Cultural Myths Essays

  • Cultural Myth Essay

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    Intersection of Cultural Myths America has always been defined by several cultural myths. The myths provide those within the country and those outside a mirror to how American society is set up. Cultural myths are important especially to people who are immigrants or who have a history of being immigrants in society. The two most important myths in immigrant research are the myth of individual opportunity as well as the myth of the melting pot. This study looks at how these two cultural myths intersect

  • Cultural Appropriation: Not A Myth, By James O. Young

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    Cultural Appropriation: Not a Myth Cultural appropriation is one of the most controversial and talked about issues in current social conversation. Almost everyone seems to have thoughts on it, but many find it difficult to give concise arguments about what specific acts constitute appropriation, and which ones do not. Partly, this is because many people who have a voice in determining what is generally considered cultural appropriation are not the ones being appropriated. This is also why there

  • Heineken

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    the "economics of simplicity" with standardized products, packaging, and communication. Global brands become symbols of cultural ideals; therefore, transnational companies have to offer a high-value product that deliver the cultural myths consumers are looking for. The Global Brands Study found consumers associate global brands with three characteristics (quality signal, global myth, and social responsibility), which are used to evaluate them when making purchase decisions. Global consumers are segmented

  • Supremacist Ideologies in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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    of imperialism, his novella reveals to the reader an undeniable Victorian provenance. It endorses cultural myths of the period and reinforces the dominant ideology of the British gentleman. Its Victorian provenance is revealed in the representation of race, which is constructed through the character Marlow. His powerful narrative viewpoint reinforces what Chinua Achebe called Europe's "comforting myths" about Africa and Africans. The text consistently constructs black people as 'other'. This is

  • Cameron’s The Terminator and Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as Responses to Neo-conservatism

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    values of the “nuclear family” also sponsored heightened State intervention and policing of the private sphere, thereby buttressing cultural myths of the dangerous, unknown “Other”. As such a fear of the Other was socially perpetuated, it seemed the responsibility of liberal-minded skeptics to note such propaganda as an alarming preparation for totalitarianism. Many cultural texts from the period, such as James Cameron’s 1984 science-fiction film, “The Terminator”, and Margaret Atwood’s 1986 feminist

  • Essay On Cultural Myth

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    made myths. Myths that give them a certain sense of security to fill that unknown knowledge they have. The most common myth is the cultural myth. What is a cultural myth? A cultural myth is the narrative explanation--in both written, visual and oral form--of a culture, its origins, its mission, its development, and its future. Along with elements of truth, myths constitute the very substance of a culture’s concept of reality (week 1, day 2 notes). A noted able figure when it comes to cultural myths

  • American Cultural Myths

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    The United States and cultural myths pertaining to this country have been a topic of discussion for many years. Stephanie Coontz’s “The Way We Wish We Were”, David Brooks’ “One Nation Slightly Divisible” and Margaret Atwood’s “A Letter to America” are all essays about different American cultural myths. Each author focuses on a different cultural myth that pertains to the United States. They explain how these myths are thwarting a realistic view of America. As well as changing the perception of the

  • The Myths of Cultural Globalization

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    "Globalization, both as an ideology and process, has become the dominant political, economical and cultural force in the 21st century." Quote from "Globalism: The New Market Ideology" by Manfred D.Steger

  • Myths in Tom Robbins’s Another Roadside Attraction

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    Questioning Myths in Tom Robbins’s Another Roadside Attraction Tom Robbins’s controversial first novel, Another Roadside Attraction, epitomizes the declination of religious devotion, especially Catholicism, in America during the 1960s. Influences on Robbins while conceiving this novel include the early history of Christianity, eastern religion, and author Joseph Campbell. Campbell is famous for his massive and detailed comparisons of Western and Eastern spirituality, myth, and belief. Additionally

  • Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths

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    foreign and unapproachable” (Colombo, p.1). Colombo also states “If you commute, you may be struggling against a feeling of isolation that you’ve never faced before” (Colombo, p. 1). Colombo also asks in his article “Thinking Critical, Challenging Cultural Myths” “What do instructors mean when they tell you to think critically?” (Colombo, p. 2). In this paragraph Colombo is wanted to let the student know that the college instructors are going to let the student use her own mind and think outside the box

  • The Quest: An Archetype in Various Cultural Myths

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    Archetype When examining various cultural myths, one archetype keeps repeating—the image of the quest. This archetype functions with various different mythologies as a method of learning about the world, both its external features and what is inside the self. The quest comes from ancient origins and is found in Classical Western culture, but has been fine tuned through the generations. In its most modern interpretations, there are continuing elements of the age old myth, where extenuating circumstances

  • Free Waste Land Essays: Underlying Myths in The Waste Land

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    Underlying Myths in The Waste Land The underlying myths that Eliot uses to provide a framework for "The Waste Land" are those of the Fisher King and the Grail Quest. Both of these myths come to Christian civilization through the ancient Gaelic tradition. Neither is found in the Bible, but both were important enough to Europeans that there was a need to incorporate them into the new European mythology, and so the stories became centered on the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Other

  • Is Globalisation a Myth or a Fact?

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    universalisation leads to a more neutral stance, taking it's root from the dictionary definition of the word 'gloalise', meaning to universalise. To judge whether or not globalisation is a myth or fact therefore requires the full understanding of what the term means to it's critics and advocates, and in which ways they belive it to be myth of fact. Giddens simplifies the debate into two main schools - the sceptics and the radicals. A radical himself, he writes that "According to the sceptics, all the talk about

  • Weigh Loss Myths

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    1)Myth: Dieting is a good way for me to lose weight. Fact: 95-98% of people who go on a diet gain back all the weight they lose plus more, according to a National Institute of Health study. If you talk to someone you know who is a long-term dieter, chances are they will tell you that they weigh more now than before they started dieting. Positive Step: The key to a healthy relationship with food is to eat when you are hungry, eat exactly what you are hungry for and stop when you are satisfied

  • Myth and Violence in The Waste Land

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    evidenced by his writings, T.S. Eliot has a profound appreciation for the use of myth as a point of departure for maintaining a cultural or historical perspective. In "The Waste Land," his employment of myth is not simply an allusive and metaphorical tactic, but rather an attempt at relating his own ideas and tropes to universals in order to establish some external order for the chaos he is presenting: "The element of myth in his art is not so much a creative method, a resumption of the role of mythic

  • The Myth of Exodus

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    The Myth of Exodus There are many themes running through the Old Testament myth of Exodus – slavery, rescue and redemption, guidance, commandments on how to live, the creation of a nation, and God’s power over other gods. In this paper I will explore what appears to be the chief reasoning behind the creation of the Exodus myth – the explanation of the creation of a monotheistic religion and the similarities of the Exodus myth to the ancient myths, as well as how one should approach the reading

  • Woolf's Advice for the Woman Artist

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    wrath" of the cultural gods as a result. Winterson has used her literary and financial success to secure a life centered around her work and her concerns-- much to the fascination and horror of the British literary establishment and popular press. Winterson challenges the established "rules" of writing, publishing, reviewing--in sum, the cultural expectations for the woman artist in British society--constructing her life in order to argue against, as Woolf does in AROO, two cultural myths: that the artist

  • Cleopatra the Character, Historical Figure, and Myth

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    Cleopatra the Character, Historical Figure, and Myth Cleopatra is a character in a Shakespeare play. Cleopatra is a historical figure. Cleopatra is a myth of our culture. Although each of these statements may be true, neither they, nor any other such statements can hope to adequately describe Cleopatra. Cleopatra is an emergent feature of a complex system; Cleopatra is greater than the sum of her parts. Emergent features are properties associated with complex systems that cannot be deduced

  • Comparing Waste Land with Other Myths

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    The Waste Land:  Parallels with Other Myths The Waste Land summarizes the Grail legend, not precisely in the usual order, but retaining the principal incidents and adapting them to a modern setting. Eliot's indebtedness both to Sir James Frazer and to Jessie L. Weston's From Ritual to Romance (in which book he failed to cut pages 138-39 and 142-43 of his copy) is acknowledged in his notes. Jessie L. Weston's thesis is that the Grail legend was the surviving record of an initiation ritual. Later

  • Myth of Courage Exposed in The Things They Carried

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    all looks fine and noble if he goes down in war, hacked to pieces under a slashing bronze blade he lies there dead. . .but whatever death lays bare all wounds are marks of glory. (Homer 22.83-87) As students we are brainwashed by ancient myths such as The Iliad, where war is extolled and the valorous warrior praised. Yet, modern novels such as Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried (THINGS) challenge those very notions. Like The Iliad, THINGS is about war. It is about battles and soldiers