Comparing Melville Essays

  • Comparing Henry David Thoreau And Herman Melvilles Writings

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    Comparing Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville's Writings Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville focused their writings on how man was affected by nature. They translated their philosophies though both the portrayal of their protagonist and their own self exploration. In Moby Dick, Melville writes about Ahab's physical and metaphysical struggle over the great white whale, Moby Dick, symbolic of man's struggle against the overwhelming forces of nature. Ahab's quest is reported and experienced

  • Comparing the Use of Light and Dark by Melville, Poe, and Hawthorne

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    Use of Darkness and Light by Melville, Poe, and Hawthorne Melville, Poe, and Hawthorne all tend to focus on the darker side of humanity in their writings. In order to allow their readers to better understand their opinions, they often resort to using symbolism. Many times, those symbols take the form of darkness and light appearing throughout the story at appropriate times. A reader might wonder how light functions in the stories, and what it urges the reader to consider. If we look carefully

  • Comparing Evil in Emerson, Hawthorne, and Melville

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    Lionel Trilling once said, "A proper sense of evil is surely an attribute of a great writer." (98-99) Although he made the remark in a different context, one would naturally associate Hawthorne and Melville with the comment, while Emerson's might be one of the last names to mind. For the modern reader, who is often in the habit of assuming that the most profound and incisive apprehension of reality is a sense of tragedy, Emerson seems to have lost his grip. He has often been charged with a lack of

  • Essay Comparing Heart Of Darkness And Benito Cereno By Herman Melville

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    Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Benito Cereno by Herman Melville tactfully conceal a racist and simplistic portrayal of Africa and its people through the mask of fiction. The novellas use fiction to dissuade the reader from understanding that the authors are indirectly equating Africa to anarchy and barbarism. The setting, dialogue and motifs within their stories make the extremely biased portrayal of Africa evident. Joseph Conrad and Herman Melville are often hotly debated in the subject of possible

  • Comparing Moby Dick By Herman Melville And The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    Much of American Gothic literature shares the same theme: evil. Two popular literary works, Moby Dick by Herman Melville and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne express this universal theme in a different way. In The Scarlet Letter Roger Chillingworth is the sneaky, unknown, and vengeful husband of Hester Prynne. In Moby Dick, Ahab is the mad captain who insists on pursuing Moby Dick, a great white whale who already claimed one of his legs. Captain Ahab is evil because his sole

  • Comparing Melville's Moby Dick as a Man's Story and Naslund's Novel, Ahab's Wife as a Woman's Story

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    Comparing Melville's Moby Dick as a Man's Story and Naslund's Novel, Ahab's Wife as a Woman's Story Throughout my reading of Moby Dick and Ahab's Wife, I was disturbed by the fact that the most tempting way to situate the two novels in a relationship was to categorize them as "male" and "female." Moby Dick was, of course, the man's story and Ahab's Wife was its womanly counterpart. This comparison makes sense when you consider the gender of the authors, Melville and Naslund, the gender of their

  • Comparing Melville's Moby Dick and Naslund's Novel, Ahab's Wife

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    11 AW 438 12 AW 439 13 MD 427 14 AW 509 Works Cited Allen, Jamie. 'A 20th century response to a 19th century novel'. Retrieved 4/17/04 from book News: (November 8, 1999). Melville, Herman. Moby Dick (Norton Critical Edition, 2nd Ed.). Parker, Hershel and Hayford Harrison (Eds.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company. (2002). Naslund, Sena Jeter. Ahab's Wife. New York: Harper Collins. (1999).

  • Herman Melville's Moby-Dick

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    Herman Melville's Moby-Dick Herman Melville began working on his epic novel Moby-Dick in 1850, writing it primarily as a report on the whaling voyages he undertook in the 1830s and early 1840s. Many critics suppose that his initial book did not contain characters such as Ahab, Starbuck, or even Moby Dick, but the summer of 1850 changed Melville’s writing and his masterpiece. He became friends with author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was greatly influenced by him. He also read Shakespeare and

  • Comparing Melville And Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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    For I chose one of Edgar Alan Poe’s gothic tales as the subject of the second literary analysis, consequently I’d like to discuss general topics related to Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s life’s and work. This week I discovered through the study material that with Hawthorne, Melville and Poe the short story took on a significant role in literature. These authors developed the short story and novels, and while during the countries development literary figures analogously are trying to describe

  • Comparing the Role of the Narrator in Melville’s Benito Cereno, Henry James’ Daisy Miller and Hwang

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    Comparing the Role of the Narrator in Melville’s Benito Cereno, Henry James’ Daisy Miller and Hwang’s M. Butterfly Written stories differ in numerous ways, but most of them have one thing in common; they all have a narrator that, on either rare occasions or more regularly, help to tell the story. Sometimes, the narrator is a vital part of the story since without him or her, it would not be possible to tell the story in the same way, and sometimes, the narrator has a very small role in the story

  • Ahab's Quest for the Meaning of Life in Melville's Novel, Moby Dick

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    others: Isn't this altruism moral? References: Nietzsche, Friedrich. Twilight of the Idols. Accessed on April 18, 2004 Coelho, Paulo. Veronika Decides to Die. London: Harper Collins, 2000 Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. New York: Norton Critical Editions, 2001 Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. London: Penguin Books, 1990

  • Naslund's Novel, Ahab's Wife and Melville's Moby Dick

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    shadow-figure of the male's narrative into the prominent voice of a female's narrative. What is produced by the male becomes a reproduction by the female. In effect, tradition is usurped, inversed, and woman dominates the text, a text birthed by Melville, a hugely lauded male author. Therefore, man author exchanges positions with woman, becomes impregnated by a story, tells the story, brings the story into existence. The woman author takes the story and retells it, reclaiming it as her own, brings

  • Man Versus Nature in Herman Melville's Moby Dick

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    Man Versus Nature in Herman Melville's Moby Dick I conjure him in the storm-clouds above the bell-tower-- he is there, in that roiling expanse, the underbellies of the clouds like a huge celestial pod traveling with him. He is a shock of white against the mumbling sky-- the kind of sky that appears as an illustration in the Bible when the clouds part and there, just there, above the waiting shepherds, above Mary's bowed head, above the mountaintops, lo, the angel of the lord descends or even

  • Power Relations in Melville’s The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids

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    of human greed. The female factory workers worked long hours for little pay as their health deteriorated from the hazardous conditions (238). (Specifically, Carson’s Mill in Dalton, Massachusetts, served as the model for Melville’s short story [Melville 2437].) In this way, industrialization (and the subsequent desire for economic wealth) became incompatible with democratic principles. Originally, the prevailing consciousness was that industrialization would further democracy and the two would

  • Evil in the Works of Melville and Emerson

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    Evil in the Works of Melville and Emerson Herman Melville, like all other American writers of the mid and late nineteenth century, was forced to reckon with the thoughts and writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson celebrated the untapped sources of beauty, strength, and nobility hidden within each individual. Where Emerson was inclined to see each human soul as a beacon of light, however, Melville saw fit to describe and define the darkness, the bitter and harsh world of reality that could

  • Desire in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick

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    three decades of voracious reading, spiritual meditation, and philosophical reflection before recounting his adventures aboard the ill-fated ship.1 His tale is astounding. With Lewis Mumford’s seminal study Herman Melville: A Critical Biography (1929) marking the advent of the “Melville industry,” attentive readers—amateur and professional alike—have reached consensus respecting the text’s massive and heterogeneous structure. Moby Dick, for all its undeniable heuristic treasures, remains a taxonomist’s

  • Free College Essays - Plot Sequence of Melville’s Moby Dick

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    is complete with a plot sequence which essentially “maps” the layout of the story line.  In the plot sequence, there are five major groups.  Those five groups are the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and finally the resolution.  Melville does an outstanding job of describing and conveying these in a flowing matter that is intense at some points, but surpassingly boring at others. The plot sequence of Moby-Dick can be summarized easily when it is broken up and analyzed.  While

  • Free College Essays - The Evil of Mankind portrayed in Melville’s Moby Dick

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    Melville’s primary focus in his classic novel Moby Dick is the evil of mankind, a point of focus consistent with his anti-Transcendental philosophical alignment.  In Moby Dick, Melville illistrates man’s feelings of evil toward fellow man and nature through his thoroughly developed plot and character.  Melville also illistrated this in the components of the thematic layer which, underlies almost every character’s personal motives. Analysis of Melville’s own motives helps to clarify the author’s

  • The Whale as Symbol in Moby Dick

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    is a result of the value which Melville accords the symbol as a medium of expression. Melville regarded the symbol as, what William Gleim terms, "a means of both revelation and concealment"(402). Visible objects are as masks through which one can educe universal and significant order. The "eyes are windows"(Melville, 9) through which one "can see a little into the springs and motives which [are] cunningly presented . . . under various disguises"(Melville, 5-6). The symbol of the white

  • Herman Melville's Bartleby, the Scrivener

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    not Bartleby's, but rather the narrator's. "Bartleby" is simultaneously a biography about a scriven er and an autobiography about an entrepreneur, and Melville uses this narrative to attack the mythology previous autobiographers such as Benjamin Franklin created concerning the archetypal, self-made American man -- the new sons of Adam. For Melville, it was a mythology and persona that no longer applied because it supported a burgeoning class of capitalists, destined in the future to become the "robber