Churches Essays

  • Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome

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    Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome Rome is the home of one of the largest cathedrals in the world, St. Peter's; however, it is also the home of many other beautiful churches and basilicas. Some of these include basilicas such as: Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Giovanni in Lateran, and St. Peter in Chains and churches like St. Peter Outside the Walls and San Giuseppe del Falegnami/ Mamertine Prison. These churches and basilicas through their history, art, architecture, and relics or tombs of

  • Crete: Biblical Traditions, Churches and Monasteries

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    Crete: Biblical Traditions, Churches and Monasteries Crete has long been known for its isolation caused by the mountains and the seas ; As a result of its landscape, it has been always identified as independent.? (Dubin 241). However, the mountains and the seas could not keep away the various foreign powers, occupations, and the religious impact these forces have had on this beautiful island.? History has shown that its island form has not kept Crete safe from outside forces; In fact, it is often

  • Why Black Churches Oppose Gay Marriage

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    community, black ministers and churches specifically, do not support same sex marriages. He addresses the hypocrisy he sees in this, as the black community was once the group fighting for equality. According to Boykin, blacks don’t support gay marriage rights for two reasons. Blacks only see images and representations from the gay white community, so they don’t feel like it involves them. There is not many people in the black community that are openly gay in their churches, so the community is lacking

  • Should Women be Ordained in the Pentecostal Churches?

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    Ordained in the Pentecostal Churches within the African Christian Diaspora? Thesis Statement In this paper, I will describe the ecclesiological problem of women’s ordination from a case study that I observed in Berlin, Germany. I wish to claim that the issue of excluding women from ordination is a result of a sociological contrivance that oppresses women. The churches safeguard the issue under the canopy of theological claims. It is appropriate for the churches, which exclude women from ordained

  • The Churches Of Christ: A Comparative Essay

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    The Churches of Christ: A Comparative Essay Over the past ten years there has been much controversy in the Christian and secular media about the International Churches of Christ (ICC), and the United (or mainline) Church of Christ (CoC). This controversy has stemmed from the ICC's misuse of funds, doctrinal problems, member abuse, and mind-control. The differences between the CoC and the ICC are important for Christians know and understand. The CoC began in 1957 when these four groups merged The

  • Catholic and Christians Missionaries in Africa

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    Marlow, the main character in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, is fascinated by unknown areas of the world and also enjoys the feeling of being afloat on water. To quench this curiosity of the mysterious, he ventures into the wilderness to face the adventures that lay inside the “heart of darkness”, Africa. Unbeknownst by him at first, Marlow is viewed as a missionary: the man that will bring light to the “dark” continent (Heart 3). In The Heart of Darkness, Marlow’s aunt refers to him as an “emissary

  • Baptism

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    Baptism is the door to life and to the kingdom of God. Baptism in Christian churches, the universal rite of initiation, performed with water, usually in the name of the Trinity or in the name of Christ. Orthodox and Baptist churches require baptism by total immersion. In other churches, pouring and sprinkling are more common. Most churches regard baptism as a sacrament, or sign of grace; some regard it simply as an ordinance, or rite, commanded by Christ. Therefore, Baptism is the sacrament of faith

  • Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

    3000 Words  | 6 Pages

    Angels and Demons by Dan Brown 1.) The main setting takes place in the beautiful, elegant, religious, Vatican City. The story pretty spread out throughout the Vatican in churches, especially St. Peter’s Basilica, museums, the pope’s hidden passageways, offices, and a lot of other interesting places. Vatican City is a beautiful city where an abundant amount of faithful living Catholics are located. This city is also where Christianity originated. In the middle of the entire city lies the most

  • Religion: Who needs it?

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    what they are able to provide themselves? People with washers and dryers send their clothes to be cleaned. Owners of houses stocked full of food can be found at McDonald's. Billions of people can be found each week inside churches. Wait...the cleaners,McDonald's and churches? Yep. People are constantly trying to make their lives easier. Darwin theorized that this was part of "Survival of the Fittest." That the easier we make our lives, the more like we are to survive. Religion is one more way

  • A Comparison of Christian and Islamic Architecture in Spain

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    6th century a Germanic tribe called the Visigoths, converts to Arian Christianity, had established themselves as the aristocratic elite. The Christians built many monumental basilica-plan churches. The Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas, Burgos, Spain and San Juan de Banos de Cerrato are two such churches that still remain today. In the beginning of the 8th century Islamic Muslims conquered Spain and ended Visigothic rule. They constructed militaristic and religious architecture including castles

  • The Life and Writings of St. Paul

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    returned to Antioch. Soon after this, Paul and Barnabus made their first missionary journey, visiting the island of Cyprus. Then they took a trip to Asia Minor and established new churches in Iconium and Lystra. After the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem, Paul made his second missionary journey, first visiting churches that had already been established by him in Asia Minor. At Troas Paul had a vision, which he translated as a call from God to convert in Macedonia. To do this, Paul sailed for Europe

  • Dickinson and Her religion

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    poetry among them: Death and the afterlife, God, nature, artistic and poetic inspiration, one’s own mind, and other human beings. Dickinson was educated in a traditionally Protestant, provincial community and in a religious conservative schools and churches in Amherst and South Hadley. This affected Dickinson as a poet of religious concern, stimulating her to opposition as well as reverence. The Calvinist God she was taught to worship was an arbitrary God of absolute power. She struggles prodigiously

  • Religion and advertising

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    that it is slightly immoral for churches to use the media to market themselves in the mainstream. Some believe the religions should simply sell themselves, but not literally. As Americans we now see television commercials for churches and services on regular broadcast channels. Another fairly recent trend that we see are churches in strip malls or plazas. Next to our favorite outlet cigarette shop, local retail store, Bingo hall, or fast food chain there are churches. Much of the advertising we see

  • Religion in Britain

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    History review: =============== The English Reformation ======================= In the 15th century, the plague and the war created confusion in European. A lot of people died. More and more people turn to Churches for help. But the corruption in the Churches made people distrust them. And the first Religious Reformation burst out in Germany. Britain was a Catholic country at that time, soon after the reformation in Germany, the doctrines of the Lutheran Church spread to Britain

  • Art Theft

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    property, but as well as historical background is that of art theft. A crime that has taken away the sanctity of churches as well as many other religious and historical sites. Thefts have ranged from WWII (World War II) to the times of the Holocaust. Of the items that were taken from the churches, relics were items of great priority. These items not only had great value to the churches they were stolen from, but a great value to relic collectors. Most of the items taking during these times were either

  • Religion in Southern California

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    the ground and grows. It has come from along line of dedication and work, through community and most of all church. Churches like Saddleback, First A. M. E, and now more recently Dream Center and many others. Technology is helping lead the way for many of these churches both new and old. The new ideas of the Southern Californian Protestant churches are beginning to liven up the churches with music, dance, and picture and paintings. Years ago they had paintings and color but not to the extent of this

  • Church Burnings

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    Black Churches Has Resurrected the Ugly Specter of Racism,” chimed in the Toronto Star. Newsweek warned of “Terror in the Night Down South,” While USA Today reported that “Arson at Black Churches Echoes Bigotry of Past.”(Fumento 1) In the summer of 1996, the U.S. media widely reported a surge in white racist burnings of black churches in the American South. It all started the Center for Democratic Renewal announced a huge increase in arsons against black churches by whites. Black churches were burning

  • Christianity

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    remained on earth in the form of the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost. The belief that in one God there are three Persons--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--is known as the doctrine of the Trinity. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches and many Protestant churches accept this doctrine as the central teaching of Christianity. Some Christians regard Jesus as a great but human teacher. However, most Christians view Jesus as God incarnate--that is, a divine being who took on the human appearance

  • Comparing Tension and Conflict in Things Fall Apart and Clear Light of Day

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    traditions continued on, including ritual killing and banishment of one of the village leaders.  But then things begin to change more rapidly with the coming of the missionaries.  When they gave them the "evil forest" to build their churches on there was no turning back.  Many of the abused and outcast were converted when they saw that these new people prospered in the evil lands. The people started to revolt against their traditional gods.  "Three converts had gone into the

  • Christmas Traditions Around Th

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    religious holiday. Because of the lack of biblical instructions, Christmas rituals have been shaped by the religious and popular traditions of each culture that celebrates the holiday. On Christmas Eve, churches around the world hold evening services. At midnight, most Catholic and many Protestant churches hold special candlelight services. The Catholic midnight Mass was first introduced by the Roman Catholic Church in the 5th century. In Greece The Greek Christmas, or Christougenna, pays respect to the