Daniel Quinn Essays

  • Analysis Of Ishmael By Daniel Quinn

    1281 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ishmael is written by Daniel Quinn. It opens with the narrator pursuing the newspaper, coming across an ad looking for a student with a desire to change the world. This is the premise of the novel because it discusses topics about how the earth is deteriorating and its humanity’s fault. The problems Daniel Quinn tackles are the deterioration of the earth and its atmosphere, the mass extinction of many species of life, and the increasing insufficiency of the earth in providing for its inhabitants

  • Analysis of the Novel Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ishmael begins when the nameless narrator finds a newspaper ad that reads: "Teacher seeks pupil. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person" (4). At first, he is angry, as it reminds him of the counterculture movement of the 1960s, which he participated in only to discover that there was no easy way to save the world. Nonetheless, he responds to the ad, and finds that the teacher is a gorilla. Behind the gorilla is a sign that reads "With man gone, will there be hope for gorilla

  • Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, by Daniel Quinn

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, by Daniel Quinn, is a philosophical journey that takes place between an unnamed narrator and Ishmael, a gorilla, who can speak telepathically. The novel begins by the narrator reading an advertisement in the local newspaper requesting a student who has “…an earnest desire to save the world.” This intrigues the narrator because he had been searching for such a teacher all of his early life. Although the narrator thinks the advertisement is a hoax, he

  • Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    996 Words  | 2 Pages

    In his novel Ishmael, Daniel Quinn discusses the destruction and salvation of the world. By way of a newspaper ad, an unnamed narrator meets a telepathic gorilla, named Ishmael, who had put up the ad to find a pupil with a desire to save the world. Spurred by his benefactor’s obsession with Nazi Germany, Ishmael imparts on the narrator what he knows best: captivity (Quinn 24). Ishmael claims humans of what are considered civilized cultures are captives of a story that keeps the world captive.

  • Compare And Contrast My Ishmael

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person.” (Quinn, 4). Both Ishmael and My Ishmael, two books written by Daniel Quinn, start the same way: an advertisement in a newspaper. This seemingly simple advertisement leads two curious people to Ishmael’s door seeking the answers to questions that they believe this teacher could have. These questions, however, vary quite a lot between the two characters because Daniel Quinn’s books concentrate on self-enlightenment, and the characters’

  • Overview: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the novel Ishmael, written by Daniel Quinn, the narrator has spent most of his life looking for a teacher so he can learn to save the world. When the narrator was reading the paper he found an ad searching for a student interested in saving the world. After arriving at the address he finds a gorilla named Ishmael, who communicates telepathically. (Quinn, 1995) Ishmael was taken from Africa at a young age and was sold to a zoo then a traveling carnival. Ishmael was bought by Walter Sokolow, a

  • Analysis Of Ishmael By Daniel Quinn

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    After reading “Ishmael”, Daniel Quinn, who is the author of the book, made me think of the world a little different, than before. I believe, the main point of this book is “how the world became to be.” Still pondering on this idea, I ask myself, “why is the world the way it is”, and “why are humans the way we are”? Since reading this book further, I have read and absorbed that the human race is heading into a chaotic ending (destruction of earth). But, before reading this book, I thought humans were

  • Totalitarian Agriculture

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    of it. Our culture definitely has some changing to do before we can save the world. We need to save ourselves. Bibliography: Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. copyright in 1992 by Daniel Quinn. Bantam Books, NY. Quinn, Daniel. My Ishmael. copyright in 1997 by Daniel Quinn. Bantam Books, NY. Quinn, Daniel. The Story Of B. copyright in 1996 by Daniel Quinn. Bantam Books, NY. Scarre, Chris. Smithsonian Timelines of the Ancient World. copyright in 1993 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, London

  • Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    1262 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the novel Ishmael, Daniel Quinn expresses his viewpoints of the human race through the telepathic discussions between the unnamed narrator and a gorilla named Ishmael. Through these conversations Ishmael is able to help the narrator understand the nature of things, focusing on answering the question “why are things the way that they are?” As the two characters continue to meet, the narrator is able to grasp the concepts presented by Ishmael which give him a different view of humans, or as Ishmael

  • Ishmael

    848 Words  | 2 Pages

    The novel, Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, written by Daniel Quinn, tells the story of a young man who spent a majority of his life looking for a personal mentor for himself. He was shocked to find an advertisement in the newspaper, which vaguely said that a teacher was seeking a student. Despite thinking the ad is a fake, he goes to the address. There, he finds an empty office. He sees a gorilla in a conjoining room and realizes that the he can communicate with him telepathically.

  • What Is Our True History?

    670 Words  | 2 Pages

    world. The protagonist, Julie, in Daniel Quinn’s novel, “My Ishmael”, leads us through an unbelievable sequence of events. We get to learn how Julie, a young teenager that goes through her own personal paradigm shift through the teachings of a telepathic gorilla, Ishmael. Ishmael helps Julie see the world in a completely new way, facilitating her understanding on how the world might have been different if there certain events didn’t occur in our past. Daniel Quinn uses parables and allusions to help

  • Ishmael Button Dilemma Analysis

    940 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ishmael Button Dilemma “There is no one right way to live” (Quinn 152). In this quote, Daniel Quinn, the author of “Ishmael”, exquisitely condenses the book’s entirety in one sentence. Ishmael, the gorilla teacher, presents the narrator(readers) with a society where there are two groups: Takers, corresponding with civilized, and Leavers, corresponding with primitive, each of which have certain qualities. The Takers of society always make sure to attain surpluses, take what they want, and believe

  • Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    845 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ishmael by Daniel Quinn is an eye opening book that begins with the life story of a gorilla who has lost the sense of who he is until he is questioned about by a man who visits him at a zoo. Walter Sokolow, a man who visits him and declares he is not this “Goliath” everyone is calling him out to be renamed the gorilla, Ishmael and by doing so gives Ishmael the recognition he needed to believe that he himself is an individual person. As he is a captive trapped in a zoo, he realizes that humans are

  • Complexity in American Education Control

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    7, 2014, from http://www.nawcc.org/index.php/just-for-kids/about-time/how-does-it-work Spring, Joel. (2014). Chapter 8: Local Control, Choice, Charter Schools, and Home Schooling. American Education. (Sixteenth Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Quinn, D. (1997). School Daze. My Ishmael. New York: Bantam Books.

  • Allegory In Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    1079 Words  | 3 Pages

    Daniel Quinn’s “Ishmael” was a philosophical novel that Daniel Quinn wrote in 1992. The novel is still relevant to the things that go on in today’s society. The story of Kurt and Hans is a major allegory. This allegory is symbolic of and applies to the people of civilization. We are Hans and Kurt and the entire history of mankind has been erased from our memories. After all, the winners of wars rewrite history. Kurt and Hans represents the 2 types of people in this world today. The story is how

  • Exploring the Theme of Moral Responsibility in Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    731 Words  | 2 Pages

    We are destroying the earth in order to survive. What is our Moral Responsibility? Daniel Quinn has written a book about how things have come to be the way they are. He looks at the meaning of the world and the fate of humans. Ishmael the main character is a teacher of vast wisdom, as well as being a Gorilla. Being no ordinary Gorilla, Ishmael recognises the failing of human kind in relation to their moral responsibilities. He ultimately directs use towards a solution to the problems we have

  • Mother Culture In Ishmael

    608 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the novel, “Ishmael,” Daniel Quinn introduces two groups of people with an apparent connection with Mother Culture; the Takers and Leavers of the world. Quinn’s intended purpose of introducing these two very distinct groups of people in “Ishmael” is to show an outsider’s perspective on the world’s captivity, the creation myth, and the fate of the world- all of which are often given by Mother Culture. The Takers and Leavers appear to have very different belief systems and methods. The Takers, for

  • The People and Their Planet: Parallels Between Baraka and Ishamel

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    The People and their Planet Hello my name is Daniel Quinn and today I will be talking to you about the parallels between the film Baraka and my novel Ishmael. To give you all some context before I start, I will explain the premises of both pieces of work. Baraka is a non-narrative documentary film that was released in 1992. Throughout the film there is no narration or dialogue, it is just a compilation of multiple events. Some of what is shown includes natural events, life, human activities and

  • Captivity In Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    saving the world doesn’t necessarily mean being a superhero. We can save the world by just helping to preserve and protect the environment. The book also highlights the theme of captivity and how it is prevalent in every life form. The author, Daniel Quinn, explains captivity in a very unique way. By using a gorilla as a teacher, it gives us a different view of how we impact our planet. After reading Ishmael, it opened a whole new perspective of how I see the world. As soon as the novel begins

  • Daniel Quinn's Ishmael

    754 Words  | 2 Pages

    51c9PkFculL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ I've been reading Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn over the past week or so. (Click on the link to find out more about it.) It began when a friend of mine turned me onto this notion of "being a Hobbit". I've always been apolitical. I am conservative on the old sense: I believe in tradition, value in the old way of doing things, and seek to maintain a way of life informed by the wisdom of the Past. I'm Eastern Orthodox because I believe that it preserves the original doctrines