Chief Lieutenant Essays

  • Men of Respect and Macbeth

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    of Respect.” Set in present day New York (present as in 1991), the various warring kingdoms of the play become organized crime factions in the film, King Duncan becoming the "padrino" or godfather of the main "family," Charlie Di'Mico. His chief lieutenant, Mikey Bataglia is, of course, the corollary to the treacherous Macbeth. The character of Lady Macbeth (Ruthie Bataglia) remains instinctive yet ruthless in her goal to get Mikey to become the “padrino.” William Reilly at times stuck to Shakespeare’s

  • The Rise Of Communism

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    eventually banning all non-communist as well as removing an assembly elected shortly after the Bolshevik’s gain of power. Lenin’s strict government, however, was about to get a lot stricter with his death in 1924. After the death of Lenin, his chief lieutenant Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin fought for control of the country. Stalin was able to win out over Trotsky and gain control of the Russian government. He felt that Lenin and Trotsky’s socialistic ideas were flawed in that they were to wait for

  • Lt Gen Lewis B. Puller

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    The history of Lieutenant General Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller is not well known outside of the U.S. Marine Corps, but as the most decorated marine in history his legend will live on and continue to inspire the marines of tomorrow. The enlisted corps has idolized him, frequently encouraging one another to do that last push up when motivated by fellow marines saying “Do one for Chesty!” The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that Chesty, using current day leadership theories, was a visionary and

  • Erwin Rommel

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    prestigious military academy Konigliche Kriegsschule in Danzig and he left the academy in November of 1911. During Rommel's stay he also met the love of his life, Lucy Mollin, whom he would write to everyday during both World Wars, he raised to Lieutenant: Corporal in October and Sergeant at the end of the year. Rommel first showed his courage and intellect during World War 1 when a group of 15 to 20 French soldiers were spotted by him and his reconnaissance of three other men. Rommel opened fire

  • Middle Manager Case Study

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    values, philosophies, principles, policies, and strategies into some form of action to achieve desired results” (p. 79). A middle- manager in a large municipal police department such as the Houston Police Department is the equivalent of a lieutenant. A police lieutenant is often the link that connects sergeants and police officers to senior ranking officials (Tucker, 2015). Police officers in every rank and file

  • Colin Powell

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    Colin Powell is a strong individual that has over come hardships of his own and that of his country. He is a man that was never satisfied with average and still excels in everything he does. Colin Powell is a leader and a role model to African Americans and the rest of the world. On April 5, 1937 a true hero was born by the name Colin Luther Powell. He was born in Harlem, New York 12 years after his mother Maud and father Luther Theophilus Powell immigrated to New York from Jamaica. Colin grew up

  • Iago?s Plan

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    paying Iago to pursue Desdemona for him, and he has just learned that she has eloped with Othello. Iago reassures Rodrigo that the plan will eventually work because he himself is motivated to bring Othello down; Othello promoted Michael Cassio to lieutenant rather than Iago, and Iago believes that he was more deserving of the promotion. Iago starts his plan by telling Rodrigo to try and foil Othello and Desdemona’s marriage by telling Brabatio, Desdemona’s father, about their secret marriage. Rodrigo

  • Breaker morant

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    and to take no prisoners. Such an order could prove fatal, especially to Lieutenant Harry Breaker Morant, who was dishonorably used as a scapegoat for the British Empire to appease political conflict between Germany at the time. Throughout this writing piece, I hope to give insight to the audience in what thoughts feelings would have gone through the Australians minds, especially Lieutenant Harry Breaker Morant. „h I lieutenant Harry Breaker Morant, state to you all today, as god as my witness, in

  • Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried

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    ethnicity, and have different views on the Vietnam War. They bear the weight of their country on their backs, but they also have different emotions weighing on their hearts. “The Things We Carried” takes in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and his platoon are in the fields of Vietnam. His platoon includes: Mitchell Sanders (Radio Telephone Operator), Rat Kiley (Medic), Henry Dobbins (Machine Gunner), Kiowa, Norman Bowker, Ted Lavender, Dave Jensen, Lee Strunk, and a few

  • Shakespeare's Othello - The Triangle Between Othello, Iago, and Cassio

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    and he has just made Cassio his Lieutenant. Iago is very upset by this because he wanted to become Lieutenant but what he doesnÕt realize is that in some ways heÕs more important to Othello just without the title. Iago is OthelloÕs right hand man but Iago canÕt take that he wants more. The main problem that IÕve noticed in this play is a lack of communication and trust between the characters. Even though Iago must figure out a way to get get this position as Lieutenant I donÕt think he hateÕs Cassio

  • Free Essay: Tim O'Brien's Things They Carried

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    went wrong, they would simply blame the officer in charge.  Tim O'Brien illustrated this nicely in his story In The Field.  Lieutenant Jimmy Cross felt guilty for Kiowa's death.  He blamed himself for not thinking about his troops even though he did what he was supposed to do.  Couple of soldiers were pissed off about Kiowa's death.  They blamed it all on Lieutenant even though they knew it was not his fault.  Then they let their emotions out and the situation turned to be out of control. 

  • Analysis of Fictional Book Black Hearts by Jim Frederick

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    “S*** rolls downward” an old army phrase is what exactly happened to 1st platoon of the 101st Airborne Division. Black Hearts is a fictional book on soldiers in the 101st Airborne division in the 502 Infantry Regiment during deployment to Iraq in 2005. Black Hearts is a book which gives the reader the point of views the different types of stress a soldier goes through during a deployment both physically and especially mentally. The book goes in depth and paints realistic events throughout the deployment

  • Analysis of "The Things They Carried"

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    Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” is the first story in a collection about the Alpha Company, led by First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross during the Vietnam War. The platoon is deployed near Than Khe, an area filled with dense jungle and unrelenting rain where the men must carry or “hump” an unspeakable amount of weight both literal and emotional to survive. The narrator, O’Brien, is one of the soldiers, and he distinguishes one soldier from another with a vivid description of what each one must,


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    wooden sword and say to myself: ‘George S. Patton, Jr., Lieutenant General’.”1 He followed his dreams and gained an educated at Virginia Military Institute and the U.S. Military Academy. On his graduation in 1909 Patton was commissioned a second lieutenant; he advanced in rank to full General by 1945. George Patton served as aide-de-camp to the American General John Joseph Pershing on Pershing’s expedition to Mexico in 1917. As a young lieutenant Patton was asked by General Pershing why he should

  • A Farewell To Arms - Imagery Paper

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    depth and almost feel, or mentally view World War I and the affects it generates through Lieutenant Henry’s eyes. In Book One of A Farewell to Arms, we get to read of the sense of taste. Taste plays a big role, as we enjoy the flavor of specific foods or liquids, sometimes forcing us to crave for it even. “It tasted of rusty metal, I handed the canteen back to Passani” (Page 54, Hemingway). The wine Lieutenant Fredric Henry’s taste buds had been consumed in was rotten. The reader could get a feel

  • The Things They Carried and its Dual Meaning

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    they carry out their various missions during wartime. O’Brien goes on to describe, in very minute detail, every little piece of equipment. Instead of listing off the weights and amounts of various military equipment, however, he begins with First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross’s letters from a girl named Martha. As the story progresses, more and more items are described, each with multiple meanings, both physical, and the emotional and mental escapes that they provide to each soldier. Just as the equipment

  • Analysis Of O 'Brien's Short Story The Things They Carried'

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    only 22-year-old too young to be First Lieutenant. Jimmy Cross’s obsession with Martha reading and daydreaming about her letters. In which Jimmy Cross’s mind could escape from the ugliness of the war. In the Vietnam War, being a strong leader over the unit is impossible the war’s mission are undefined. Ted Lavender’s death was a great tragedy of the Vietnam War and not the fault of First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross. Jimmy Cross is only 22-year-old First Lieutenant in the Vietnam War. Jimmy Cross brain

  • Theme Of Symbolism In The Things They Carried

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    The character Kiowa, who is a Native American soldier part of Lieutenant Cross’ platoon, seemed to be portrayed with varying emotions after Lavender’s demise. Once the body is taken away, Kiowa shared how Lavender died: “then they marched for several hours through the hot afternoon, and then at dusk, while Kiowa explained

  • othello

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    Othello In this speech, Othello lets his mind take over all his self control. A usual cool tempered person Othello is inflicted with rage about the possibility of his wife sleeping with his lieutenant, Cassio. Iago has the ability to cloud the head of Othello with lies about the Desdemona and Cassio causing suffering and tragedy. A tragedy is a serious action or event that always turns out the worst way possible. Iago has setup Othello just enough for Othello to create his own disaster. The literary

  • Moral Courage

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    Moral courage, as defined in ADRP 6-22, is the willingness to stand firm on values, principles, and convictions. It enables all leaders to stand up for what they believe is right, regardless of the consequences. Leaders, who take full responsibility for their decisions and actions even when things go wrong, display moral courage. In most cases, one who displays moral courage is usually taking a stand against something that they know is wrong. Normally, it is not the popular decision. With physical