Collegiate Sports Essays

  • The Need for Reform in Collegiate Sports

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    The Need for Reform in Collegiate Sports The current institutional structure of intercollegiate athletics is attempting to maximize educational quality and athletic excellence simultaneously. Each of which will inevitably impinge on one another. Universities claim that their athletes are amateurs who are attending college for academic achievement and play sports in their free time. This is an impossible task for anybody. Higher education has entered the arena of big business with its athletic

  • The Importance Of Nutrition In Collegiate Sports

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    Collegiate sports vary from gymnastics to soccer and the level of competition ranges from multiple divisions in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to community college. One similar aspect these intercollegiate athletes experience is nutrition. Nutrition will continue to dominate these individuals physiologically and impact their performance. Many athletes will go through a rigorous day of training, but the time not training will be used for diet and nutrition. This will allow for

  • Creatine

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    questions I have tried to answer in this report. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to educate. To educate not only the athletes using the supplements such as Creatine and Ephedrine but to also educate the governing bodies of collegiate sports. Answers were sought to the following questions: 1. Who is using Creatine and/or Ephedrine based products? 2. Why are they using supplements? 3. Are these products easily available? 4. Should the NCAA increase regulations on supplemental usage

  • Cheerleading is Not a Sport

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    Cheerleading is Not a Sport According to Joe Hatton, the author of the article, “Sports Beat - The sport of cheerleading: It’s more than just pompoms and smiles,” cheerleading is a sport because it requires strength, balance, and coordination. The major claim of the article is “cheerleading is a sport - plain and simple - and cheerleaders are true athletes” (Hatton C-04). The article offers the following arguments in support of the claim. Hatton claims because cheerleaders are athletes, cheerleading

  • The Time has Come for Women's Wrestling

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    Wrestling Should women be able to compete in the NCAA sport of wrestling? There are countless numbers of men who are against co-ed wrestling stating that women do not posses the athletic ability, strength, or aggression to wrestle with men. The truth is that the only limiting factor keeping women out of the sport are those stated in Title IX and NCAA. Women have struggled for many years to create their own identity in the male dominant sport of wrestling. Wrestling began with the early Egyptian

  • Title IX: A long-term debate

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    favorite sport, but sometimes due to lack of participation the sport is not there. In some case, the federal law Title IX is to blame as in the case of Zalikah Lewis, a sophomore at Pine Manor College, an all women's College in Chestnut Hill. Although she wouldn't join the swim team, she does enjoy the sport and was surprised that the sport wasn't offered while the school had most other popular sports. Thirty-one years ago, with the rise in revenue and attendance at collegiate sports, the federal

  • The WNBA - Women's Basketball will Never be the Same

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    those who thought that it took the United States long enough, and there were those who did not understand the point of having a professional women's basketball team. I find myself to this day defending the ideas many have about women's basketball - collegiate and otherwise. The regular comments are: 'It's too slow!' 'The scores are so low!' 'There's nothing to watch!' 'They don't dunk!' All the silly ignorant comments. My male cousin still refuses to even watch a game; he just doesn't see the point.

  • The Amer-I-Can Program

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    that Athletes are, besides accumulating points, only capable of drug abuse, domestic violence and extortion. Being a collegiate student-athlete, at times I too have fallen prey to such malicious stereotypes. However, what may not be read about in daily periodicals nor seen on the nightly news, are the positive things that athletes do outside of their respective sports. For example, the proceeds and efforts of African- born professional basketball player, Dikembe Mutombo to his native

  • Part of the Team

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    than just a game in my life, it has always been a big part of my life, but it has been a part differently than what it is to others. I love everything about basketball. I have done everything from keeping the official book for a men's and women's collegiate team to washing a high school team's practice clothes and even making sure everyone has their uniforms and shoes before leaving for an away game. You don't have to be on the court, you don't have to be the one taking the winning shot or calling

  • Sorcery In Morocco

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sorcery In Morocco According to Merriam- webster’s Collegiate dictionary, sorcery is defined as the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil especially for divining. Sorcery is a phenomenon that has spread all over the world. It mainly consists of direction of the world into a spiritual power which is mysterious and unexplainable. In Morocco, sorcery is a very popular practice. It is practiced especially in the south of the country where people have strong beliefs in superstition

  • Watching the Game at Neyland Stadium

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    Watching the Game at Neyland Stadium Neyland Stadium provides a gathering place where over one hundred thousand people come to cheer for the Tennessee Vols. The stadium, located in the middle of the UT campus, ranks as America’s third largest collegiate stadium with a capacity of 104,079; since people began recording attendance, more than 22.89 million fans have watched Tennessee football in the stadium, and the record attendance was reached when the Vols played the Gators in September 2000(UTsports

  • The Meaning of Service

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    English Dictionary as "the action of serving, helping, or benefiting; conduct tending to the welfare or advantage of another; condition or employment of a public servant; friendly or professional assistance."  Furthermore, in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, service is described as "the occupation or function of serving others; employment as a servant; contribution to the welfare of others.” The above definitions seem like the only ones for the word service.  There are actually at least

  • College Sports

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    Pay Up The world of sports has grown larger than life over the past century, especially in college. Being a collegiate athlete is, without question, the hardest athletic profession in the world. Not only are students devoted to their sport, which requires an obscene amount of time of preparation, but they are also devoted to their school work. And the award they receive for their hard work? Of course there are the great memories, friendships made, “free education”, or national championships,

  • Out of Your Car, Off Your Horse

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    locally.” In Berry’s perspective you can’t have global thinking, or protect globally, if you are not acting on a local level. At first glimpse I am ready to dispute with Berry about not thinking globally. In all of my management course both at the collegiate level and on the job they all continually say to look at the big picture. All aspects of the problem should be considered and what the impact is on the overall system. I do disagree that global thinking will destroy our communities. I also find

  • Affirmative Action v. Reverse Discrimination

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    an executive order in 1965 (Affirmative, Encyclopedia Britannica par. 2)." Today affirmative action is still going strong. It has many positive aspects, but it also has several negative affects, one of which is "reverse discrimination. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines affirmative action as "an active effort to improve the employment or education opportunities of members of minority groups and women." Some of the other areas of emphasis are age, religion, and ethnic origin. I feel the same as

  • Essay on Bravery in The Tempest

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    bravery is used intermittently throughout the play in different form and context.  It captures different meanings and performs different capacities erratically. A denotative definition from the 15th century, according to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (10 ed.), portrays brave as meaning, "[from Old Italian and Spanish, meaning courageous, wild; probably from Latin, meaning barbarous]."  The dictionary then defines brave as "a.  having courage: dauntless b.  making fine show: colorful

  • Going Back to the Basics

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    individuality), some want perennialism (which is the teaching of philosophies that have stood the test of time over hundreds of years), and some, like myself, want to take it back to the way it used to be (essentialism). Education as defined by Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is “the action or process of education or being educated.” I believe that the way education was presented in the past worked well and that education should remain to be taught the same. For education to be taught the same as it were

  • Biography of Samuel Adams

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    a member of Harvard University, where he was distinguished for an uncommon attention to all his collegiate exercises, and for his classical and scientific attainments. On taking the degree of master, in 1743, he proposed the following question, "Whether it be lawful to resist the supreme magistrate, if the commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved?" He maintained the affirmative; and in this collegiate exercise furnished no dubious evidence of his attachment to the liberties of the people. On leaving

  • Golf Comparison Essay

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    group members researched ice hockey, bowling, tennis, and swimming. The general structure of all the sports is similar. They all have an international governing body, a primary professional organization, and all are sponsored by the NCAA, NFHSA, and also sponsored by state organizations. Similarities Throughout the five sports, there were many similarities. These similarities include: • All sports had a main governing body that creates rules, which then trickle down to the lower associations. Golf

  • The Final Semester of College

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    by my old college newspaper to write a column about how seniors should approach the final semester of their utopian college existence. Knowing that I could provide a degree of wisdom possessed only by those who have truly enjoyed a diverse post-collegiate experience, I accepted. Plus, I still get excited about writing an unpaid column for my small college newspaper. Success, clearly, is relative. Nevertheless, I set out to write the column that the editors wanted: a witty little number, detailing