Control Society Essays

  • The Use of Oxymorons: Control and Dehumanization of Society

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    New World and “Harrison Bergeron” also live in a degraded state. The controlling of society through technology makes the citizens of the Brave New World and “Harrison Bergeron” live a dehumanized life. Oxymorons, which are contradicting terms that are combined, are used in both stories, and help explain how technology dehumanizes people. The stories’ inventions and advancements and the censoring used in the society of the stories show this as well. The use of oxymorons shows the people’s dehumanization

  • The Use of Soma to Shape and Control Society in Huxley's Brave New World

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    The Use of Soma to Shape and Control Society in Huxley's Brave New World The future of the world is a place of thriving commerce and stability. Safety and happiness are at an all-time high, and no one suffers from depression or any other mental disorders. There are no more wars, as peace and harmony spread to almost every corner of the world. There is no sickness, and people are predestined to be happy and content in their social class. But if anything wrong accidentally occurs, there is a simple

  • Who Controls the Private Sphere in an Archaic Greek Society

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    Who Controls the Private Sphere in an Archaic Greek Society Abstract: Texts, such as Oeconomicus, reveal that while men in Archaic Greek society had authority over their wives, they were too confident of their control, and once they taught women how to act and behave they granted women authority over the household or private sphere. This segregation of the public and private spheres allowed women control not only over the private sphere, but also some control over her own life. Did women

  • Foucault And Truffaut: Power And Social Control In French Society

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    Foucault and Truffaut: Power and Social Control in French Society Both Michel Foucault and Truffaut's depiction of a disciplinary society are nearly identical. But Truffaut's interpretation sees more room for freedom within the disciplinary society. The difference stems from Foucault's belief that the social control in disciplinary pervades all elements of life and there is no escape from this type of control. Foucault's work deals mostly with "power" and his conception of it. Like Nietzsche, Foucault

  • Asceticism - The Joy of Fasting, Flagellation and Self-mutilation

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    which to subdue sin within one’s life and restrain one’s evil inclinations. Asceticism takes many forms. It can be applied broadly as an aspect of all cultures, as social asceticism. The social regulations that control society stress individual control. Without this self-control, society would fail to survive. This method of asceticism is loosely based upon the guidelines of discipline. The more severe forms of asceticism involve those who seek a profound spiritual journey. The drastic measures

  • An Analysis on Information Technologies: Fahrenheit 451

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    The idea of a controlling society set in the future is not a foreign concept to the realms of science-fiction. Technology is often utilized in these stories to control the populace under one vision of a perfect world. In George Orwell’s acclaimed novel 1984, the government of Oceania used “telescreens'; that displayed propaganda and censored news in addition to their role as cameras which relayed information back to the Ministry of Love. This constant surveillance provided assurance that

  • The Republican Party in Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt

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    of the Republican Party is proof that we are not too far off from Lewis' version, despite the expanse of time. George Babbitt, the main character in Lewis' novel, viewed the world in the eyes of a businessman. He saw immigrants as a waste to society, business and the means to survive, and the ability to own the latest and greatest inventions as top priorities in his life. One must, in the 1920s and well as in today's world, set themselves in a political affiliation, generally one that describes

  • Social Control In Society

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    Social control involves rules and behaviors that members of a society are expected to follow. Many of us fail to recognize how socially controlled we really are. It is not because we are oblivious to it, but its simply because we have been trained to learn and know the norms of the society we live in. When members of a society don’t follow or do follow the social norms people are given both positive and negative sanction. The two main ways of social control are used is by internalized externalized

  • The Importance Of Social Control In Society

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    Social control is “the process of ensuring individuals engage in “right conduct” (Lippman, 2015, p.22). In smaller and less complex societies, social control is caused by pressures from friends and acquaintances. If certain persons of the society do something that is not considered “normal” they could easily be excluded. In more complex societies, social pressures are key because there are more institutions like work, school, home etc. Each institution has their own criteria for social control. (Lippman

  • Dystopian Societies: An Analysis of Politics and Control

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    The nature of politics to manipulate and delude the masses allows the political motivations to be ambiguous, however, with control as the ultimate goal it renders people and politics to be antithetical to each other. Political motivations are based on the inherent qualities of the politicians which can be adverse for the populace but a personal gain for themselves. In Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World and Andrew Niccol’s 1997 film Gattaca the notions of science and technological advancements

  • Selective Gun Control and Its Benefits to Society

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    As long as there have been men and women on this planet there has been violence. This is an immutable fact. In all likelihood, there will always be violence within the human race. Robert Heinlein said, "Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms." Indeed this is plausible. The premise of these

  • control in brave new world

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    Control in Brave New World In his novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley illustrates ways in which government and advanced science control society. Through actual visualization of this Utopian society, the reader is able to see how this state affects Huxley’s characters. Throughout the book, the author deals with many different aspects of control. Whether it is of his subjects’ feelings and emotions or of the society’s restraint of population growth, Huxley depicts government’s and science’s role in

  • How Does Gun Control Affect Society

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    Citizens have always taken advantage. One might wonder why someone would be so protective over something so dangerous. I do believe that gun control is a need for today's society, and for protection. Gun control plays a major part in crime and violence. The call for stricter gun control policies is a necessity in our society today. Gun control has a big impact on society because of: gun violence, gun laws, and people’s protection. More than 31,000 people a year in the United States die from gunshot. Gun

  • Brother: The Dissection Of Surveillance And Control In A Totalitarian Society

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    Beyond Big Brother: The Dissection of Surveillance and Control in a Totalitarian Society The significance of George Orwell’s 1984, is solely focused on the potentially dangerous consequences of totalitarianism. The novel possesses various themes of dominance, and oppression, including surveillance and control that emphasize the regimentation of individuals subjected to manipulation in extremities. Orwell captivates the readers' attention by forming a totalitarian regime, using a variety of surveillance

  • The Party Controls The Society In George Orwell's 1984

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    In the book entitled 1984, Winston Smith lives in a society where everyone is watched. The party is the group of people who run the society and control it, represented by the figure known as “Big Brother”. The party controls the society using telescreens, which are screens that operate as both a television and security camera. Also, the party uses instability to put fear in the minds of citizens. Finally, the Thought Police monitor all citizens of Oceania. The party instills fear directed towards

  • Our Missing Hearts: The Government Control Of Society

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    on the government's views rather than their own. Dystopias such as Our Missing Hearts reflect societal problems in multiple ways such as the control of a society from the government's hands in multiple aspects such as discrimination against certain groups of people, propaganda, and overall views on certain topics. The government being able to control society this easily overall reflects societal problems due to the fact this is something that currently does happen or has happened across the globe

  • Roles Of Individuals And Societies

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    Roles of Individuals and Societies The early twentieth century marked a period of rapid industrial and technological change in a society which began to redefine the roles of the individual and society. Max Weber and Sigmund Freud were two revolutionary thinkers of the time who recognized the importance of this relationship and tried to determine whether the power balance between society and the individual was tilted in one particular direction or the other. A world becoming an increasingly complex

  • Dystopian Society Essay

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    becoming it to be tainted. Dystopian texts relate this idea to societies as these societies strive to be perfect, but in the means of doing so leave their people oppressed and manipulated. Through the eyes of characters that see dystopian societies as they really are, the key issues of these texts are revealed to be the detrimental effects of government manipulation, conformity, and technology. The primary way that dystopian societies are able to function is through the manipulation of the governing

  • Technology In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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    all over the world can be linked to advancement in society and even more so in developing nations. Yet society on a microscopic scale can lead to the thought that technology is taking over people’s lives and that without it, people revert back to simplistic and helpless ways of life, not knowing what to do. This provides a belief that may lead one to believe that technology is not an entirely beneficial tool and must be reduced, so that society can learn to function without it. Aldous Huxley writes

  • Conformity In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    Society displays many rules, written and unwritten, that people are directed to comply with. Different groups of people have different guidelines in which they expect people to behave like. In most cases, there are people who are against and do not agree with the demands to which society suggests. There are two ways that those people choose to react, they either complete disregard and be themselves the rules or they conform to the rules and question them inwardly. In Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening