Creating Tension Essays

  • Opposing Viewpoints in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five

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    through the same experiences as Vonnegut did. Narrating the story of someone else allows Vonnegut distance and separation from the painful events at Dresden (Harris). Through Billy's story, Vonnegut introduces opposing ideas throughout his novel, creating tension between conflicting forces and philosophies. The opposing ideas in Slaughterhouse Five are differing views of time, and inco... ... middle of paper ... ...s, it is the one that states war is stupid, pointless, and cruel, yet it is inevitable

  • Free Essay on Shakespeare's King Lear - Is King Lear a Good King?

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    Kingdom politically has many disadvantages that Lear doesn't seem to realize. A Kingdom divided means there will be more than one ruler and a difference of opinion will occur. There will always be disagreements and arguments which may end in haste, creating tension between the rulers, especially if they are related and are envious of each others power and are fighting over the same love interest. Although Lear may feel he had a good reason to divide his land there really is no rational reason for his action

  • Japanese Internment

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    Japanese-American residents’ discipline and hard work. Japanese-Americans of this time seem to be attacked; however, they choose to uphold their disconnection with the rest of the Americans. Many Japanese felt they had superiority over Americans, creating tension and disconnection. Nevertheless, Japanese were resented and disliked by whites. Due to pressure from state leaders near the west coast, President Roosevelt, on February 19, 1942, signed Executive Order 9066. This resulted in the which resulted

  • King Lear - Disruption Of Order In King Lear And The Causes

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    Shakespeare's King Lear is a play which shows the consequences of one man's decisions. The audience follows the main character, Lear, as he makes decisions that disrupt order in his Kingdom. When Lear surrenders all his power and land to his daughters as a reward for their demonstration of love towards him, the breakdown on order in evident. Lear's first mistake is to divide his Kingdom into three parts. A Kingdom is run best under one ruler as only one decision is made without contradiction. Another

  • Creating Tension in An Inspector Calls

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    Creating Tension in An Inspector Calls An inspector calls is a play written by the author J.B. Priestley. The play is set in the industrial city of Brumley in the North Midlands, in the year of 1912. Act one begins in the family home of the Birling's, at the celebration of the engagement of Mr Birling's daughter. The Birling family at first impression are seen to the audience as a wonderful, prosperous family who live in luxury life style in a big lavish home with a high social status

  • Creating Tension and Drama in the Courtroom in The Crucible

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    Creating Tension and Drama in the Courtroom in The Crucible The crucible is about a mass hysteria which led to the 1692 Salem witchcraft trials. A group of young girls are caught dancing in the woods and are suspected to of been calling out to the devil. Strange things begin to happen around the local village which are then suspected to be the work of the devil. Everyone in the village is to appear in court and faced with a death sentence. This fantastic and extremely tense play is written

  • Creating Tension in Act 2 of The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    Creating Tension in Act 2 of The Crucible by Arthur Miller Arthur Miller's play The Crucible is set in Salem in 1692. At that time there was a lot of tension, as many people were being accused of witchcraft and being against God. In the play Miller shows how the accusations affected everyone in Salem. Miller creates a sense of tension by setting the scene in a "low, dark room." This room is quiet and gloomy as very little light is getting in. Miller does this to create an atmosphere which

  • Creating Tension throughout Red Room by Nicci French

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    Creating Tension throughout Red Room by Nicci French This gothic story is about an arrogant man who has heard of the “Red Room” and believes he is above the caretakers. He makes his way through the house, commenting on his surroundings. When he arrives at the room he is less confident than he was before. He sits waiting with his revolver at the ready, expecting something solid to attack him. When the candles start to extinguish, he is suddenly unnerved. He panics and falls unconscious

  • The Nature of Evil in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    that torments and spiritually destroys him"(330). Macbeth is strongly impelled to evil but he also abhors evil. It is this that causes Macbeth to abhor himself. The play explores the tensions between Macbeth's proneness to evil and his abhorrence to evil. Macbeth is a tragic hero because he becomes caught in tensions between his criminal actions and the reaction of his conscience. Had Macbeth committed the deeds without any remorse, he would have been simply an evil monster, without any hope. But

  • How Does the Dialogue Between John and Elizabeth Proctor in Pages 41 -

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    How Does the Dialogue Between John and Elizabeth Proctor in Pages 41 - 46 Reflect the Tensions and Strengths in their Relationship? During the first part of act two, the scene is set in the Proctors house, and a conversation takes place between Elizabeth and John Proctor. He has arrived home late, and the conversation that takes place between husband and wife seems, at first to be polite, maybe a little bit static, as thought they had both first met. We can tell from John words that he is

  • Essay on the Use of Symbols, Tensions, and Irony in The Glass Menagerie

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    Use of Symbols, Tensions, and Irony in The Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, is a perfect example of how Williams incorporates symbols, tensions, and irony to help express the central theme of the play. One of the most dominant symbols in the play is the fire escape.  It represents something different for each of the characters.  Tom uses the fire escape to escape from his cramped apartment and nagging mother.  Therefore, the fire escape symbolizes a path to

  • How does the language and stage directions of this section reveal the

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    How does the language and stage directions of this section reveal the tensions between the two characters. How does the language and stage directions of this section reveal the tensions between the two characters. How far does the section prepare the audience for what is about to happen? From the opening stage directions you get a very clear indication of what Miller is trying to show about Eddie. His flat is described as clean, sparse and homely. The use of a phone box in the set is

  • Race Tensions

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    The town I grew up in is Show Low, Arizona. Surrounding Show Low are many small neighboring towns. These towns all come together to form the White Mountains. Most of the citizens of my community are of a Caucasian background. There are also some different minority groups that come from different background that also live there. The majority of the non-Caucasian residents are of Native Americans decent and Mexican decent. There are Native Americans because of the Apache Reservation that lies to the

  • Imagery in The Tempest, by William Shakespeare

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    William Shakespeare's play The Tempest utilizes extensive imagery which goes beyond merely creating atmosphere and background or emphasizing the major themes of the play. The supernatural plays a considerable role in the play, thus so does the use of imagery, which is more extensive and somewhat different from many other of Shakespeare's works. The imagery is used as a mediator of supernatural powers, to emphasize the natural scene of action, and establish the enchanted island which becomes

  • Dating Anxiety

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    Dating Anxiety Have you ever been really stressed about something? Think of the time when you have been the most stressed out. Multiply that to the 10th power and you have me before a date. It seems to me dating and stress are like salt and pepper; you almost never have one without the other. Endless anticipations flood your mind, making it almost impossible to keep a continuous train of thought. The worst thing about dating is that you get seriously stressed out for one lousy night. It’s enough

  • Janie Crawford’s Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    though it takes her over thirty years to do it.  Each one of her husbands has a different effect on her ability to find that voice. Janie discovers her will to find her voice when she is living with Logan. Since she did not marry him for love, tensions arise as time moves on and Logan begins to order her around.  But Janie is young and her will has not yet been broken.  She has enough strength to say "No" and to leave him by running away with Joe.  At this point, Janie has found a part of her

  • Tensions in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

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    Tensions in Stopping by Woods The poem as a whole, of course, encodes many of the tensions between popular and elite poetry. For example, it appears in an anthology of children's writing alongside Amy Lowell's "Crescent Moon," Joyce Kilmer's "Trees," and Edward Lear's "Owl and the Pussy-Cat." Pritchard situates it among a number of poems that "have ... repelled or embarrassed more highbrow sensibilities," which suggests the question: "haven't these poems ['The Pasture,' 'Stopping by Woods..

  • How Social Tensions Led To Wit

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    social institutions of religion and family structure which were controlling factors that lay behind the particular cases discussed in the book. However, in order to really interpret the structure of witchcraft, it is important to consider that social tensions (most likely a dispute or argument) combined with personal or familial bad luck, were the root of all these occurrences. In New England, the term “witch” in New England served as identification used for punishment, revenge, or both. For the most

  • Creating Sympathy for The Great Gatsby

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    Creating Sympathy for The Great Gatsby In the text, The Great Gatsby, the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald leads us to sympathize with the central character of the text, Jay Gatsby. Fitzgerald evokes our sympathy using non-linear narrative and extended flashbacks as well as imagery, characterization and theme. Through these mediums, Fitzgerald is able to reveal Gatsby as a character who is in an unrelenting pursuit of an unattainable dream. While narrative and imagery reveal him to be a mysterious

  • Creating Tension and Fear in Chapter 47 and 50 of Oliver Twist

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    unexpected to the reader and must have surprised the reader as the dog itself did not harm anyone and is guiltless. Here the effect on the reader must have left them surprised as they were not in for another shock. Dickens did a successful job of creating tension and fear in Chapter 47 and 50 of Oliver Twist, as he used effective language to make his characters interesting for the reader. He had used his own experience and wisdom about poverty and based the characters around people he had known himself