Devadasi Essays

  • Evolution Of Prostitution

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    there are group of temple prostitutes who hold onto an ancient Hindu system where preadolescent girls are devoted to a goddess and for the remainder of their lives, they will become sex slaves of the temple. The name of that system is the devadasi. The term devadasi, or “jogini” comes from Sanskrit and means a female servant of deity. “Deva” meaning God and “Dasi” signifying female maid or slave (Rames and Philomena 83). As of today, while broadly used, the foundation and these women were known by various

  • Devadasi in India

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    India and examine the practice of Devadasi in Hinduism. Focus will be on the history of the caste system and the Devadasi practice examining how it grew in India during the ruling of the Chola Empire. Consideration will be giving to the religious side of the practice including how Devadasi became an auspicious part of Hindu culture that grew throughout southern India. The paper will also consider the political side of India and how overtime the practice of Devadasi became less auspicious and was used

  • Women In Mahesh Dattani's Dance Like A Man

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    The Devadasis of India are the devotees of God. However, society views them from two different perspective –divine and slave. Devadasi who gives her whole life to serve God and do all the holy work related to the temple. Devadasi forced into the role of a denied any desire or voice to speak their mind. Their family decides their future and puts them in temple for rest of their life. The devadasi are treated as object. The women

  • “Indian Classical Dances; Bharatanatyam the Elite Form”

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    and Sattriya. Among all eight of these dances I argue that Bharatanatyam is the most elite form of all these dances because if its rich history, its exceptional dance aesthetics and technique and its distinctive costume and the make-up that each devadasi possesses. Bharatanatyam dance is said to be the oldest of the classical dances. Bharatanatyam is a combination of sculptures poses, with beauty and grace presented by the performer. This Southern born classical dance was developed in Tamilnadu

  • History Of Prostitution In India

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    Prostitution has been defined as the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money according to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, 2007. It would be an incomplete view on prostitution if the ‘Devadasi’ system in India is not discussed. Devadasis refer to a group

  • Social Change At The Turn Of The 19th Century

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    dance practiced in the temples and courts of South India. It was a highly respected art, but as colonization drained the financial stability of the female dancers, the devadasi, they turned to prostitution and their reputations were tarnished. So, when India began to rebuild after the British left, many people wanted to end the devadasi system and the practice of Sadir. Though popular, these reformist beliefs were met with opposition from revivalists like Balasaraswati, who believed that the dance was

  • History of Prostitution

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    Prostitution Prostitution dates back to as early as 2400 BC and has formed an interesting chapter in the history of civilization. Prostitution is known to be one of the oldest professions and roughly started all the way back to the 18th century in Mesopotamia. In Ancient Babylon and Sumer, one of the first ever forms of prostitution was sacred prostitution. This was where every woman, rich or poor, had to reach once in their lives the sanctuary of Mylitta (Aphrodite) and there submit themselves into

  • Prostitution In Ancient India

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    referred as Devadasis, who originally were celibate dancing girls used in temple ceremonies and for entertainment of upper class. Devadasi literally means God’s female servant (Dev+Dasi). Around 6th Century the practice of dedicating girls to Hindu gods developed into ritualized prostitution. In ancient India there was also the practice of having a Nagarvadhu (courtesan). There is mention of prostitution even in Vedas and Arthashasthra. FACTS ABOUT PROSTITUTION IN INDIA • Many devadasis are dedicated

  • Dalit Human Rights Essay

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    TOPIC: Human Rights Violations – Dalit Perspective Introduction Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the forms of treaties, customary international

  • Classical Dance Essay

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    and it is originated in the temples of southern India. This art form is used by Devadasi system from generations. Here, Devdasi women serves the God as the dancers and rituals part is performed by the musicians. This dance form is not for performing on the stage and outside of the temple but only in the temple.Here, Nattuvanars who are the male gurus plays the most important part as these male gurus teach the Devadasis in the temple. This dance form is practised by both males and females all over

  • Sufism And Bharatanatyam

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    all classical Indian dances. The word “Bhar” is related to “Bhakti” which means devotion. This specific dance form combines expressive expression with a feeling of spirituality. This form of art has been handed down by nattuvanars, teachers, and devadasis, ritualistic

  • Dance Like A Man Character Analysis

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    The Guruji, Viswas’s father, Ratna’s son Shankar, the old lady who is a Devadasi are characters who are absent in the play Dance Like a Man. Praful the brother of Alka and Dolly, the deformed Daksha, the granddaughter of Baa, Baa’s husband, Kanhaiya the fictitious character who fulfills the love fantasies of Dolly, the auto - rickshaw driver in Bravely Fought the Queen and Mala’s father in Thirty Days in September are other invisible characters, who are absent in the plays,but yet play significant

  • The Importance Of Futurism In Art And Culture

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    “Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” (Sophia Loren) Futurism was a craft development that started in Italy at the start of the twentieth century. Futurism was a generally Italian and Russian development, despite the fact that it likewise had followers in different nations, England and Portugal for instance. The Futurists investigated each medium of craftsmanship, including painting, model, verse, theatre, music, building design and even gastronomy

  • Gender And Culture In Devvadi By Rishi Reddi, By Rishi Reddi

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    In a world where labels determine much of a person’s identity, gender and culture have a strong influence on a person’s life. Uma tries to please her parents’ Hindu expectations of her, and fitting into American society. In the short story “Devadasi”, by Rishi Reddi, gender and culture based societal standards impact the protagonist Uma and how she sees her surroundings. These standards shape both Uma’s relationships with those around her and how she sees her place in the world. Today, too many

  • Hijra Essay

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    In India the transgender group is commonly called Hijras. The hijra population is the most visible (male to female) population in India and other transgender identities are associated with the hijra identity. They have religious-cultural and rich historical background. The term hijra is derived from the Urdu word meaning ‘impotent ones’, ‘eunuchs’ or hermaphrodites where the irregularity of male genitalia defines the term. “Within the Indian context the term hijra is used for people who identify

  • Indian Art: The Formative Phase Of Indian Art

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    In this paper I would like to discuss the formative phase of Indian art, which was derived from travelers account since the middle ages to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Indian Art specially Hindu visual art was puzzling and disturbing for Europeans basic understanding of art, hence they were getting fascinated about it. Something which is unknown to our mind always concern and puzzle it. This ignites a sense of enthrallment, which force our mind to solve the puzzle and also to understand

  • History Of Prostitution

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    Prostitution basically means the exchange of sexual services for money. In India, also prostitution has been prevalent since the ancient times, there was the practice of rich asking ’Nagarvadhu’ to sing and dance noted in history as “brides of town”. Devadasi was another form of prostitution that was prevalent the medieval India. Prostitution in India grew in the middle age’s with the Portuguese and Britishers coming to India. Goa was a former Portuguese colony and in the late 16th and 17th centuries