Dance Company Essays

  • Gyrating Hips

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    Katherine was a great dance teacher. Later in her career she was able to get together her own dance company. In February 1940 the Katherine Dunham Dance Company opened at the Windsor Theatre, west 48th Street, with Dunham’s own Tropics and Le Jazz Hot. The show was a phenomenal success. Following that show many newspaper companies were amazed and wanted to inter view Mrs. Dunham. Katherine Dunham was indeed on her way to the top. From that night her name and her dances took her behind the footlights

  • Chechen Dancer: Makhmud Esambayev

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    Chechen Dancer: Makhmud Esambayev A Dance Magician Many believe music is a universal language. Regardless of ones nationality or background we can all recognize and be touched by the power of music. Makhmud Esambayev, a Chechen dancer born with an exceptional ear for music, devoted his life to touching others with his own power. Esambayev was born in 1924 in the small Circassian village of Stariye Atagi, which is located on the foothills of the Caucasian mountains. Stariye Atagi, about

  • Dance Difficulties

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    As an extremely challenging and physically demanding pastime, it makes sense that a career in dance has lots of pressures that go along with it. This should come as no surprise seeing that every professional sport requires hard work and at least some sacrifice. It is questionable, however, if there is maybe too much pressure put on dancers in this day and age. Many people do not realize what it takes for a person to make it as a dancer, the dedication and drive the person must have. The fact of the

  • Merce Cunningham as a Pioneer of Modern Dance

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    as a Pioneer of Modern Dance In the age of conformity, Merce Cunningham has resisted the temptation to remain aligned with his peers. Cunningham has pioneered a new school of thought in dance, and has set the standard for future pioneers. He is passionate about what he does and it has been evident in his works as a dancer and a choreographer. Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919, in Centralia, Washington. At the age of twelve, Cunningham became interested in dance and started informal instruction

  • Research Paper On Alvin Ailey

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    Every company has what is known as a “signature piece,” that is, a work which expresses something about the artistic direction and the spirit of the company. For the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater that piece is Revelations. Choreographed and set to traditional music, Revelations was first performed at the Ninety-second Street YM-YWHA New York, NY., January 31, 1960. The lead dancers were Joan Derby, Minnie Marhsall, Merle Derby, Dorene Richardson, Jay Fletcher, Nathaniel Horne, and Herman Howell and the

  • Dance Therapy

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    Dance Therapy Dance therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses movement to further the social, cognitive, emotional, and physical development of the individual. Dance therapists work with people who have many kinds of emotional problems, intellectual deficits, and life-threatening illnesses. They are employed in psychiatric hospitals, day care centers, mental health centers, prisons, special schools, and private practice. They work with people of all ages in both group and individual therapy

  • Dance Research Paper

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    careers in dance such as: • Musical theatre • Dance teacher • Choreologist • Dance reviewer • Dance researcher • Costume designer • Dancer (performer in a company) • Choreographer • Marketer for a dance company • Dance company director • Biokineticist • Physiotherapist • Hair and makeup artist • Shoe and foot specialist • Trainer or body conditioning instructor • Pianist/ musician • Set designer • Lighting designer • Dance photographer or videographer • Stage manager Running a dance company The first

  • Robert Joffrey's Influence On The Ballet Industry

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    “The company has had its moment of greatness. Unique in its exuberance of style, a repository of masterpieces rescued from oblivion, and for many, an introduction to ballet, the Joffrey has played a vital role in the development of dance in the United States,” says Kisselgoff in an article announcing Joffrey’s return (Anawalt 321). Though his life was a few pas de chats, Robert Joffrey did everything he could to keep his dream going. Due to his prominence in the ballet industry, influence on modern

  • Twyla Thharp Research Paper

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    piano lessons at the age of two and dance lessons at the age of four. Twyla’s mother wanted her daughter to be accomplished in many fields so she enrolled her daughter in various arts and other classes such as French, German, and shorthand. Soon after beginning her dance lessons Twyla developed a deep interest in all the types of dance available to her. Twyla attended Pacific High School in San Bernardino, California and studied at the Vera Lynn school of Dance. After High school Twyla left home to

  • Merce Cunningham Dance Summary

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    frontiers not only of dance, but also of contemporary visual and performing arts”. His passion and drive to succeed and push boundaries of dance and technology helped him throughout his career and in the building of his own dance establishment, the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. He also worked closely with the composer John Cage, where together they created different, new music. He was one of the most daring choreographers of his time regarding the exploration of technology in dance. He had begun to

  • Complexions Contemperary Ballet

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    Complexions Contemporary Ballet’s singular approach to reinventing dance”. During the month of February, the company, Complexions, traveled around the nation to perform to different audiences. Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson are the Founding Artistic Directors of the company. This critique will be focusing on the performance at the South Miami Dade Cultural Art Center. It is a contemporary dance company that consists of 14 professional dances; seven are males and the other half are females. A performance

  • Ballet Dance Bodies

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    Social science is other area of studies which analyses ballet by its cultural symbols, linguistics and cognitive structures (Pickard, 2015). Integration of Cultural Studies and Sociology of Western theatre dance have been made by Helen Thomas at her book “The Body, Dance and Cultural Theory” (2003). Dance scholarship has been discussed with notions of representations of the body regarding the relationship between body, society and identity proposed

  • Gymnastics Argumentative Essay

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    comes to the realm of sports- dance. Dance requires a tremendous amount of training and creates an aura of competition in which people compete to be the best, win, and take home the trophy- just like in traditionally accepted sports. These sports, however, do not possess an element of psychological health threats that some competitive dancers unfortunately must account for due to the emphasis placed on physical appearance. Just like any

  • Dance Reflection Paper

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    I am always excited to see a professional dance company perform for an audience of people who are appreciative of dance as an art form. There was almost a buzz in the air with excitement to see the company perform, which made waiting for the performance to begin so much more difficult. The works presented by the company displayed the beauties of nature through the imitation of animals and displaying the emotions that are evoked by nature. The first section they performed was an animal influenced

  • Body Image and Eating Disorders Among Young Ballerinas

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    Power, and Art of Movement. New York: Abrams, 1992. Print. Kelso, Paula. “Behind the Curtain: The Body, Control and Ballet”. Edwardsville Journal of Sociology. 3:2. (2003). Web. 25 Nov. 2011. Price, Brena and Pettijohn, Terry. “The Effect of Ballet Dance Attire on Body and Self-Perceptions of Female Dancers”. Social Behavior and Personality. 34.8 (2006): Web. 991-998. Toro, Josep et al. “Eating Disorders in Ballet Dancing Students: Problems and Risk Factors”. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. And Eating Disorder

  • History of Ballet

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    feeling of wanting to be graceful, as well as the warm sensation felt by a little girl as she slips into dream land. My mom had taken me to my first ballet when I was 11 years old. When we returned home home, she signed me up for classes at the local dance center. The expectations to become a prima ballerina would involve much hard work and concentration. I knew when I started it would take years of steady practice and commitment. Learning the history of ballet and the famous dancers made me intrigued

  • Life Lessons Individuals Learn Growing Up A Dancer

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    such as visual design. An activity of growing popularity for youth is dance. Dance involves both physical activity as well as creative artistry. Despite dance challenging the body’s physicality and mentality, it teaches the youth many life lessons that will benefit any career path the chose to follow. To begin, dance forces its participants to gain independence. Many dancers join competitive dance teams, or performance dance companies. These both require dancers to be in the space for several hours without

  • The Struggles of Perfection in Dance Culture

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    Starving for Perfection Why I Chose My Topic I have been in dance my whole life; it is what I have always known. Starting at the age of 3 and slowly adding more classes. I then joined the competitive team at age ten, putting in 25 plus hours a week. Nothing seemed different until we got older. Our coaches would tell us to skip meals before shows so we wouldn’t bloat and could fit into our costumes. I never really listened to this, while others did and it started to become very noticeable. Some girls

  • Dance Observation

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    14th of September, I attended both a Dance Technique class and a Rehearsal session. Prior to attending the two classes, I had a general idea of what I was going to expect. My expectations were low for the technique class since it was a hip hop class for beginners; consequently, I knew it wouldn’t be too rigorous. However, I had higher expectations for the rehearsal class, knowing the room would be filled with serious dancers that are apart of a company, taking dance more seriously. I first attended the

  • Why I Want to Go to College

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    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." This is my all-time favorite quote. It is my motivation when the skies around me become cloudy. It is the fuel that feeds my ever-growing hunger to dance. Living by this motto will help me achieve my goal of becoming not just a professional dancer, but also an inspiration to others. My strong extracurricular background provides for a solid base, serving as a great steppingstone as I reach closer and closer