Confessional Essays

  • Confessional Poetry

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    Confessional poetry is a style that emerged in the late 1950’s. Poetry of this type tends to be very personal and emotional. Many confessional poets dealt with subject matter that had previously been taboo. Death, trauma, mental illness, sexuality, and numerous other topics flowed through the works of the poetry from this movement. Confessional poetry was not purely autobiographical, but did often express deeply disturbing personal experience. (Academy of American Poets) Three important poets

  • Confessional Poetry

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    Confessional Poetry I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it – A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen. This excerpt comes from the poem “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous – and infamous – poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath’s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their

  • Discussion of why we live in a confessional culture

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    Introduction Confessional culture is a contentious facet of tabloidization. It has been condemned by the media industry because of its degrading nature. This is because confessional culture entails on the concealment of the truth between the private and the public domains. This means that, it is an increasing concealing between private and public and the concern to reveals the truth. The reality of existence of confession culture can be traced through the rise of reality media and the web 2.0, which

  • Postmodern Poetry - Confessional Poets

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    Postmodern Poetry - Confessional Poets With World War II finally over and a chapter in history written, the next chapter is about to begin. The twentieth century brings with it a new literary movement called postmodern, where poetry is "breaking from modernism" and taking on a whole new style Within postmodern poetry emerge confessional poets whom remove the mask that has masked poetry from previous generations and their writings become autobiographical in nature detailing their life's most intense

  • Confessional Poem By Theodore Roethke

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    A Confessional Poem There are many ways to write a poem. Poets who write poems uses tone and rhythm to attract the reader’s attention. A poem is all about describing the emotions and feelings the author is feeling in stanzas. Once such poet is Theodore Roethke, who was born in an era when confessional poems were embrace by the readers. Confessional Poems are poems which the writers talk about their inner struggles they are facing and real life. They write about their daily struggles to cope with

  • Sylvia Plath: The Exemplary Confessional Poet

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    Emerging in the 1950s and 1960s, confessional poetry was essentially an autobiographical style of writing. Often focusing on topics that were taboo at the time like mental illness and suicide, it is no surprise that Sylvia Plath wrote poetry in this style. Plath suffered from depression most of her life and used writing as an outlet (Spinello). In her works “Cut,” “I Am Vertical,” and “Lady Lazarus,” Plath exemplifies confessional poetry through the themes of resentment, death, and mental illness

  • Sylvia Plath Confessional Poem Analysis

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    Sylvia Plath’s confessional poem is a free formed twenty line poem consisting of ten couplet stanzas which illustrate death as a state in which our imperfections are ignored. The subject of the poem is a woman who has been ‘perfected’ in death, having been released from her own personal suffering. For Plath death seems to be an achievement and just like the woman in the poem, Plath feels she will ultimately become ‘perfected’ when she too is dead. By not using the first person, Plath causes ‘the

  • Song Analysis of Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional

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    “Hands Down” By: Dashboard Confessional Song Analysis Everyone has that one song they can listen to over and over again. There are various reasons people press the repeat button, whether it be the sound of the singer’s voice, the quality of their musicianship, or their heartfelt lyrics and the story they tell. The song “Hands Down”, by Dashboard Confessional tells the story of a day-in-the-life of lead singer, Chris Carrabba, in high school. Carrabba has said that this song is about the

  • The Real Rochester in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

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    related. However Pittock fails to explain why Charlotte Bronte chose to compare her Rochester to the historical Rochester. The key to understanding Bronte’s motivation in selecting John Wilmot as the model for Rochester lies in Wilmot’s deathbed confessional. By the end of his short life Wilmot repented his immoral lifestyle. After his death, Wilmot became the focus of a number of religious tracts publishing his deathbed conversion. It is this aspect of Wilmot’s career as the rake that intrigued Bronte

  • hacker crackdown

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    Part 4: THE CIVIL LIBERTARIANS NuPrometheus + FBI = Grateful Dead / Whole Earth + Computer Revolution = WELL / Phiber Runs Underground and Acid Spikes the Well / The Trial of Knight Lightning / Shadowhawk Plummets to Earth / Kyrie in the Confessional / $79,499 / A Scholar Investigates / Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Electronic Afterword to *The Hacker Crackdown,* New Years' Day 1994 Preface to the Electronic Release of *The Hacker Crackdown* January 1, 1994 -- Austin, Texas

  • First Confession - A Humorous Short Story

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    Confession is the admission of one’s sins. In the Christian religion, it is done within a confessional booth before a priest, who will then give the confessor a penance in accordance with his or her crimes. Confession of one’s mortal sins is required in order regain God’s grace, and the priest is believed to have been given the authority to grant forgiveness and absolution. Most of the time, confession is a solemn affair. However, some authors have written stories that focus on the subject of confession

  • The Chapter of Circe in James Joyce's Ulysses

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    The Chapter of Circe in James Joyce's Ulysses Chapter Circe of Ulysses is said to be the "most confessional chapter of the novel" (Schechner 100). In this way, the themes and underlying meaning present throughout the chapter are more pertinent to the novel as a whole than any other aspect of this particular section. Specifically, themes of love, power, masochism, and consciousness watermark the literature throughout the chapter. What is more, we, as readers, face the battle

  • The Marketing Ethics Quiz

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    How's Your Marketing Conscience? It's time for a business ethics brush-up. Time to do a little soul-searching and kneeling at the business confessional. As always we're not concerned with the easy business choices e.g., envy, greed, sloth, coveting thy neighbors… The emphasis here is on the more subtle offenses that tend not to get much attention in either the Sunday pulpit or the pages of Forbes Magazine. The Top 10 Test of Right or Wrong The examples run from the trivial to the extreme

  • The Theme Of Tradition In 'First Confession'?

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    hypocrisy” (Madden). As a witness to how his sister’s religious semblance is only for show, Jackie feels the disconnect between truly upholding traditional values and playing pretend. After Nora cruelly teases him about his worries regarding the confessional, “[Jackie] remembered [the incident]...and wondered...[if] all religious people [were] like that” (O’Connor). O’Connor uses Nora’s act of keeping up appearances to show how her facade shakes Jackie’s faith. Depicted in how Jackie questions his

  • Analysis of Leroi Jones' A Poem Some People Will Have To Understand

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    Analysis of Leroi Jones' A Poem Some People Will Have To Understand There is an implied threat in "A Poem Some People Will Have To Understand" by Leroi Jones. Ostensibly, there is no intimidation. The poem is confessional, even reflective; the theme is one of mutability and change. However, there is something frightening and ominous in Jones1 vision, which he creates through attention to word choice and structure. Jones' warning is immediately evident in the title through his manipulation

  • Hemingway & the Crack-Up Report

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    this period, Fitzgerald had been advised by his doctors to take time off work for the sake of his health. Heeding their advice, he decided to relocate to western North Carolina, most notably, Hendersonville, for some fresh mountain air. His confessional “Crack-Up” essays were first published in Esquire Magazine in November 1935. The most well known essays were “The Crack-Up”, “Pasting It Together,” and “Handle with Care,” published in February, March and April of 1936 (

  • Daddy

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    Sylvia Plath’s poetry is well known for its deeply personal and emotional subject matter. Much of Plath’s poetry is confessional and divulges the most intimate parts of her psyche whether through metaphor or openly, without creating a persona through which to project her feelings, and through the use of intense imagery. Plath’s attempt to purge herself of the oppressive male figures in her life is one such deeply personal and fundamental theme in her poetry. In her poem, “Daddy”, which declares her

  • Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk

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    articles that were, respectively, ridiculously elementary after one hacked through the jargon, and entirely absurd and unsupported. Disheartened, I went searching again, and this time, came up with "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional State, Homosexual Persecution and The Monk," by Clara Tuite, and it is this article that I am writing about. Tuite's only fault in this article is perhaps that she tries to tackle too much. (Something else I'm discovering as I try to summarize

  • Sylvia Plath

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    her angst stems from her warped relationship with her father. Other factors that influenced her works were her strained views of human sexuality, her sado-masochistic tendencies, self-hatred and her traditional upbringing. She was labeled as a confessional poet and biographical and historical material is absolutely necessary to understand her work. Syliva Plath was born on 27, 1963, in Boston, Massachusetts to Otto Emil Plath and Aurelia Schober. Otto Plath was a professor of biology and German

  • Review of Tess of the D´Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy

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    in love. They grow closer together throughout Tess's time at Talbothays, and she eventually accepts his proposal to marry him. Still, she is troubled by pangs of conscience and feels she should tell Angel about her past. She tries to write him a confessional note and slip it under his door, but it slides under the carpet; Angel never sees it. After their wedding, Angel and Tess both confess indiscretions: Angel tells Tess about an affair he had with an older woman in London, and Tess tells Angel about