Clare Essays

  • John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor

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    John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor Editors have always played an important and powerful role in the works of John Clare, from Clare’s own time until the present. An Invite to Eternity presents a model of that relationship between text and editor in microcosm, from its composition inside the walls of a mental institution to its transcription by an asylum attendant, to its early publication and its modern re-presentation today. Written in the 1840s, no extant manuscript of the poem exists in Clare’s

  • The story of Clare Soap and Chemical

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    is the history of Clare Soap and Chemical. This company started back when the United States was not yet a country. A man named Jephthah Clare migrated to the New World. The company started off very small and grew to the international size. There were three brothers that really started the business. This story was solely historical, which made it less interesting. I found myself drifting off during these sections of the book. One part that really caught my attention was when Clare was trying to bring

  • Clare I Am

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    The poem “I Am” by John Clare is a very complex poem about the existence of life. John Clare writes about a very lonely man who feels invisible to all of mankind, especially the people he was closes to. In the first and second stanzas the speaker voices how nobody cares for him anymore and how everyone in his life has abandoned him. Throughout the third stanza the man longs for the escape of people. He feels that he would be “untroubled” when away from all the people who have abandoned him in his

  • Saint Clare of Assisi

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    and have performed many miracles. My Saint is Saint Clare Assisi. She became a saint as she devoted her life to Christ, did many good things for others, especially the poor, and performed many miracles. One of the miracles being, she cured the sick when she made the sign of the cross over them. Most of Saint Clare’s education took place in the Cathedral, which was her local church, being not far from her home. Even as a child and young woman, Clare was known as being dedicated to prayer, obedient to

  • Poor Clare Life Today

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    The Poor Clares belong to the Order of Saint Clare, which originally used to be called the Order of Poor Ladies. They were the second Franciscan Order to be established. Poor Clare life today has similarities of how it was back in 1212, but it also has some minor differences. They have a strict schedule that they abided by while also still following the powerful mission that the Poor Clares founded. Poor Clare life today is entirely dedicated to God, just as it was back then. Saint Clare was born

  • Cassandra Clare Research Paper

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    Recognized as Cassandra Clare, Judith Rumelt was born on July 27, 1973 the daughter of writer Richard Rumelt and Elizabeth Rumelt a business school professor. Clare spend her childhood moving place to place in England, France and Switzerland where eventually found an interest in books. During high school in Los Angeles writing began to attract Clare from a novel named “The Beautiful Cassandra” by Jane Austen. Clare began her career as a reporter after majoring in English in an entertainment magazine

  • The Importance of Language in Clare Rossini’s Final Love Note and Louise Gluck’s Mock Orange

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    The Importance of Language in Clare Rossini’s Final Love Note and Louise Gluck’s Mock Orange Love is such an abstract concept for the human mind to figure out. Along with the love of a mother for her child, there are many types of sensual love or brotherly love; friendship is frequently described as a type of love, as well. This abstraction can also be distorted and made to fit into categories that would normally be associated with negativity and abuse not "love." Think of why a woman will continually

  • Augustine St. Clare of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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    question that is not as easily answered. This is the question of the character of Augustine St. Clare--a man who espouses great ideals on the evils of slavery, yet continues to hold his own slaves.  Is he a hero because of his beliefs or a villain because of his actions?  And just how important is this question to understanding and responding to the novel, as a whole? If St. Clare were a minor character, showing up in just a chapter or two, as another stereotype, i.e. the southern

  • Cassandra Clare, an Influential Author of the 20th Century

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    Cassandra Clare is the author of The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, and The Bane Chronicles. All of her literary works surround the world of Shadowhunters, also known as Nephilim, which are a race of beings born with angelic blood. Cassandra’s first book, City of Bones, was released in 2004. Since then, she has released over ten books and she has plans to release more. Cassandra Clare is an influential author of the 20th century because of her unique books, widespread fan base, and successful

  • Human Relationships in Nella Larsen's Passing

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    story of Clare, a tragic mulatto who "passes" as a white person. Not only is Passing representative of the plight of the tragic mulatto, it is also a novel that explores the complexities of human relationships. As defined by critic Claudia Tate, a tragic mulatto is a "character who passes [as a white person] and then reveals pangs of anguish resulting from forsaking his or her black identity" (142). Clare Kendry's life is a perfect example of the plight of the tragic mulatto. In Passing, Clare seems

  • Critical Analysis Of Hands Across The Sea

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    and Clare, distinctively displayed their impoliteness to their guests, the Wadhursts. They are a great example in this performance to display their obliviousness to their guests, I personally believe that these individuals do not understand the basic or

  • Passing

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    The Root of Jealousy In Nella Larsen’s Passing, Irene Redfield and Clare Kendry show us a great deal about race and sexuality in the 1920s. Both are extremely light-skinned women of African-American descent. However similar they appear to be, their views on race, a very controversial issue at the time, differ significantly. Clare chooses to use her physical appearance as an advantage in America’s racist and sexist society, leaving behind everything that connects her to her African-American identity

  • Free Essay: Comparing Heroism in Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Othello

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    self-delight," displays her character in her persistent devotion toward Angel Clare, her husband. Her suffering is evident in her defilement by Alec D'Urberville, a wealthy aristocrat, and in her separation from her husband. In the "First Phase" Tess is physically taken advantage of by D'Urberville who recognizes her innocence and vulnerability. Later, in "Phase the Third," she then falls deeply in love with Angel Clare, an affluent agriculturist. Tess soon alienates Angel by revealing her earlier

  • Review of Tess of the D´Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy

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    seek work elsewhere. She finally accepts a job as a milkmaid at the Talbothays Dairy. At Talbothays, Tess enjoys a period of contentment and happiness. She befriends three of her fellow milkmaids, Izz, Retty, and Marian, and meets a man named Angel Clare with whom she falls in love. They grow closer together throughout Tess's time at Talbothays, and she eventually accepts his proposal to marry him. Still, she is troubled by pangs of conscience and feels she should tell Angel about her past. She tries

  • The Downfall of Tess in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles

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    D'Urbervilles is considered to be a tragedy due to the catastrophic downfall of the protaganist Tess. From the early days in her life, her father John had begun to destroy her, which then led to Alex D'Urbervill and eventually finished with Angel Clare. Each dominant male figure in her life cocntributed to her tragic downfall which the reader encounters at the end of the novel. It is unfortunate how one woman can be ruined by the three most important and dominant people in her life. Tess's

  • UGLY! by Constance Briscoe

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    the book and is really what the story revolves around. Coming from a broken family, with her dad leaving Constance, otherwise known as Clare with 5 other brothers and sisters and her mum. The Father was hardly around only to bring Christmas presents and food. Clare was abused by her mother everyday, terrible physical abuse was inflicted on the growing body of Clare, benign cancer of the breasts caused by constant punches and squeezing from her mother. Emotionally shut out and neglected by her mother

  • Burning Up by Caroline B. Cooney

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    Title: Burning Up Main Characters: Macey Clare, Austin Fent, Mr. and Mrs. Macey, Monica and Henry Fent, Venita Edna, Grace, and Lindsay. Setting:     The story takes off on the first of April at Shell Beach. Where there are private beaches and swamps in the woods. Plot:          Macey Clare is a 15 year old girl who’s parents are never home so she stays with her grandparents on the weekdays, and on the weekends that her parents come home from work all week, she stays with them. Macey gets involved

  • The Tragedy of Tess in Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles

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    long-suffering mood, she does not. When the abandoned wife, having fallen on hard times, attempts to seek her father-in-law's help, we are told that "her present condition was precisely one which would have enlisted the sympathies of old Mr. and Mrs. Clare" (304), but measuring the father by his less compassionate sons, she fails to call on him. Angel, having reconsidered her situation while in Brazil, misinterprets the lack of letters from his wife: "How much it really said if he had understood! That

  • The Circularity of Life in Tess of the D'Urbervilles

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    The Circularity of Life in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Thesis: Hardy is concerned with the natural cycles of the world, and the disruption caused by convention, which usurps nature's role. He combats convention with the voice of the individual and the continuing circularity of nature. Phase the First: The Circles of Life The circularity of life is a major theme of the novel. Hardy treats it as the natural order of things. The structure of the novel reflects this reigning image of the circle

  • John Clare's An Invite To Eternity

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    Clare’s own bitterness and anger at his isolation from the world and from human love. Throughout “An Invite to Eternity,” Clare invokes the traditions of love poetry, only to subvert these conventions, mocking the notions of love and eternity with sad irony and the truth of his own social isolation. The descriptions of the world he occupies are hardly appealing and Clare is well aware of this, knowing that such an offer would be made in vain if truly made at all. The straightforwardly presented