Correct Equation Essays

  • Determining the Correct Equation for the Decomposition of Copper Carbonate

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    Determining the Correct Equation for the Decomposition of Copper Carbonate Introduction and background information: Important points to note: ‘At room temperature, 25°C and atmospheric pressure at 1 atmosphere, I mole of any gas will occupy a volume of 24 dm³.’ We will need this to work out how much copper carbonate to decompose to obtain a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide gas. To work out the amount of copper carbonate to use I will need to use the following equations: Number of

  • Change of Sign Method - Mathematical Essay

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    Mathematical Essay In order to find the roots of an equation that cannot be solved algebraically, I can use numerical methods to do this instead. One of these methods is the change of sign method. From looking at a graph of my equation I can find two integers that my root lies between, then from there, using spreadsheets, I can use the change of sign method to discover where the root lies to five decimal places. I have chosen to try to solve the equation: 5x3-7x+1=0 First, I drew the graph of y=5x3-7x+1

  • The Open Box Problem

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    can calculate the side lengths minus the cut out squares using the following equation. Volume = Length - (2 * Cut Out) * Width - (2 * Cut Out) * Height Using a square, both the length & the width are equal. I am using a length/width of 10cm. I am going to call the cut out "x." Therefore the equation can be changed to: Volume = 10 - (2x) * 10 - (2x) * x If I were using a cut out of length 1cm, the equation for this would be as follows: Volume = 10 - (2 * 1) * 10 - *(2 * 1) * 1

  • Consecutive Numbers

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    numbers, square the middle and multiply the outer two, the squared number will always be one more than the product of the outer two. If this rule is correct, then by using the three consecutive numbers: 101,102,103, I predict that 102² will equal one more than 101x103. 101,102,103 102²=10404 101x103= 10403 My prediction was correct as 102², 10404, is one more than 101x103, 10403.

  • T-Totals and T-Numbers

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    T: [IMAGE] T-Total = 4 + 5 + 6 + 14 + 23 = 52 [IMAGE] This number should = 5n - 63 T-Total = 5n - 63 = (5 x 23) - 63 = 115 - 63 = 52 We can see that the two T-Totals (shortened to TT's) are equal. I shall next test this equation on a 10 x 10 graph to see if it works. [IMAGE] TT = 1 + 2 + 3 + 12 + 22 = 39 & TT = 5n - 63 = (5 x 22) - 63 = 110 - 63

  • Investigating the Bounce of a Squash Ball

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    and temperature. Boyle discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the pressure is inversely proportional to its volume. So in equation form this is: pV = constant if T is constant Amontons discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant volume, the pressure is proportional to the Kelvin temperature. So in equation form this is: p µ T if V is constant Shown below this is represented on graphs in (oC) and (K). [IMAGE] P [IMAGE] [IMAGE] q/oC

  • Assessed Practical Titration Write-Up

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    Assessed Practical Titration Write-Up Equation: Na2CO3 + H2SO4 à Na2SO4 + CO2 + H2O One mol of Na2CO3 reacts with one mol of H2SO4. Results: The weight of my sodium carbonate crystals was 2.67g and the results of the titrations are as follows: Rough 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Initial Reading 00.00 00.50 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.20 Final Reading 26.45 26.45 26.05 27.00 25.85 25.90 26.10 Titration 26.45 25

  • Finding Gradients of Curves

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    points and measure the gradients. Thirdly, I will use algebra to work out a formula for the gradient and see how this matches the first two methods. At first I split up the coursework into 3 main families (for each family there are additional equations to investigate): Part One: Curves involving x2 1. y = x2 2. y = 2x2 3. y = 3x2 4. y = 4x2 5. y = x2 + 1 6. y = 7x2 + 6 Part Two: Curves involving x2 + x 1. y = x2 + x 2. y = x2 + 2x 3. y = 7x2 + 4x + 5 Part Three:

  • Investigation into elastic potential energy

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    involved means that the potential energy is greater therefore the kinetic/moving energy will also be greater. Variables: Force to pull the band back. This will be between 3 and 11 Newton’s. Equations: Distance = Speed Time Speed = Time Distance Time = Distance Speed I also have Equations for EPE in my research. Method: 1)     Attach an elastic band to the hook on the end of a Newton metre and stretch the band until the Newton metre reads three Newton’s 2)     Then Release the

  • Calamine Investigation

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    O= 16, Zn= 65) The equation allows you to calculate a theoretical conversion of calamine into zinc oxide. In the chemical industry they need to be able to calculate % yields in order to make sure that their processes are economical. Aim. I am going to compare the results from the experiment with the theoretical result to see if they have any similarities or differences. I have already been told how to find out the theoretical result by using balanced equations and reacting masses

  • Finding The Focal Length Of A Lens Essay

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    Finding the Focal Length of a Given Convex Lens Aim: - To find the focal length of a given convex lens. Apparatus: - Convex lens Metre rule Screen Candle Matches Wooden blocks Theory:- In this experiment the focal length of a lens is found out. The focal lens

  • How Concentration affects the rate of reaction

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    going to carry out the reaction of sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. The reactant I am going to change in concentration for each experiment/reading is sodium thiosulphate. Word Equation Sodium + Hydrochloric Sodium + Sulphur + water + Sulphur Thiosulphate acid Chloride dioxide Chemical Equation ================= Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) -> 2NaCl(aq) + S(s) + H2O(l) + SO2(g) Equipment ========= Sodium Thiosulphate (NaSO) of different concentrations and volumes 5cm Hydrochloric

  • Investigating the Resistance of a Wire

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    Plan of the method to be used:- The resistivity of a wire can be determined using the equation P= RA/L Where: R:- Is the resistance of the wire in ohms and can be determined using the equation R=V/I where V is voltage in volts and I is current in amperes. L:- is the length of the wire used in metres. A: - Is the cross-sectional area of the wire in metres square and can be determined using the equation A= π(d/2 x10 ³)² where d is the diameter of the wire in mm. I will plot a graph of length

  • Mathematical Investigation

    775 Words  | 2 Pages

    because the number has number has to be able to be added to 9 without a repeated number and it has to be added to all other numbers without crossing the “15” limit. The number 7 could not be placed in the middle cell because you can only get 3 equations that equal 15 using 7. The problem here is that you need at least 4 solutions: 2 diagonally, 1 horizontally and 1 vertically. The same counts for all other numbers except for 5. Therefore, the number that should be in the center cell is 5.

  • Finding out the Speed of Light Through Perspex

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    special role it plays in many parts of physics, the speed of light in a vacuum has been given its own symbol: c. The speed of light in any other material we denote with v. The ratio of the two is defined as the refractive index, symbol: n. Equations Refractive Index Sin I Speed of light in Perspex =a constant = Speed of light in light in air Sin R [IMAGE][IMAGE] I could also use my graph to calculate the refractive index Apparatus * Ray Box * Perspex D-Block

  • Intentional and Unintentional Plagiarism

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    between innocence and a liar, but maybe a class should be demanded of every college freshman, then innocence can be taken out of the equation. Then there is grade school. Sherman Dorn, a teacher, has an article on the Internet called “Copying is necessary to survival in school”[2], and it talks about how students at a young age are taught that only the completely correct answer will work on a test, when the right answer is exactly what the teacher is telling them in class. Hmmm, is that an early

  • Shapes Investigation

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    formula linking P (perimeter), D (dots enclosed) and T (number of triangles used to make a shape). Later on in this investigation T will be substituted for Q (squares) and H (hexagons) used to make a shape. Other letters used in my formulas and equations are X (T, Q or H), and Y (the number of sides a shape has). I have decided not to use S for squares, as it is possible it could be mistaken for 5, when put into a formula. After this, I will try to find a formula that links the number of shapes

  • Growing Squares

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    results I know. Pattern Number Number of Squares 1st Difference 2nd Difference 1 1 4 4 2 5 8 3 13 4 12 4 25 The 2nd difference is constant; therefore the equations will be quadratic. The general formula for a quadratic equation is an2 + bn +c. The coefficient of n2 is half that of the second difference Therefore so far my formula is: 2n2 + [extra bit] I will now attempt to find the extra bit for this formula. Pattern Number

  • Physics in Everyday Use: Nympsfield Gliding Club

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    Bernoulli’s Equation. The Bernoulli equation states that, [IMAGE] but only when · point 1 and 2 lie on a streamline, · the fluid has a constant density, · the flow is steady · there is no friction. Although these restrictions sound severe, the Bernoulli equation is very useful, partly because it is very simple to use and partly because it can give great insight into the balance between pressure, velocity and elevation. Bernoulli's equation is the explanation

  • Magnetic Fields of Stationary Magnets

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    Missing figures/equations My goal in writing this paper is two fold. Goal one is to try and understand how a stationary magnet exerts force by means of a magnetic field (even across a complete vacuum). Frequently, electromagnetic fields are compared to the gravitational field. Goal two is to explore the similarities between the two types of fields to see if comparison throws any light on the mechanism of magnetic field generation. The term action-at-a-distance is often used to describe forces