Critical Examination Essays

  • Critical Examination of a Passage in Great Gatsby

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    This passage is from the great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It tells a story, specifically the history which Gatsby and Daisy had. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby until the war ended. But as it is Daisy’s youth and need for love and attention has made her insecure to stay alone for so long. Soon she attended parties and dances. At one of them she met the safe and strong Tom Buchanan. Despite the fact that she loved Jay, he was not there, so she married Tom. The diction used in this passage as

  • The Critical Race Theory: Examination of Minority Involvement in the Canadian Criminal Justice Sys

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    The Critical Race Theory: Examination of Minority Involvement in the Canadian Criminal Justice System The Canadian population can be characterized as a multicultural and diverse system of individuals. There is little doubt that certain minority groups posses a lifestyle and pattern of behavior inviting conflict or confrontation with the police (Fleras & Elliot, 1996). In light of this confrontation, an increase can be seen in the number of Black individuals killed in comparison to Caucasian

  • The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea

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    What is a test? The Webster’s New American Dictionary defines a test as “a critical examination or evaluation”. The World Book 2000 Encyclopedia defines testing as “an attempt to measure a person’s knowledge, intelligence, or other characteristics in a systematic way”. The Wisconsin 2004 freshmen will have to take a graduation test in order to graduate their senior year. They have four chances to pass the graduation examination. This paper will explain how the current requirements for graduating compare

  • America: Myth Of Equality

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    extremely critical when analyzing such a statement. By taking a historical perspective to the question of how “equal” American equality actually is, it is simple to recognize how problematic the “Land of the Free” mentality can be. The early America’s most prominent thinkers have been sensationalized and given credit for developing a free and equal system. However, one can recognize that their manner of thinking was far from this idea of “all men are created equal” by critical examination of their

  • A challenge to Materialism

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    explaining Descartes’ reasoning and subsequently offering my response, I can show with some degree of confidence that the issues of individuation and identity offer a challenge to the Cartesians’ premise of mind-body dualism. Before diving into a critical examination of these two issues, it would be wise to first discuss the basis of Descartes’ philosophy. Descartes begins his discussion of mind by first disregarding everything that he can call into doubt. After this mental cleansing, Descartes is left

  • Romanticism in Tim O'Brien's Going After Cacciato

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    senses that the seemingly random construction of the novel serves to underscore the random nature of the Vietnam war.  However, to lightly dismiss O'Brien's organization as simply fragmentary does great disservice to this American author.  A critical examination of a traditional element found in American Literature since its inception--the symbolic use of Nature--unifies Going After Cacciato and places the work firmly in the Romantic tradition.  Just as Romanticists have always relied upon Nature

  • Workfare: A Critical Examination

    2840 Words  | 6 Pages

    Introduction This essay will examine the technique of workfare as a way of governing the poor. Workfare is a widely contested area which evokes many conflicting opinions at both the political and the public level. The following quote comes from Dan Hodges, a British commentator writing for The Daily Telegraph, and gives an interesting insight in one of the discussions workfare poses. Hodges writes about the way several proponents of workfare (including David Cameron, the British PM in 2012), who

  • Unmasking Gatsby: A Critical Examination

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    “In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. ‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had’” (Fitzgerald 5). Nick was the nonjudgemental narrator of the book, The Great Gatsby. Without Nick Gatsby’s true inner self would have never been revealed. Gatsby lied his way into his fame in fortune and lied into Daisy’s heart.

  • Justice in America: A Critical Examination

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    How do we receive justice in the U.S ? First what is Justice, is it “fairness or moral rightness. a scheme or system of law in which every person receives his/ her/its due from the system, including all rights, both natural and legal”( But do we the people really get a fair trial? Do the people who work for the system and took an oath really care about moral rightness? “One problem is that attorneys, judges and legislators often get caught up more in procedure than in achieving justice

  • Policing in America: A Critical Examination

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    Criticizing the Police One purpose of government is to preserve order. There are many ways the government does that; one way is having a police force. The police are an important part of the executive branch which enforces laws made by the legislative branch. The police keep the peace by catching lawbreakers who are then tried in court and punished for inappropriate behavior. Without a well equipped and trained police force, society will fall into anarchy. People will do whatever they want

  • Cultural Relativism: A Critical Examination

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    Seungbae’s essay on cultural relativism argues that every moral decision one makes is only relevant within the sense of right and wrong depending on their cultural standards. He makes comparisons with cultural ethics as with the laws of motion but does not seem to necessarily relate today’s use of cultural relativism, and it also becomes a sort of backwards continuum in which the relativism that he argues for turns into an absolutist point of view, therefore turning his philosophy into what he is

  • Questioning Psychiatry: A Critical Examination

    636 Words  | 2 Pages

    I’ve been reading Everything You Know Is Wrong from Disinformation, and it’s… intriguing. There is a mixture of bizarre claims and sensible advice, and some articles about which I don’t know enough to decide. For example, there’s an article on psychiatry that I’ve summarized here: Mental Illness: Psychiatry’s Phlogiston by Thomas Szasz, M.D. Summary: “In physics, we use the same laws to explain why airplanes fly and why they crash. In psychiatry, we use one set of laws to explain sane behavior,

  • Dissecting CEO Compensation: A Critical Examination

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    CEO Compensation Since the beginning of time, there's been a over dweller, a monarch, a king, a CEO. A higher power has always been a factor in every corporation. CEOs are today's high archey in the business world; a chief executive officer is the highest rank in a company ultimately responsible for managerial decisions. Often given the highest salary you can imagine; a CEO receives their compensation from a variety of sources, such as their base salary, bonuses, benefits, and long term incentives

  • Conservative Views on Abortion: A Critical Examination

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    The Conservative Stance on Abortion; Why They Are Wrong “It is unthinkable to allow complete strangers, whether individually or collectively, as state legislators or others in government, to make such personal decisions for someone else.”(Weddington) The conservatives have been bringing up the issue of abortion ever since it was legalized in the 70s. Conservatives believe that abortion should be illegal because they believe that abortion is wrong. They are deciding to make a woman’s personal choice

  • Societal Response to Rape: A Critical Examination

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    The public does not know how to adequately and appropriately respond to rape because usually when these incidents occur, typically perpetrated by men victimizing women, society tends to blame the survivor, while excusing and justifying the attacker. This almost always occurs when the perpetrator is a white, upper class male, seen in the most recent case with the rapist from Harvard who was only sentenced to six months in jail for raping an unconscious woman. Rapists of color are typically given longer

  • Fossil Fuels and Democracy: A Critical Examination

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    Timothy Mitchell in his book is trying to explain the relationship between fossil fuels and democracy. Mitchell in his narrative reverses the so-called "oil curse" and instead of focusing on the oil money, he studied the processes of oil, the flows of transportation, the status workers had in the oil production and their democratic rights. As Mitchell claims in his introduction, he considers the democracies not as "carbon-copies" but as "carbon based"(p.5). He argues that the exploitation of the

  • Critical Examination of Malthusian Theory of Population

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    Thomas Robert Malthus, very popularly known as Malthus, was a professor of History and Political Economy at Haileybury College of the East Indian Company. He was a philosopher of 19th century. He lived his life from 1766 to 1834 AD. After writing an essay on the Principle of Population in 1805 AD, he became popular in the history of population studies. In his essay which later on became a very famous theory by the name "Malthusian Theory." In the theory, he has drawn some assumptions such as:

  • An Examination of the Second Meditation of Descartes

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    An Examination of the Second Meditation of Descartes Baird and Kaufmann, the editors of our text, explain in their outline of Descartes' epistemology that the method by which the thinker carried out his philosophical work involved first discovering and being sure of a certainty, and then, from that certainty, reasoning what else it meant one could be sure of. He would admit nothing without being absolutely satisfied on his own (i.e., without being told so by others) that it was incontrovertible

  • The Shortcomings of College Education

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    focus I shared with many of my peers was not always to appreciate the information received, but rather, to value the counsel from someone else who previously took that professor's class and maybe to be lucky enough to get a hold of last semester's examinations. Basically, I acquired useful skills for any job: to follow directions, to give the boss what he or she was asking of me, and to network and gain insight from other colleagues. It was still disturbing to me that after four years of schooling, I

  • Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

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    most controversial history, due to it’s complete lacking of empirical evidence, psychoanalysis, has it’s origins in the teachings of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy developed by Freud in the early 1900’s, involving intense examinations into one’s childhood, thought to be the origins of most psychopathology which surfaced during adulthood. Ideas about the subconscious, which saw the human mind as being in continuous internal conflict with itself, and theories that all actions