Contract attorney Essays

  • Virtual Paralegal Services

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    virtual paralegals are on the horizon, getting attorneys to get to become acclimated to the idea can be a huge adjustment to those that are used to hands on services. Virtual paralegals represent known unknown dangers to firms, attorneys and your clients because rarely do you have the chance to meet the paralegal face to face and get a keen feel of their personality and work ethic to evaluate if they are truly a good fit for your firm as an attorney. Thankfully, there are ways to limit these

  • divorce decree

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    Petitioner, *{{______}}*, *[appeared in person and through attorney of record, [name]*{{[name]}}*, and announced ready for trial.]**[did not appear in person but has agreed to the entry of this order as evidenced by Petitioner's signature below.]* Respondent, *{{______}}*, *[appeared in person and announced ready for trial.]**[appeared through attorney of record, [name]*{{[name]}}*, and announced ready for trial.]**[appeared in person and through attorney of record, [name]*{{[name]}}*, and announced ready

  • Canadian Morality and the Law

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    reconcile democratic decision-making about moral values with liberalism.  The problem is made more complex when one considers that both law and morality are contested concepts.  Two recent cases where this continuum can be illustrated are Canada [Attorney-General] vs. Mossap, and Egan vs. Canada.  In this essay, I will attempt to explore some of the issues produced in these two cases.  I will begin with a summary each case, followed by an analysis of the major themes involved.  I will then place the

  • Antigone: A Woman Who Believes In The Power Of Women

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    Women Scene I: The Trial Introduction At the law firm of Theban Associates, one of the lead partners is Antigone, she is a hard worker whose intentions usually consist of reaching a compromise between the government and her client. As a defense attorney, her line of work is quite demanding and difficult since she is a female working in a male dominated world. While being placed in this position, Antigone is able to appreciate how difficult things are for a woman in society, even in today's world

  • Perceptions of Men and Women Revealed in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    privy to the same information and have an opportunity to discuss the investigation. The characters themselves are symbols. George Henderson, who is the county attorney, is perceived to be very intelligent and will be able to convict Mrs. Wright of the murder of her husband. Henry Peters, the sheriff, is not as well educated as the county attorney but desires to uphold the law. Lewis Hale, a neighboring farmer, is the person who discovers Mr. Wright's body. Mr. Wright who is dead, is the symbol that allows

  • Inherit The Wind

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    jury, which resulted in an unfair trial. In conclusion, the defense suffered through many unfair circumstances throughout the drama “Inherit the Wind.” The first instance of the town’s prejudice is the overall affection for Brady, the prosecuting attorney. This is demonstrated when Brady first comes to the town and is greeted by a barrage of food and the citizens of Hillsboro singing “Gimme That Old-Time Religion,” the lyrics of which quickly change to “It is good enough for Brady, and it’s good enough

  • Human Cloning

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    article that I chose there are two opposing viewpoints on the issue of “Should Human Cloning Ever Be Permitted?” John A. Robertson is an attorney who argues that there are many potential benefits of cloning and that a ban on privately funded cloning research is unjustified and that this type of research should only be regulated. On the flip side of this issue Attorney and medical ethicist George J. Annas argues that cloning devalues people by depriving them of their uniqueness and that a ban should be

  • Tamara De Lempicka

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    wealthy Gorska family in Poland, Warsaw. Tamara De lempicka was the middle child of four. She had an older brother named Stanczyk Gorski and a younger sister Adrienne, who were both bossed around by their tempestuous sister. Her father who was an attorney for a French trading company and her mother who was a well educated aristocrat had properly brought up Tamara and her siblings. However, around the age of 12-13, the Gorska family split up, sending Tamara to St. Petersburg where a wealthy relative

  • Dead Man Walking

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    killing a young couple, and is placed on death row. He writes to Sister Helen, who agrees to come to the prison and visit him. Poncelot immediately says he did not commit the crime, and Helen believes the prisoner. Helen gets Poncelot an attorney, but the attorney fails and Poncelot is sure to be executed by the government. The film does not state a clear bias for the death penalty, but it gives the viewer the chance to decide if capital punishment is right or wrong. At the beginning of the film,

  • Criminal Trial Process Paper

    2017 Words  | 5 Pages

    trial. Key Players: In the adversarial system there are three, and sometimes four key players that make up the criminal trial process. These key players are the Crown attorney, the defence attorney and the judge or justice or the court. There is however in some cases juries involved in the trial process as well. The Crown attorney represents what is seen as the king or queen of the country, however they in actual fact represent the police officers and other law enforcers as well as the general public

  • Trifles

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    another woman from being charged with murdering her husband. Mrs. Wright is the suspect in the murder of her husband, who was strangled in his sleep, found with the rope still around his neck. The sheriff and an attorney are examining Mrs. Wrights home for evidence. Mr. Henderson, the attorney, speaking of Mrs. Wright says, “Here’s a nice mess, ..Dirty towels! Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?” (Kirszner & Mandell 1166) Mrs. Hale, the suspects neighbor, defends Mrs. Wright immediately

  • An Analysis of the Sources of Disagreements between David Cole & Attorney General John Ashcroft

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    These two articles, one, an address by Attorney General John Ashcroft to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and the other, an article written by David Cole that appeared on the Amnesty International web site, deal with the ethics and Constitutionality of the United Stated Patriot Act. David Cole, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, argues that the Patriot Act violates citizen’s civil rights and unfairly imprisons innocent individuals. Attorney General John Ashcroft counters that the

  • B. F. Skinner

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    born on March 20th, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. His mother, Grace M. Burrhus, was a stenographer and a secretary, in a law office and later in a railroad chief executive's office. His father, William A. Skinner, was an attorney, who studied law with another local attorney at a New York Law School. Skinner's parents were both good students. His father had bought several sets of books, so there was a lot of reading material their children. Skinner said that his parents never used physical punishment

  • case study

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    suggests. Considering this concept, we may no longer believe that a good lawyer is simply an effective legal advocate. Rather, a good attorney should be effective morally, as well as representing his client’s cause. It is because of this that one cannot conclude that a good attorney is one who just wins cases. A lawyer is not just a good legal advocate. An attorney must conduct himself in the behavior of a morally good person and practice desirable character traits. I believe that the moral agent

  • Rape

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many teenagers engage in sexual activities. Teenagers also drink and do drugs. When most teenagers go to college they go to parties, and there is drinking and sex everywhere. Sometimes at the parties there is non-consensual sex. Non-consensual sex is a horrible thing that happens to a lot of females, and sometimes men. Non-consensual sex is the same thing as rape. Getting raped is a traumatic even that causes a great deal of stress in many ways, and is also hard to convict the rapist. To help understand

  • Planck V. Indiana

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    Planck v. Indiana In the reviewing the case of Planck v. Indiana, many complicated issues arise. Included in those, individual rights conflicting with the public good are among the most difficult. According to Mr and Mrs. Planck's attorney, John Price, the Planck's religious beliefs prohibit them from accepting professional medicine practice, as they practice alternative medicine and home school their children. After a complaint from an older Planck daughter, who did not embrace or respect

  • Repression of Women Exposed in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    felt in the house as the sheriff and court attorney entered the house symbolized the same coldness brought about by Mr. Wright. For the house to be cold and gloomy and everything else outside the total opposite, was much more than just coincidence. It was as if when you entered the house a cadaver, cold and clammy, had embraced you in its arms. “ I don’t think a place’d be any cheerfuller for John Wright’s being in it”, Mrs. Hale told the court attorney (11). Mrs. Hale knew perfectly well what kind

  • The Price of Revenge in Sleepers and Valentine

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    had a problem with the law. Moreover, he graduated with honors from high school and eventually became a New York City assistant district attorney. But his career was destined to be destroyed when he decided to go after the other guards. "It's payback time", Michael said," John and Tommy started it, I can finish it" (Carcaterra p.271). As the prosecuting attorney, he set the witness (one of the guards) up and purposely lost the case. Although his revenge plan succeeded, his reputation as a lawyer was

  • Structure Of The Lost Honour O

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    the information coming from these different sources. There are different types of sources. There are major and minor sources, subterranean streams, and sources 'that can never come together';. The major sources are the police transcripts, Blorna (attorney) and Hach (public prosecutor). The minor sources are Katharina's brother, Else Woltersheim, etc. The subterranean streams are the 'leaks' from the offices of the law e.g. police department. Of course this could also be criticizing contemporary Germany

  • Executing the Innocent

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    innocent human life. United States Supreme Court decisions of the 1990’s (Coleman v. Thompson and Herrara v. Collins) illustrate the existence of serious risk and suggest some explanations for it. I live in a city (Philadelphia, PA) whose District Attorney seeks the death penalty more often, and with greater success, than any other D.A. in the United States. In Philadelphia, as elsewhere in the U.S., the majority of defendants in capital trials are poor, and rely on court appointed defense lawyers