Controlling Others Essays

  • Controlling Others And Its Consequences

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    Everyone, whether inadvertently or not, has an influence on others. However, when one’s guidance surpasses suggestive recommendation and enters a realm of ________, many problems can arise. This mistake is evident in several instances throughout Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. To control others is to “exercise restraint or direction over; to dominate or exile” (DICTIONARY). This type of behavior is visible in the play in three different forms: sexism, possessive ownership, and magical influence

  • All About Eve

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    the character chose her words, and moved in a certain way in order to obtain precisely the reaction desired for those around her. I thought of how often I have done the same things myself. I thought of how often I have carefully selected what I told others about me in order to create a certain desired image of myself. It made me conscience of the fact that I have, on countless occasions manipulated people for my own benefit.            It drew my thoughts back in a tour of my past and brought forth

  • Essay Comparing Washington And Macbeth: The Fate Of A Nation

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    control.  He could have easily performed a "coup d'état" and seized control of the newly freed nation.  However, Washington's ambitions were not to become a dictator, or king.  He believed that power did not come from controlling others, but from the honor and respect that was given to him.  Washington knew that this power would only come from subordination to civilian authority.  He would be a precedent by being the first general to turn down his immense powers

  • Treadmill Exercise

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    Exercise helps memory and thinking by direct and indirect means. The direct benefits of exercise have to do with its ability to reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors. Indirectly, exercise improves mood, sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. Having issues in these areas can cause cognitive dysfunction. Many studies have tried to prove that the parts of the brain that control cognition and memory are larger in people who exercise compared to people

  • The Vision of Emmanuel Levinas on Moral Evil and Our Responsibility

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    .. ...e that is unfamiliar to him or her. The face commands one to help the other. This ethics encompasses all human connections since the face is something that all peoples have and interact with when they meet another. Works Cited Burggraeve, Roger. The Wisdom of Love in the Service of Love. Trans. by Jeffrey Bloechl. Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press, 2002. _____. “Violence and the Vulnerable Face of the Other: The Vision of Emmanuel Levinas on Moral Evil and Our Responsibility.” Journal

  • Othering In The Movie Essay

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    Othering, or the other, is a term used to describe a specific individual or group that is identified as the opposite from the perceived norm or the “preferred ideal”. More specifically, othering is often classified with a negative connotation as it can inherently promote individuals to dismiss and neglect other differences wether it be ethical, societal, and onward. The end result of othering can lead to the isolation and segregation of a specific group through actions such as a disproportionate

  • feminaw Rebirth of Edna Pontellier in Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    "unlimited", or nirvana as a tantalizing prize on the other shore. Her mistake lies in looking back. When Edna looked back toward the shore, she notices the people she left there. She also notices that she has not covered a great distance. Then a "quick vision of death smote her soul" (Chopin 74), a sense of death that reaffirms her selfhood and reminds her of her clinging to Robert. Her meditation is broken by the wavering of her mind to other objects and senses. Her struggle to regain the shore

  • Lacan´s Mirror Stage

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    Lacans mirror stage Self-recognition is fundamental building block for humans, we exist as individuals each with out own differences and recognition of each other is an important feature for us. Psychoanalytic theorist had attempted to understand the complexities of the human mind truth identity and agency in the world. Advance in technologies brought us an opportunity to create virtual worlds2 and in many ways artificial reality is bound by the fundamental rules of gravity, day night cycle, space

  • Anna Livia Plurabelle: The Lost Truth of Feminine Subjectivity

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    origin that governs all patriarchal claims postrated and confirms them margin subject to feminine alterity. To achieve a full subjectivity through alterity, Joyce appeals to dream, a means in which the self is fully lost and the process of becoming other flows without the trammel that consciousness brings about. Dream contains potentiality to make one which is two-Anna Livia and her daughter Issy or Anna and Kate. Anna lives so many lives especially her pre-self (Issy) her own current self, and her

  • Comparing the Orpheus Myth and Conrad's The Secret Sharer

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    Parallels in the Orpheus Myth and Conrad's The Secret Sharer The myth of Orpheus and his descent into the underworld is paralleled in Joseph Conrad's "The Secret Sharer," revealing a common theme, the narrator's self-fulfillment through the conclusion of his symbolic and inward quest. This parallel, which may be called archetypal, serves to increase the reader's sense of identification with Conrad's narrator, and it lends an otherworldly tone to the work as a whole. Likewise, these echoes of

  • Sense Of Self And Individuality In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

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    complicated identity. Gogol’s struggle with his identity is the focus for the novel, and his name becomes a symbol for this difficulty. Gogol grows up never understanding the significance of his name and grows up hating it. By choosing one name over the other, Gogol decides to define himself under a different self. And last but not least, the narrative depicts Gogol's fractured identity as he tries to disassociate himself from both his family and his cultural heritage to forget his own self. Gogol grows

  • How Violence Leaves a Mark in Veena Das’ Life and Words

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    the event and the everyday is understood in terms of how a number of dichotomous factors, related to the inside and the outside, interact and affect each other. In blurring the boundaries between the ordinary and the eventful, Das is able to give significant insights into the interface between the individual and the collective, the self and the other, and the everyday and the event. In order to better understand these relations, Das undoes the stereotype of the detached, unbothered researcher and explores

  • Northern and Middle Colonies

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    England had a strong hold over the colonies. They controlled development and the government, among other things. But as the colonies developed, they began to have an ever-growing sense of independence that was a threat to its English rulers. As a result of this England went through much trouble in constantly trying to regain full control of the colonies. Early in the Development of Massachusetts and the other New England colonies, the government of England had paid little attention to the colonies due

  • Free Essay on Macbeth - The Guilt of Lady Macbeth

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    The Guilt of Lady Macbeth Everyone is influenced by other people, including leaders or authority, to make the wrong decisions at some point in their lives. In the play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is responsible for the evil doings of Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is responsible for this by using his love for her to persuade him into killing King Duncan. Because Macbeth loved and trusted his wife, he was vulnerable to her opinions and suggestions. We also know that she is responsible for these heartless things

  • Emotional devleopment in children

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    3-5 create imaginary friends for themselves. Though play is often accepted and encouraged by western industrialized cultures it often times is not accepted by families of other cultures. Parents of such westernized cultures tend to support freedom of expression, independence, individuality, etc., known as individualism. On the other ha...

  • Eco-feminism

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    real power in the outside world, no place in decision-making. Other things such as the intellectual life, the work of the mind, have traditionally not been accessible to women for many reasons. Some of these reasons have included society’s mentality. According to Judith, today, ecology speaks for the earth, and feminism speaks for the ‘other’ in female/male relations. As for ecofeminism, she believes that by speaking for the original ‘others’, it seeks to understand the interconnected roots of all domination

  • A Rose For Emily And Trifles Comparison Essay

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    society by her husband behavior. On the other hand, Emily was isolated from society by her father. Even though they were isolated differently from each other, both of the women did not have freedom from the outside world. They were always sheltered. Being isolated from society, both of the women's loses their mental balance and behavior which made them kill their lover. Another similarities between Minnie and Emily is both were absent of their significant others death at the end of the

  • India

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    time with their Indian mistresses. Another very important aspect was the arrival of missionaries from protestant England. The missionaries cast their teachings upon the very conservative Indians, who preferred their own customs and institutions to other people. Indians especially preferred their own religions and Evangelical Christians had little respect, or understanding of, these ancient practices and beliefs. The spark that started it happened in May of 1857 with a mutiny of Indian troops at Meerut

  • Symbolism and Characters in Fahrenheit 451

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    and relationships to other characters in the story give important insight to the world of Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury's craft of creating characters with much symbolism is one of the most important aspects of Fahrenheit 451. From Guy Montag to Captain Beatty, he implements careful design in each character, molding them into more than just symbols. Guy Montag is the main character in the story; he is the pillar on which all other characters rest, and the character which all other characters revolve around

  • Control, Empowerment, and the Fake World: Converging Metaphors

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    earning grades, and managing classrooms (Danesi 108). These artifactual signs in turn perpetuate the controlling metaphor. Metaphors, then, are at the heart of understanding the way we view aspects of our culture while we simultaneously build that culture. Umberto Eco stresses that culture is a collective experience. In his view, "there is no such thing as a single mind, un connected to other minds or to their (collective) social cultural constructions" (Cunningham, "MOM" handout). If this is