Court Case Essays

  • government court cases

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    Democratic Party of Texas, a group that the Texas Supreme Court had deemed a "voluntary association," allowed only whites to participate in Democratic primary elections. S.S. Allwright was a county election official; he denied Lonnie E. Smith, a black man, the right to vote in the 1940 Texas Democratic primary. Question Presented Did denying blacks the right to vote in primary elections violate the Fifteenth Amendment? Conclusion The Court overruled its decision in Grovey v. Townsend (1935) and

  • Supreme Court Cases

    2725 Words  | 6 Pages

    Supreme Court Cases Engle vs. Vitale Case: In the late 1950's the New York State Board of Regents wrote and adopted a prayer, which was supposed to be nondenominational. The board recommended that students in public schools say the prayer on a voluntary basis every morning. In New Hyde Park Long Island a parent sued the school claiming that the prayer violated the first amendment of the constitution. The school argued that the prayer was nondenominational and did not attempt to "establish or endorse"

  • Supreme Court Cases

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    Supreme Court Cases First Amendment- Case Facts: Students wore anti-war bands to school, which in turn got them suspended from school. The students sued the school for impeding upon their free speech. Students Arguments: 1st and 14th Amendment-free speech, they weren't hurting anyone. School Arguments: 10th Amendment-allowed the school to suspend the kids in fear of endangering other student's health and academic well being Supreme Court Decision: The students won. "Students do not shed

  • Prejudice In Court Cases

    1787 Words  | 4 Pages

    Under Contempt of Court Act 1981, once cases are ‘active’, ‘anything published which creates a substantial risk that the course of justice will be seriously prejudiced or impeded will be a contempt of court’ (, n.d.). Prejudice can be some publication which might make the judge or jury biased to the prosecutor or the defendant. Impediment here means creating an obstruction to fair trial (, n.d.). In other words, if the case becomes active, contempt affects what can

  • Adolescent Court Cases

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    prevalent in the 1990s. Today, states are initiating major systemic changes intended to lessen institutional control, close old nineteenth century time change schools, and grow group based interventions.In the mid eighteenth and late nineteenth century, courts rebuffed and bound youth in prisons and prisons. Since less different choices existed , youth of all sexual orientations and ages were frequently unpredictably restricted with solidified grown-up hoodlums and rationally sick in substantial stuffed

  • Contempt Of Court Case Study

    2125 Words  | 5 Pages

    then the public will diminish their confidence in the administration of justice. If the courts authority is not adhered to in court administration of legal proceedings, then it reduces the chances for a fair trial for the persons involved in the case. Hence, the courts reserves the right to punish those preside or wilfully interfere with its authority. Contempt of court was instigated by the notion that the court administration must be liberated to adjudicate on those matters before it, unimpeded by

  • Court Case Regulation Summary

    1615 Words  | 4 Pages

    pursuant to Rule 56(a) of the Fed. R. Civ. P., and Rule 7.1 of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, respectfully moves for the entry of final summary judgment as to all claims pled by Plaintiff, Hannah Carson (“Ms. Carson”). In support of its Motion, Mr. Hamilton submits the following Memorandum of Law. SUMMARY JUDGMENT STANDARD Pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure “The court shall grant summary judgment if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute

  • Monetary Disparities In Court Cases

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    actions of $58.4 million ($103.5 million). Sometimes penalties assigned to the defendant firms include legal expenses suffered by the plaintiffs. For example, in a case of class actions, the cumulative compensation paid to the class members, includes legal fees, which usually

  • The Unfair Court Case: The Cases Of Unfair Court Decisions

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    Unfair Court Decisions Suppose a special prosecutor tired you on purpose to put you in jail, and you didn’t plead guilty to show that you are truly innocent. Is it fair to you when the prosecutor tried knowingly and willfully while you are innocent? What do you do if you are harshly punished because you do not want to plead guilty to show that you’re innocent for real? This thing has been happening in our court system in criminal cases for many decades. In criminal cases, punishing defendants who

  • Industrial Court Of Queensland Case Summary

    1162 Words  | 3 Pages

    Part 1: Appeal to the Industrial Court of Queensland Prosecution counsel submissions: 1. Pursuant to section 561 of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act), the Prosecution counsel seeks an appeal to the Industrial Court of Queensland, from the decision of the Industrial Magistrates Court given on 11/10/2017. 2. The grounds of appeal are: - The learned Industrial Magistrate erred in concluding there was no case to answer in respect to an offence under subsection 534(2)

  • Specialized Drug Court Case Study

    1394 Words  | 3 Pages

    specialized, or problem-oriented, courts have assumed a predominate role in multiple areas. Three of the major ones discussed here include drug, mental health, and domestic violence courts. In 1996, the American Bar Association provided their interpretation of specialization, stating: Traditionally, specialization refers to a specialized subject matter combined with subject matter expertise. With reference to courts, specialization usually signifies that a court has limited and frequently exclusive

  • John M Juvenile Court Case

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    The case of John M is a difficult and multi-faceted problem and there are several considerations that must be addressed before determining whether he should be transferred to adult court for trial. The first issue that must be considered are the accrual crimes that he committed. In the case study, John commits robbery and a sexual assault. The commission of these two crimes necessitates a dual analysis. If the only issue that required adjudication was the robbery, then the most appropriate placement

  • Mental Health Court Case Study

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    Courts, are usually established to either declare a defendant innocent or announce him guilty with a particular sentence depending strictly on the crime. However, the Yuma Mental Health Court is like no other court in the U.S Criminal Justice System. This unique court has specifically been established for two main reasons. The first reason, is to maintain mental ill defendants out of any jails or prisons, in order for them to receive proper treatments. The next reason, is that this court tries to

  • Case Study: Kew Gardens Criminal Court

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    The court I went to was Kew Gardens Criminal court. The section I went to was the arraignment for misdemeanors. I spent two hours observing cases, and within that two hours, I saw 16 cases. All the case took place in the same routine, with the court clerk calling the defendant to the stand. The defense attorney and prosecutor are there with them. The defense is then advised of the charges against them and they enter a plea. Of the 16 cases, 43% were African-American, 37% were Hispanic and only 12%

  • Plessy V Ferguson Court Case Analysis

    759 Words  | 2 Pages

    Just do the best you can, but it won’t matter?” (Gaines 66). Gentlemen, please contemplate the result of the Plessy v. Ferguson court case. The court case that ultimately made discrimination and segregation the rule of the land. As a result, it was not prohibited to have divided accommodations for black and white Americans as long as they were “equal” (“The Rise and Fall”). Equal. Nothing

  • Bowman vs. Fels Court Case Comments

    921 Words  | 2 Pages

Bowman v Fels [2005] EWCA Civ 226, [2005] 1 WLR 3083 It has been stated that “a person commits an offence if he enters into or becomes concerned in an arrangement which he knows or suspects facilitates (by whatever means) the acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by or on behalf of another person.” In Bowman v Fels, the courts concluded that this section of the act was not interpreted in a way by which it intended to cover or affect the ordinary conduct of litigation

  • The Case Of Deshaney V. Winnebago Court Case

    921 Words  | 2 Pages

    had been working with the Department of Social Services to keep custody over his son. The court case was filed by Joshua's mother, Melody Deshaney, who was suing the DSS employees on behalf of failing to protect her son from his father. To understand the Deshaney v. Winnebago County Court case and the Supreme courts ruling, it's important to analyze the background, the court's decision, and how this case has impacted our society. Joshua's worst days were ahead of him in 1980 when his mother Melody

  • J. Triffin, The Plaintiff-Appellant: The Superior Court Case

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    Facts: Robert J. Triffin, the Plaintiff-Appellant, appeals a case from November 5, 2009 which dismissed his complaint seeking to collect a dishonored check originally issued by Liccardi Ford, Inc, the Defendant- Respondent in The Superior Court: Law Division for criminal court. Triffin owns a business in buying dishonored checks, and attempting to collect on them. The check was postdated, and the check cashing service which Triffin purchased made a payment in violation of Check Cashers Regulatory

  • Should Cameras Be Allowed In Court Cases

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    adjacent areas to broadcast, televise, record and photograph court proceedings was tenuous, particularly after the media coverage of the Sam Shepard trial in the 1950s caused many courts to close their doors to the media. Then, on October 29, 1991, the Supreme Court of Missouri established a task force to determine whether cameras should be allowed in the courtroom. After considering the issue, the task force recommended that the Supreme Court adopt a rule authorizing broadcasting, televising, recording

  • Texas Supreme Court Case Study

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    Supreme Courts, the Court of Criminal Appeals and the Supreme Court of Texas. With the two separate Supreme Courts in its state government benefits are clearly displayed, but negative aspects are also clear here as well. I will describe what these two courts do for the state of Texas and I will tell of aspects I will leave be due to the benefits they provide but, I will also list changes to be made to fix the negative effects two Supreme Courts bring in this state. First, what is the Court of Criminal