Deontological Ethics Essays

  • Deontological Ethics

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    Deontological Theory of Ethics Introduction When ethics is explored, and an inquiry into its origin and sources are explored to find definition and clarity around ethics, one initial discovery will be that two main views on ethical behavior emerge. One of those theories is the deontological theory of ethics. Ethics and ethical decisions surround themselves around what is the goodness or badness of any particular choice or decision. When exploring ethics, it is necessary to explore what are the

  • Exploration of Deontological Ethics

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    Exploration of Deontological Ethics Deontological ethics is concerned not with the action itself but the consequences of the action. Moral value is conferred by virtue of the actions in themselves. If a certain act is wrong, then it is wrong in all circumstances and conditions, irrespective of the consequences. This view of ethic stands in opposition to teleological views such as utilitarianism, which hold the view that the consequences of an action determine its moral worth. Kant’s theory

  • Utilitarianism, Kant's Deontological Ethics, And Virtue Ethics

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    Ethics in business is a highly important concept, as it can affect a company’s profits, salaries paid to employees and CEOs, and public opinion, among many other aspects of a business. Ethics can be enforced by company policies and guidelines, set a precedent when a company is faced with an important decision, and are also evolving thanks to new technology and situations that arise due to technology usage. Businesses have a duty to maintain their ethical responsibilities and also to help their employees

  • Virtue Ethics: Deontological and Eudaimonist

    4530 Words  | 10 Pages

    There are two basic types of ethical judgments: deontological judgements that focus on duty and obligation and eudaimonist judgements that focus on human excellence and the nature of the good life. I contend that we must carefully distinguish these two types of judgement and not try to understand one as a special case of the other. Ethical theories may be usefully divided into two main kinds, deontological or eudaimonist, on the basis of whether they take one of the other of these types of judgement

  • Personal Statement: Deontological Ethics

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Ethical Philosophy that is of most interest to me would have to be the Deontological Ethics. The name derives from the Greek Language and translates to ‘The Science of Duty’. It is characterized as the choices we make according to what is “morally required, forbidden or permitted”. (Stanford, 2013, Para 1). This serves as a guide for us to make decisions based on the wrongs and rights of life and if the result of our actions will be morally acceptable or not. The Duty Theory, is the type of Ethical

  • Deontological Ethics Case Study

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    The two ethical theories I have chosen to assess the situation at hand are Deontological Ethics 's Categorical Imperative and Act Utalitarianism. The situation up for discussion is whether or not the parents (Sydney and Jack) were right in convincing Olive to donate her kidney, to her younger sister Nancy who is in need because she suffers from end-stage renal failure. Deontological ethics would have us look at the situation based on the best efforts for the future. Based on the procedure of three

  • Reflection Of Deontological Ethics And Ethics In Professional Life

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    This ethic emphasizes that it is the duty of someone to perform a specific act, not out of morality as in the case of virtue ethics, but rather out of an individual duty or obligation or duty to perform the act. Deontological ethics are the set of ethics that I have integrated into my professional life because I like the emphasis that this ethical theory places upon an individual’s

  • Difference Between Utilitarianism And Deontological Ethics

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    Utilitarianism and Deontological Ethics. Utilitarianism is one of the best known and most influential moral theories. Like other forms of consequentialism, its core idea is that whether actions are morally right or wrong depends on their effects. More specially, the only effects of actions that are relevant are the good and bad results that they produce. Utilitarian Position • Act-Utilitarianism is a utilitarian theory of ethics which states that a person’s act is morally right if and only if

  • Ethical Deontological Ethics Case Study

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    has with both Jenny and Dennis. If Susie were to not chose this first option, her other possibility could be to not say anything to the district and instead talk to Jenny and Dennis directly about the personal issues she is having with their work ethic. The pros to this option could be that Susie maintains a professional

  • Personal Ethics And The Deontological Approach To Ethics

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    Ethics is a branch of philosophy that, at its core, seeks to understand and to determine how human actions are judged right or wrong. Those thought to be ethical are described in terms of their honesty, integrity and good character. For these reasons, personal ethics are said to be our foundation and, as such, often influence how we administer ethical codes of conduct in carrying out our organizational duties. While attempting to arrive at appropriate ethical decisions, it is helpful that police

  • Business Ethics: Deontological Ethical Theory

    875 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction- to complete this assignment, I chose deontological ethical theory. There are various issues surrounding business ethics. Business ethics is a form of professional ethics and applied ethics which examines principles that are ethical and moral problems that becomes apparent in the environment of business. Applied ethics deal with the ethical questions that comes from the Imelda of technical, business ethics, legal ethics, and medical. The business range and quantity reflects ethical issues

  • Deontological Ethics In The Movie 'Thank You For Smoking'

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    movie puts many ethical theories and concepts into perspective, which normally aren’t discussed in film. The major ethical dilemma that is present throughout the movie is how Naylor and Finistirre both go against everything Deontological ethics stands for. Deontological ethics states that an action is considered morally good because of some characteristics of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. A German philosopher by the name of Immanuel Kant’s is commonly associated

  • The Deontological Approach To The Nursing Code Of Ethics In Nursing

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    Ethics is an essential part of the nursing profession; However, it is the nature of each situation that determines which ethically moral judgements should be made. This essay will give further detail into the fine line that nurses and most healthcare professionals face in the workplace, it will address the nursing code of ethics and its impact on critical decision making. When faced with the challenges of making the right decisions, and determining if they are ethically professional or not, there

  • How Virtue and Deontological Ethics Can Help Students in Their Professional Career

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    questions. There are many ethical theories that students can be taught to help them recognise and resolve ethical issues. This essay will focus on virtue ethics, deontological ethics and how these can help students in their professional career. The origin of virtue ethics dates back to around 325B.C when Aristotle wrote his book Nicomachean Ethics (Rachel and Rachel, 2010). He asked the question “what is the good of man?” to which he answers “an activity of the soul in conformity with virtue.” Virtues

  • Cloning: Consequentialist, Deontological And Virtue Ethics

    636 Words  | 2 Pages

    happens both naturally, as in identical twins, and can also be created in a lab (Devolder, 2013). The lab created cloning has generated many questions on whether or not it is an ethical practice. This paper will explore what consequentialist, deontological and virtue ethicists’ views are for the moral dilemma of cloning. Consequentialism defines good moral decisions based on the consequences (Fieser, n.d.). For instance, a moral decision would be considered good if the consequences were more positive

  • Kant and the Categorical Imperative

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    Imperative Kant tried to develop a theory of ethics which relied on reason rather than emotion. While he was not anti-religious, he wanted an ethical system which was not clouded by religion, emotion or personal interpretation. He placed emphasis on motives behind an action rather than, like the Utilitarians, the consequences of an action. He believed that consequences were no guide to whether an action was moral or not. His theory is known as deontological, or duty-based, where ends can never justify

  • Free Market Ethics Or Social Responsibility

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    of Woburn a little town located in Massachusetts. After watching the movie, an analysis using the ethical tools reflected in the chapter 1 of the course textbook will be used to portray the ethical issues of the movie. Free Market Ethics or Social Responsibility (Milton Friedman) “There is only one and only one social responsibility of business- to use its resources and engage in activities designated to increase its profits so long as it decides to stays within the rules of the game

  • Why Jim Won't Give KiraFlour the TFC Loan

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    A business, as John Mackey argued, has an obligation to serve the community, therefore, if an investment has more harms than benefits, it should not be made. The traces of E-coli found in KiraFlour’s products could be a form of corruption that the TCA, whose certification isn’t needed, uses to receive bribes. However, if E-coli is in their products, then the result would be detrimental to society, KiraFlour and AgreFund. Although not found in the due diligence process, the TFC found that KiraFlour

  • Kant’s View on Abortion Explained by Categorical Imperative

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    become a universal law.” Since abortion will never become a universal law and pregnancy is the universal law for repopulation, pregnancy is the only acceptable choice. Bibliography Barry, Vincent, Olen, Jeffrey, & Van Camp, Julie C. Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings, Tenth Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011. Kant, Immanuel, translated by Wood, Allen W. Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002.

  • Morality And Kant's Theory Of A Free Will

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    Anyone or anything that is rational possesses will, whether it is a human being or a field mouse. Freedom is the property that this causality has. Thus, a free will can be defined as a will that can act causally without being caused by external sources. Any action not based on a form of law would be seen as groundless and unjustified and we then would not be able to say our actions were the result of our own will. Kant adds to this point by saying the laws we base our actions upon must be self-imposed