Chinese architecture Essays

  • Traditional Building Materials in Contemporary Chinese Architecture

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    walls at a set interval. Horizontal meshes are also installed in layers to prevent lateral force during frequent earthquakes. Traditional stone wall con... ... middle of paper ... ...onic? Or Toward a Reflexive Regionalism” (lecture, School of Architecture and Planning at Unniversity at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, October 31, 2012). Xiaodong Li, interview by Yishan Lam, Singapore, “Design Acupuncture: Li Xiao Dong. David Moffat, “Yuhu Elementary School and Community Center” (article, Design Observer)

  • The Forbidden City Essay

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    primary material for building and construction. The Forbidden City is great architecture masterpiece of ancient China, and is also the largest and the most complete existing wooden structure ancient building in the world. The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace where include 980 buildings located in the center of Beijing, China. In order to incarnate the supremacy of imperial power, Chinese imperial architecture often adopt the layout of an axial symmetry, with the buildings on the central

  • The Development of Modern Architecture

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    With the interaction between the development of computational approaches in architecture and the contemporary forms of spatial design intelligence, some new architectural design theories emerged to make differences between architects and control designing processes. These theories are almost employed in all designing realms, from architecture to urban design to provide fields of ideas and solutions that privilege by complexity. Most of these theories are oriented to relay on understanding and using

  • My Ambition To Be An Architect

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    simple strokes and sketches can create such masterpieces in the world When I started college I chose 3D Design, an obvious decision because it has given me an insight of not only architecture but also on product design. Currently in 3D Design my chosen project is to inspect the influence of Chinese and Japanese on architecture and also to compare and differentiate both styles, I have looked at architects such as Tadao Ando and Li Xinggang. I chose Graphics because I wanted to expand my knowledge of design

  • Ieoh Ming Pei: A Contribution To Architecture?

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    Ieoh Ming Pei, a Chinese American architect, is perhaps one of the greatest architects of the 20th century. He has designed some of the most beautiful interiors and exteriors in not only the United States but all around the world. Pei has traveled extensively all around the world in an effort to explore and expand his knowledge in architecture. Unlike most architects he does not limit himself to and one specific aspect of architecture its self, but has done everything from libraries and museums

  • Architecture, Power, and National Identity

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    Malay, Chinese and Indian. Each ethnic group contributes their own unique culture and religion, hence making it difficult to form a Malaysian identity. In fact, in September 2010, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced the 1 Malaysia concept. This concept acts as a call-for-action for the government leaders and bodies to place a greater emphasis on national unity and ethnic tolerance. This demonstrates that even at present day, Malaysia’s national identity remains unsettled. Architecture plays an

  • The Architecture Industry: The Role Of Architecture And Architecture

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    part of is the architecture industry. I have made this choice because, unlike most jobs, an architect’s job is constantly evolving. Although architecture is similar to art, there are various other aspects to consider, such as programing and building technology. Building materials and technology are always becoming more advanced, and it is the architect’s responsibility to make sure that the concepts that they are formulating efficiently make use of the material available. The architecture industry intrigues

  • Philippine ethnic architecture

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    Philippine Ethnic Architecture - Ethnic culture lies on Phil. Architecture, an amalgam on Anglo-Saxon, Latin, Indian, Chinese, Japanese & other foreign influences with sensibility of Pre-Hispanic, Pre-Western & Southeast Asian. Its Ethos’s is linked with elements and creatures. It draws inspiration from environment. It also responds to man’s communal and social needs. General Characteristics - Ethnic Structures are made of natural materials such as wood, vegetations & sometimes molds. The favorite

  • Bjarke Ingels

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    Bjarke Ingels and his architecte team design buildings that they think are “socially, economically and environmentally perfect places.” After watching Ingels’s lecture, I think that he and his team succeeds in creating building that are perfect places in term of socially, economically and environmentally. In Ingels’s lecture he gives many examples of his work and how he designed buildings that were just right for that specific location. One example of this was the building in Shanghai. During the

  • Utopia and Dystopia in The Future City

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    need to envision and design ‘the future city’, whether it being one inspired by the concept of Utopia, ruled by technology or one that would go beyond the terrestrial limit of the earth. For a long time in western architecture there has been a fixed connection between utopia and architecture, in particular within the idealization of a ‘The Future City’. Its tradition to consider the Platonic discourse which treats of the idyllic city (the republic) as the first Utopia in this cultural thread. Thomas

  • Culture And Culture In Malaysia

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    Culture is the mankind’s way of life. History and culture plays a vital role in the national development process in the country.(Vale,1992) Malaysia formed as a multi-racial country which Malays, Chinese and Indian are the three main ethnic groups. Hence of the different groups practicing on their own different religion and living culture, Malaysian community is very unique. As a multiethnic country, the development of national culture identity obliges a more careful and sensitive planning in cultivating

  • Traditional vs. Modern Architecture in China

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    Traditional culture in architecture is being eroded by modernity of the present architecture in China. Analyze the causes and effects of this problem and possible solutions. In China, urbanization is at dramatic pace but in static patterns. This leads to the Chinese cities losing their own styles, and being built in the static architecture modes which are introduced from developed countries. Moreover, the traditional architecture cultures are being eroded by the static modern architecture patterns. Some

  • Essay On Operating System Architecture

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    Operating System Architecture By gaining control of computers, computer viruses, worms, trojans, software bugs, and bad people can create extraordinary damage by shutting down infrastructure, using online banking to steal money, or using robots to attack people. Our civilization is increasingly depended on computers for survival. Therefore, a fully secure operating system is essential for the society. Below is the architecture by which maximum security against viruses and other threats can be

  • Essay On T. S. Eliot's Unbelievable City

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    Eliot presents the "Unbelievable City. These lines recommend a comparable portrayal of the advanced city by Baudelaire. Eliot here is depicting a waking passing. These individuals are alive in the physical sense, however dead in all others. The Waste Land Section II:“A Game of Chess” "A game of chess" is a gadget utilized by “Middleton” as a part of the play entitled "women beaware women". Where this diversion is played to shroud the temptation of young lady by a respectable this area the

  • Le Corbusier Poetic Architecture Essay

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    A poetic architecture looks into a moment when architecture surpasses itself as a physical structure, and instead when it becomes more than just a physical space. Le Corbusier’s church Notre-Dame du Haut in Ronchamp, built between 1950-55 was one of Le Corbusier’s poetic architecture to date. This building was one of his dramatically sculptural designs compared to his earlier works. Although his earlier buildings were very rational in design, Le Corbusier was never completely a materialist, but he

  • Kenneth Frampton's Rappel A L Ordre

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    In Kenneth Frampton’s Rappel a L’ordre, the Case for the Tectonic, he reinterprets modern architecture “through the lens of techne.” Techne can be traced back to its Greek origins, which embodied the ideas of art, craft and skill in the making of an object. Techne came to be tied with the materiality and construction methods used in buildings. Technology then came to refer to the making and using of tools and the methods to solve a problem. Implicit in the word “technology” is the act of construction

  • Pierre Chareau

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    Review of Jewish Museum’s Exhibit, Pierre Chareau: Modern Architecture and Design Thesis Statement: Pierre Chareau: Modern Architecture and Design exhibit unveil for the first time Pierre Chareau’s Jewish identity alongside with his works. In my opinion, the design of the exhibition itself is responsible for the success of this exhibit. Who is Pierre Chareau? The Great Unveil Hidden in the upper east side of Manhattan is an extraordinary interactive exhibit that will leave you feeling both motivated

  • Addison Mizner Building

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    time period in which it was built. It allows a glimpse into the past or a peek into the future. For the designer or architect, it is an expression of what inspires them. From the ancient ruins in Greece to Dorton Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina; architecture inspires us. Addison Mizner is an architect most well-known for his design of resort buildings in southern Florida. His Mediterranean revival, as well as, his Spanish Colonial revival style has left a major mark on south Florida. His influence

  • City Life – What's The Plan For Melbourne

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    ‘City Life – What’s the Plan for Melbourne’ written by Rod Urban, the senior director of Zenith Construction, is an article published in a weekend lifestyle magazine issued by a large newspaper. It tries to convince the reader that instead of having ‘random’ suburban estates full of excessively large houses we should have a well-planned inner city. The audience for this professional and assertive sounding piece are Melbournians who love their city. Urban’s assertion that Melbournians must consider

  • Ralph Rapson Hall Essay

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    aspects can be interpreted through the feelings evoked from a space, the cohesiveness of two spaces conjoined, and the differences between additive and divisive plans. Architecture and society has changed in a drastic way since the works of Vitruvius and through these changes many of his ideas no longer apply to modern day architecture. Furthermore, Rapson Hall can still fall under the criteria of many different ideals of the past and the modern. Rapson Hall captures, in an eloquent way, the intricate