Columbian Exposition Essays

  • Manufactures Building at the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition of 1893

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    missing image Manufactures Building This 11 by 7 inch color lithograph seen here depicts the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building at the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. As the main exhibit space of the fair, it was the largest building ever constructed at the time and the most visited site at the exposition. The general scheme for the building was laid out during the early planning stages of the Chicago fair. It was to be located facing Lake Michigan on its long axis and the

  • Columbian Exposition Essay

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    populating the Americas. They would be inviting foreigners to come and learn about their religious, cultural, and agricultural lifestyle. In the imperfect world that we know, it was an interesting idea executed in a disturbing manner. The Columbian exposition was a fair held in Chicago in 1893. It was to celebrate Columbus’ 400 year anniversary since reaching “the new world.” Chicago was not the only city willing to host the event. Something of such magnitude drew the interest of rival places like

  • From Individualism to Unionism: The Changing Meaning of Freedom in America

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    From Individualism to Unionism: The Changing Meaning of Freedom in America In 1893, when Frederick Jackson Turner delivered his speech on the significance of frontier at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, he was addressing an audience that had witnessed the drastic changes that swept through the country over the past sixty or so years. The United States had gone from the agrarian nation of Jefferson’s vision—one with a relatively balanced division of wealth, a population of homogenous

  • Columbian World's Exposition: Article Analysis

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    professors included in their readers had a purpose for being included. The article, Classifications of the Columbian World’s Exposition has been included in our reader because it displays how religion was perceived in America through a historical perspective and what America’s behavior was towards Native American religion and traditions. In Classification of the World’s Columbian Exposition, we see the organizer, William F. Barrow and his bias in the “department” section. We see the first mention

  • How The Chicago World's Fair Changed American Culture

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    The Chicago World’s Fair was simply expected to exhibit American culture; however, it inspired American culture in a more important manner. The fair, also known as the World’s Columbian Exposition, occurred from late spring to early fall in 1893; it celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World (Larson 14). Not only was it a celebration of the past, the fair shaped America’s future, including its culture and exceptionalism. The multiple inventions exhibited in

  • Midway Plaisance

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    Midway Plaisance The Midway first came to being during the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago as a bit of an accident. The world's fair scheduled for 1892 was pushed towards a higher standard than most others. The successes of the 1876 Philadelphia and 1889 Paris fairs drove the Chicago planners to produce something even greater. As stated by Richard Wilson, the Paris fair especially hit home for the Americans. The sheer magnificence of the buildings and exhibits made the United States look

  • World Fair Dbq

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    In 1893 a world fair was held in Chicago Illinois to celebrate the 4thcentenniel of Columbus discovering the Americas. The exposition displayed grand buildings with beautiful architecture, hundreds of exhibits ranging from exotic tribes of Africa, to new inventions, expertly constructed landscape, and astounding attractions such as the first Ferris wheel. The fair lasted for six months and had over 27 million visitors, including ¼ of the American population. Aside from the pulchritude of the fair

  • Ferris Wheel Innovation In Erick Larson's The Devil In The White City

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    The Ferris Wheel Innovation It was Chicago 1893 and the World's Columbian Exposition was taking place. Many argued whether this huge event would be carried on in Chicago or somewhere else. It was the nineteenth century and at that time Chicago was considered the capital of entertainment, marketing, and industrialization. During the fair, first-time inventions arose and great contributions to humanity were introduced. In Erick Larson's The Devil in the White City, the author brings out much game-changing

  • Chicago Fair History

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    Columbus’s landfall in the New World, the city of Chicago held a special social exhibition called the World’s Columbian Exposition. “The fair…symbolized the transformation of pre-modern, agricultural America into the last phase of its becoming modern, urban, industrial America” (The Black Presence at “White City”: African and African American Participation at the World’s Columbian Exposition). Giving Chicago a grand stage to show the rest of the world just how far the “windy city” had come both innovatively

  • Analysis Of The Devil In The White City

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    architect around the world who previously completed work in “Chicago, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Manila, and many other cities” (Pg. 3). He was offered the job to design and build the buildings that would be a part of the World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago World’s Fair), after Chicago won the bid for the fair in 1890, and eventually took the offer with his assistant, John Root. The construction of the fair began in 1891 and did not completely finish until the fair was already halfway

  • A Revolving Attraction: The Ferris Wheel

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    Inspired by the attraction of the Eiffel Tower, George W. G. Ferris wanted to complete an attraction that would surpass the Eiffel Tower, and in doing so, he created the first ever “Ferris Wheel,” which took place in Chicago, at the World’s Columbian Exposition. In its opening week, the Ferris Wheel attracted many guests which marked its success. After its successful opening, many other cities were imitating it because of its widespread attraction. Therefore, the advanced technology and idea of surpassing

  • Analysis of Larson, Erik. The Devil in the White City

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    The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 was America's chance to eclipse the 1889 Exposition Universelle held in Paris that had wounded the pride of our nation. With the entire world watching, endless opportunities were available to engage the impossible. One man used the opportunity the World's Fair presented to build a city that could make America proud. Another used it's eminence to help him become one of the most feared serial-killers of the time. These two men, "their fates were linked by a

  • The 1893 World’s Fair

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    The 1893 World’s Fair A World’s Fair is an “[I]nternational exposition that features exhibits dealing with commerce, industry, and science.” (World Book Encyclopedia 412) Entertainment is also present along with cultural activities. In 1893, the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, although inaugurated a year late, commemorated the discovery of America. I feel that the Exposition displayed some of the more beautiful architecture of its time; its immense buildings and sculptures drew heavily

  • LA Research Paper

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    that the particular layout of space of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition reflected the gender inequalities that existed within American society at the time. In particular, the Women’s Building offered a microcosm of the prejudices that dominated the overall landscape of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Although the men who organized the Columbian Exposition were unable to exclude women’s achievements altogether from the exposition, they were successful in relegating them into a bounded

  • George Washington Gale Ferris Jr.: The Invention Of The Ferris Wheel

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    George Washington Gale Ferris Jr.(14 Feb. 1859-22 Nov. 1896) was a civil engineer/ construction engineer who invented the Ferris Wheel. George Ferris was born in Galesburg, Illinois to farmers, George Washington Gale Ferris Sr. and Martha Edgerton Hyde Ferris. He lived with his 4 sisters and 2 brothers. When Ferris 5 years old his family sold their farm and headed toward San Jose, California. Unfortunately in the middle of their journey they ran out of money and had to settle in Carson City. In

  • The Ferris Wheel: The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition

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    George Washington Ferris. This ride, however, would not be as popular as it is today without going through the hardships it faced during the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. George Ferris faces adversities on the journey to unveil the Ferris wheel, but Ferris eventually succeeds in releasing an attraction that follows the World’s Columbian Exposition’s

  • The Chicago World Fair: The Devil In The White City

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    The great impact of the World’s Columbian Exposition, also known as the Chicago World Fair, was shown in The Devil in the White City. Although the main plot of the novel concerns H.H. Holmes, an infamous serial killer who completed his work during the time of the fair, the bright culture and growing importance of knowledge during the 1890s were illustrated. The Chicago World Fair showed the development of culture and infrastructure in the Untied States through unification, shifting ideas, and competition;

  • Richard Morris Hunt : Administration Building Chicago 1893

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    Building at the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 was taken from a set of 25 drawings of the exposition buildings. It was the main focus of the fair, and one of the masterpieces of its architect, Richard Morris Hunt (1827-1895). With its fine classical detailing and sweeping scale, this large building was integral to the "White City" concept of the fair. To this day it remains one of the most recognizable landmarks associated with the Columbian Exposition . The Administration Building

  • Good And Evil In Erik Larson's The Devil In The White City

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    The Chicago World Fair brought about through the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus landing in America has posed significant value and worth to the city of Chicago. Over a six-month period, more than 26 million visitors from all over the world would flock to the fairgrounds to experience the rebuilt and vibrant city of Chicago. The 600-acre fairground would have housed 200 buildings that showcased new food, art, technology, and entertainment. Chicago became known as the White City, a place

  • The Devil In The White City

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    heard Samuel Gompers, standing in the back of speakers wagon No. 5 ask, ‘Why should the wealth of the country be stored in banks and elevators while the idle workman wanders homeless about the streets ‘“(315). This contrasts the opening of the Columbian Exposition, where “Every bit of terrace, lawn, and railing in the Court of Honor was occupied, the men in black and gray, many of the women in gowns of extravagant hues-violet, scarlet, emerald-and wearing hats with ribbons, sprigs, and feathers.”(238)