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome Poverty is defined as deficiency, or inadequacy. It can be used to represent more than just the lack of money. Poverty is constant throughout the novel, Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton. Poverty is evident in almost every area of Ethan's life. First of all, obviously, Ethan lacked money. His farm squeezed out just enough money to keep him and his household going. On page 133, Ethan is thinking of selling his property, but then he remembers its condition

  • Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

    1390 Words  | 3 Pages

    Edith Wharton, a famous author of many outstanding books, wrote a chaotic love story entitled Ethan Frome. The story took place in the wintery town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. Wharton was a sophisticated young woman who found love in sitting down and holding people’s attention by way of a pen. Wharton wrote yet another thriller that told the tale of two love stricken people that barely found it possible to be together; which later forced them to fall into the temptation of love that cannot be controlled

  • Ethan Frome. by Edith Wharton

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    presented to him, instead choosing to “merge himself with winter forever” (Bernard 6). Works Cited Ammons, Elizabeth. “Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome and the Question of Meaning.” Studies in American Fiction, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1979, pp. 127-140. Bernard, Kenneth. “Imagery and Symbolism in Ethan Frome.” College English, Vol. 23, No. 1, October 1961, pp. 178-284. Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. New York: Signet Classic, 1911.

  • The Relevance of Edith Wharton’s Roman Fever to the Modern World

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    The Relevance of Edith Wharton’s Roman Fever to the Modern World According to the World Health Organization, “of the 75 million children under five in Africa a million and a half die each year of pneumonia.” As distressing and sad as this statistic is, it points out the great danger pneumococcus still is to young people in the developing world. It’s in the developed world, but at a time before antibiotics, at a time when acute respiratory ailments posed an even greater but still preventable

  • Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth as Satirical Commentary on Society

    2110 Words  | 5 Pages

    Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth creates a subtle, ironic, and superbly crafted picture of the social operation of turn-of-the-century New York. In her harsh expression of community, she succeeds in portraying a world of calculation operating under the pretenses of politeness. The characters become competitors in the highly complex game of social positioning with an amorphous body of socially formed laws. Through her presentation of Lily Barton's ongoing struggles to "recover her footing-each time

  • House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton and Call it Sleep, by Henry Roth

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    Climbing up the Social Scale The time and way people are brought up in society makes a huge difference on how they will climb up the social scale in life. In the classic novel House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton and Call it Sleep, by Henry Roth the main characters experience totally different upbringings into society. While Lily Bart is brought up into a high class society, David is born into an immigrant family in a part of the city, which has similar people as his own country. The two characters

  • Commodity Fetishism in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence

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    Commodity Fetishism in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence Commodity fetishism is a term first coined by Karl Marx in his 1867 economic treatise, Das Kapital. It takes two words, one with a historically economic bent and another with a historically religious bent, and combines them to form a critical term describing post-industrial revolution, capitalist economies. Specifically, this term was used to describe the application of special powers or ideas to products that carried no such inherent

  • The Age Of Innocence By Edith Wharton

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    Innocence The Age of Innocence, written by Edith Wharton, is a story told during the old New York era where a young man named Newland Archer prepares to marry his beautiful fiance but is conflicted with another woman who had just ended a disastrous marriage at europe. Now, Archer must make the life changing decision between his right to the family and his love that may cause a great rift to his life. The Author Edith Wharton, also known as Edith Newbold Jones, was born “in her parents’ Manhattan

  • Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth

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    Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth serves as a strict model of etiquette for high society in the Gilded Age. It teaches one the intricate art of keeping up appearances and assimilating into the fickle leisure class. At the same time, the novel’s underlying purpose is to subtly critique this social order. Lily Bart’s perpetual, although often reluctant quest for financial stability and mass approval is a vehicle for demonstrating the numerous absurdities and

  • Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ethanfrome In Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, Ethan, a reserved young man was torn between two women. He was married to Zenobia Frome, but his true love was his wife’s cousin, Mattie Silver. Zeena and Mattie were different in all aspects. Mattie was a caring, loving, beautiful young girl, while Zeena was a sickly, shrewish woman aged well beyond her years. Ethan was continuously drawn to Mattie throughout the novel, as she was much more attractive and amicable than Zeena. In the novel light was

  • The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton

    781 Words  | 2 Pages

    the high school curriculum because it teaches certain morals, and raises questionable ideas about the way the children should perceive society standards. It is a historical teaching, by showing the teenagers the mentality behind the 1870’s society. Edith Wharton usually wrote in her stories several themes that involved the Higher Class in New York during the time. The ironic situations that presented themselves within society. A couple that she focuses the most are, the theme of personal happiness