Doolittle Essays

  • Doolittle Raid

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    Introduction On 18 April 1942, while America was mired in combat and taking heavy losses throughout the Pacific, Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle lead eighty men from the 17th Bomb Group on a daring bombing raid into the heart of the Japanese capital city of Tokyo. These men, intent on avenging the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor only months earlier, launched their airplanes off of a Navy Aircraft Carrier on its maiden voyage, the USS Hornet. Their mission was to destroy military targets

  • Metamorphosis of Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

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    The Metamorphosis of Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw The benefits of acquiring an education are not limited to the academic aspects often associated with it. Part of the edification it bestows includes being enabled to reach new insight, being empowered to cultivate a new awareness, and being endowed with a new understanding of life and of self. In Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, Eliza Doolittle experiences this type of enlightenment as the result of undergoing a drastic change

  • Comparing Characters in Major Barbara and Pygmalion

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    Comparing Characters in Major Barbara and Pygmalion Andrew Undershaft and Alfred Doolittle, two characters from Bernard Shaw's plays Major Barbara and Pygmalion, have a similar nature but strikingly different views of morality and poverty. Undershaft is an "unashamed" capitalist, and nothing clouds his view of his business plans. Doolittle is a man who would much rather have a life of poverty than be troubled with the responsibility of being well-off. Although their perspectives differ, they

  • Marianne Moore's Life

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    Commercial College and then taught bookkeeping, stenography, typing, commercial English, and law. [i] In 1915 Moore began to publish poems professionally. Moore first published seven poems in the Egoist, which was a London magazine edited by Hilda Doolittle. Four poems were published in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Five of her poems were published in Others. In 1916 Moore moved with her mother to Chatham, New Jersey, to live with her brother, who was a Presbyterian minister. When he joined the Navy

  • Doolittle And To Helen

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    Menelaus furious, so he assembled an army of Greek soldiers and declared war on Troy known as the Trojan War which lasted ten years long. In this poetry analysis I will talk about the two poems called “To Helen” by Edgar Allan Poe and “Helen” by Hilda Doolittle. Both poems are about Helen of Troy but Poe’s poem is romantic and H.D.’s poem is hateful. The author of “To Helen” is known for his writing on weird and creepy subjects but Poe changed it up in this poem. The reason this poem is different, is because

  • Eliza as a Strong, Assertive Woman in Pygmalion

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    proposes a wager to his friend Colonel Pickering that he can take a common peddler and transform her into royalty. Eliza Doolittle is the pawn in the wager. But little does Higgins know the change will go far beyond his expectations: Eliza transforms from a defensive insecure girl to a fully confident,strong, and independent woman. When the audience first meets Eliza Doolittle she is a flower girl peddling at 11 PM in front of St. Paul’s Church. The audience’s first impression is one of sympathy

  • Analysis Of Vhilda Doolittle

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    vHilda Doolittle was a 20th century American poet belonging to the avant-garde Imagist group along with Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot. The Imagist movement in poetry with its definite stress on ‘preparedness for writing’, ‘impersonality in written work’ and objective treatment of things through the use of images that ‘have a variable significance’ (Pound, 36) sees its most creative use in H.D’s poems. Unlike works by Eliot or Pound which follow more of what Albright labels as ‘particle nature of poetry

  • A Fair Lady

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    later adapted into a G-rated movie by Warner Brother’s studio, to be directed by George Cukor in 1964. Rex Harrison stars as the ever bad-mannered Professor Higgins, Stanley Holloway as the drunken Mr. Doolittle and fresh-faced and charismatic Audrey Hepburn in the leading role of Eliza Doolittle. My Fair Lady is a timeless tale about a common flower girl becoming a duchess-or at least be able to speak like one. The basic storyline progresses at a leisurely tempo, leaving room for music and songs

  • The Importance Of The Doolittle Raid

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    World War II. The 18th of April was the Doolittle Raid. The Doolittle Raid targeted crucial military power and industrial factories. American forces specifically targeted military powers and industrial factories because they supported the Imperial Army. The Japanese Forces would be impaired if these forces were eliminated. Lieutenant Colonel (at the time) James “Jimmy” H. Doolittle was crucial to the raid on Tokyo, Japan. Before returning home, General Doolittle convinced himself he was a failure, but

  • The Doolittle Raid: An Analysis

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    morale and push forward the Pacific front with a strike on the Japanese homeland to serve as a testament to American military prowess and retribution for the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor (Shepherd). This eventually trickled down to the Doolittle Raid. The Doolittle Raid, as it is commonly referred to as today, was officially classified as the First Special Aviation Project (Shepherd). This project was planned with extreme secrecy. The crew was made up of pilots who volunteered without knowledge of

  • The Purpose Of The Doolittle Raid

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    They were not going down without a fight, and when they had a chance to counterattack, they were going to make a huge deal about it, and broadcast it for the audience to know that. On April of 1942, U.S. launched a surprise attack known as the Doolittle raid. The whole purpose of the mission was not only to ambush Japan, but to also boost morale for the people back in the U.S. A feature film was also made based on the event, to help glorify the U.S. efforts in attacking Japan and finally being on

  • Pygmalion

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    Act III during one of Mrs. Higgins’s at-home days the differences between classes. Mrs. and Miss Eynsford Hill claim to be of the upper class and they act as if they are in the upper class to try and impress Henry Higgins during this scene. Eliza Doolittle is being tutored by Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, to speak clearly and correctly; to change from her old flower girl way to a lady of class. Having not been eduacated fairly well and not having learned this “new” language quite well a

  • Comparing Pygmalion and My Fair Lady

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    Among the number of similarities readers will come across are the likenesses between the two works in character interaction. For example, in both the play and the film, Professor Henry Higgins has an overbearing paternal mentality regarding Eliza Doolittle. In accordance with the dialogue that Higgins speaks in the film regarding Eliza?s filthy disposition, readers of Pygmalion discover practically the same words: ?You know, Pickering, if you consider a shilling, not as a simple shilling, but as a

  • Jimmy Doolittle's Visionary Leadership

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    industry owes its existence to Jimmy Doolittle. He was a visionary leader, seeing past the greatest aviation challenges of the twentieth century; he was an ethical leader, making tough decisions during the darkest days of World War 2. This paper will discuss how he leveraged his visionary leadership skills, creating an inclusive environment for a diverse team of professionals solving the impossible challenge of taking off and landing blind. Additionally, Jimmy Doolittle encountered critical instrumentation

  • The Character of Alfred Doolittle in Pygamalion

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    The Character of Alfred Doolittle in Pygamalion PYGAMALION 1.) In Act 3 we learned a lot more about the character and philosophy of Alfred Doolittle. He is strangely individualistic personally and very eloquent. He is representative of the social class of the "undeserving poor", which, means that he is not entitled to receive financial support from the government, since he is physically able to work. He lives only for the moment; from day to day. The money he gets he wastes on intoxicating

  • Pygmalion

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    appearance. Being a lady or a gentleman was an acquired status desirable among most of London’s society. However, in Pygmalion, Shaw tells a story about the transition of a homeless young woman with the aspiration to become a respected lady. Eliza Doolittle is an 18 or 19 year-old young women, making a living from selling old flowers on the streets. When she comes across a rude Professor, named Henry Higgins, he sarcastically offers her to “learn how to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist’s

  • Evolution in George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion

    1530 Words  | 4 Pages

    Evolution in George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion In the play, Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw, Professor Higgins, an expert in the art of speech, bets Colonel Pickering, another master of phonetics, that he can take a common flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, and pass her off as a duchess at an ambassador's Garden Party. During this story, Shaw uses the characters to demonstrate the necessity of human evolution. As Eliza's verbal ability increases, so does her personality and self-esteem; and Higgins's

  • Pygmalion, by Bernard Shaw

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    to her that something has to change. At the same time in the house of Henry Higgins, the phonetician. He is visited by Pickering, whom he met at St. Paul’s church. While they are talking, the maid is coming in, saying that a girl named Eliza Doolittle is waiting at the door. Not knowing the name of the flower girl, Higgins invites her in. When he recognizes the flower girl, he is very surprised. She confronts him with an offer: she wants to pay him (with nearly all she’s got, and that’s not

  • Analysis Of Imagism Leda By Hilda Doolittle

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    world (“A Brief”). It is this new way of thinking that poet Hilda Doolittle presents in her poems. According to the Poetry Foundation, the publishers of Poetry magazine, Hilda Doolittle was one of the first poets to push the ideals of feminism in the new age and consistently used her life and work as the basis of her poetry. Utilizing the elements of literary modernism she challenged Victorian norms and certainties. Hilda Doolittle, most well known by her

  • A Comparison Of Helen In Poetry And Hilda Doolittle

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    break out. Edgar Allan Poe, an American author and poet, and Hilda Doolittle, an American poet, both wrote poems describing Helen from different perspectives. These two poems mostly contrast, by showing different perspectives and both describing Helen in different ways. Though they do both compare by both acknowledging Helen’s beauty. First of all, the poems contrast with each other because they show different perspectives, Hilda Doolittle writes in her poem “All Greece hates/the still eyes in the white