Crossing guard Essays

  • School Crossing Guard Safety

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    Introduction Within the public safety field, adult school crossing guards are among the least acknowledged and recognized of all. They are constantly battling harsh weather conditions and the all-too-common road rage from daily commuters while tending for our children’s safety. Unfortunately, these school zone guardians are at constant risk from the many inherent hazards of their job. Among those are the harsh weather conditions they encounter without shelter, the oncoming traffic they signal to

  • Civil War: A Short Story

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    Manhattan, New York, a booming city of trade and wealth, but it wasn’t always that way. There was a plane hauling a hazardous toxin from Libya, a nation that has been fighting a civil war for 6 years, to Area 51. The toxin supposedly was to be studied and stored. Unfortunately, the plane destined for Area 51 crashed into the busy streets of Manhattan, therefore causing more than 90 people to be infected with the toxin. The 90 people started to infect others. News organizations scrambled their teams

  • Diary of Mrs. Amelia Stewart Knight

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    Response on “ Diary of Mrs. Amelia Stewart Knight” When I finished this article I started to realize that the life of pioneers was not just one big adventure, but they had to face some really difficult problems like dangerous river crossing, bad weather, different kinds of accidents and diseases along the way without any chance for medical treatment. But first of all I had make a research to answer one question before all the problems along the way. It is how much did pioneers traveling west

  • Death

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    the story The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy, the protagonist undergoes an experience in which he comes face to face with the inevitability of death. The piece is abundant with imagery, careful diction, and religious undertone. McCarthy employs these literary devices in order to convey the protagonist’s deep concern for a wounded wolf he encounters in the wilderness and his quiet sense of reverence, loss and even fear when confronted by the animal’s death. This section of The Crossing begins in media

  • The Third Bank of the River

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    essence that is created, the author is able to explore this clearly important topic in greater depth. The importance of the crossing is that, in every case the author presents, it represents the journey from one position to its opposite, continuing until the characters reach their final destination: the third, intermediate situation. It is in this way that father’s crossing has a profound effect on the family (most notably the narrator) and the way they conduct the rest of their lives. The important

  • me

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Last Crossing #1 National Bestseller by Guy Vanderhaeghe. (Write 3 page review) Canadians are very proud to be a multicultural nation. In 2017, Canada will be turning one hundred and fifty years old and to show your appreciation we are asking all recent immigrants and citizens of Canada to read The Last Crossing by Guy Vanderhaeghe. Fort Whoop-Up border was located between Saskatchewan and Montana which evolves into the cities we see today. Learning historical information about Canada is important

  • Business Ethics - Case Study og Global Crossing and Its Owner Gary Winnick

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    Gary Winnick founded Global Crossing in 1997, observing the surge in telecommunications of the 1990’s and utilising it to construct the largest fibre optic network in the world for the purposes of transmission of voice, text, video and other data between 27 countries. The Company went public in 1997, with Winnick maintaining hold of 27% of stock in the company valued at $1.4 billion, and a year later held a market value of £38 billion surpassing Ford Motors. Winnick employed the services of Salomon

  • Improving Streets Lighting In El Paso: Article Analysis

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    A major problem that most residents in El Paso, TX face would be the lack of street lighting in certain neighborhoods. Drivers are at risk of being injured when driving down these kinds of conditions. As it gets darker earlier the visibility becomes poor causing it to be harder to see, making the driver unaware of their surrounding and giving them a higher risk of creating a dangerous situation for pedestrians. When these problems occur drivers can be unaware when pedestrians are walking, which mean

  • Ion

    1130 Words  | 3 Pages

    Creusa leaves Ion in the cave, Apollo rescues him. Apollo’s actions are strange in that he goes as far as to catch the soul of the priestess so that she would care for his son but yet refused to give aid to Creusa. As a youth, Ion is appointed as a guard of Apollo’s gold, then an altar attendant and later the chief caretaker. Ion knows nothing of his birth, and asks no questions because of his deep respect for Apollo. He is happy in his service to the gods never knowing the agony that his mother is

  • Wisdom of Socrates

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    Socrates friend from youth, Chairephon, ventured to the land of Delphi to ask the Oracle that presided there if there was a man that contained more wisdom than Socrates. The Oracle responded that there was no man wiser than he. This caught Socrates off guard because he never thought of himself as being wise at all. He ventured out to test the oracle's statement to see if what was said was in fact the truth. He approached a man that was known by the public to be very wise. He then proceeded to question

  • Macbeth

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    animal and is there to serve and guard a person. Each of the witches possesses a familiar except for the third witch. Her familiar is never laid on the table for us to see. In my paper I will show how the owl is the familiar of the third witch. First you must understand what a familiar is. In Websters dictionary the word familiar is defined as a closely acquainted; an intimate associate or companion, a spirit embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person. The cliché of a familiar

  • On Being Seventeen, Bright and Unable to Read, The Most Dangerous Game, and Giving Blood

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    the hunted. He has to put his life on the line in order to escape. ÒHe stopped, held his breath. The baying of the hounds stopped abbruply. Close. His heart stopped.Ó He ends up escaping the dogs only to find himself in a dual with the hunter. ÒOn guard Rainsford. Afterwards one of us will be repast to the hounds. The other will sleep in my bed........Rainsford never slept in a more comfortable bed.Ó In that story we are left only to wonder what Rainsford did with his life. Did he stay at the estate

  • Assassin - Original Writing

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    whether it was for a good cause or not it was still murder. The Assassin fell to his knees and began to cry. He had not felt emotion for years and now could not control himself. Tears flowed down his cheek and he made whimpering noises. A guard came from behind and stabbed the assassin. As he felt his miserable life slip away he thought of all the people he had killed. He imagined what life would have been like if so many unfortunate things had not occurred. From where he lay, he could

  • Anfernee Hardaway (Penny)

    2657 Words  | 6 Pages

    Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway is a gifted guard whose shooting, passing and athletic abilities earned him a spot on the All-NBA First Team and who helped the Magic reach the NBA Finals in 1995, only his second season in the league. The 6-7 Hardaway combines height, ballhandling and an accurate outside stroke into an exciting all-around game, although his scoring tailed off in his final two seasons with Orlando and he was traded to Phoenix prior to the 1999-2000 season. A native of Memphis, Tennessee

  • Basketball: A Communication Game

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    has helped me out in the long run. There are five positions in basketball: point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center, but, the most important position is the point guard. The point guard is the quarterback or floor general of the team. You have to be very vocal to run the team and call the shots. If you are not vocal, you will be sitting the bench or worse, in the stands. The shooting guard is the second most important player on the hardwood floor. He is the one running

  • Comparison of Seven Beowulf Translations

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    poem. Herein are discussed some passages which translators might show disagreement about because of the lack of clarity or missing fragments of text or abundance of synonyms or ambiguous referents. After the Danish coast-guard meets and talks to Beowulf, the guard then begins his next speech with a brief maxim or aphorism: Aeghwaepres sceal scearp scyldwiga            gescad witan, worda ond worca,           se pe wel penced. (287-289) T.A. Shippey comments in “The World of

  • Bad Boys

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    James laid in his bed with his pillow over his head in a deep peaceful sleep oblivious to the storm that raged on outside and to the events which transpired in it. His sleep was cut short when his cell phone rang and woke up him. He raised the pillow ever so slightly to scowl at the damn thing before finally mustering the strength to reach out it and see who was calling him. His scowl and anger only intensified once he saw it was his long time partner Tony calling. James (half-asleep & annoyed):

  • Color Guard Essay

    1905 Words  | 4 Pages

    I tried out for color guard in March of 2016. My experience with joining color guard has been one of the best decisions that I have made so far in my life. Not only has it changed me as a person, it has changed the way I look at situations. It sounds weird that an activity could change so much in my life, but it truly has. And it has made me a better person because of it. In March of 2016 I read about color guard auditions. I asked a few of my friends about what it was because it had mentioned dancing

  • Distortion in Fahrenheit 451

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    society is painted through imaginative descriptions and ideas. The society, seen through the eyes of Guy Montag, consists of TV walls, super computers developed into efficient and lethal guard dogs, and medical breakthroughs that seem much too unsettling to be true. As Montag walks into his fire station the computerized guard dog growls and shows its attack needle frightening Guy upstairs. This futuristic technology, meant for protection and designed to perfection, shows its flaw in an at... ... middle

  • The Education of a Torturer

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    chilling. The experiment took ordinary college students and had some agree to be prisoners and the rest would be guards for the prisoners. Both groups received no training on what to do or act like. They had to get all of their knowledge of what to do from outside sources, such as television and movies. The guards were given uniforms and night sticks and told to act like an ordinary guard would. The prisoners were treated like normal criminals. They were finger printed and booked, after that they were