Chief Justice Essays

  • Influential Chief Justice

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    essentials when it comes to being the Chief Justice include prior experience as a judge, and a vast knowledge of the law, but there are some other less apparent areas that I need to work on. For one, despite my outgoing personality, when it comes to speaking publicly, I get nervous. During school presentations, if I do not have what I’m trying to say written out word for word, I stumble over my speech and sound less intelligent that I want to. As a Chief Justice, I would need to make life changing

  • Influences on Judicial Power

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    Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton addresses the role of the judiciary branch within the federal government in regards to political immunity of judges through life tenure and contribution to checks and balances through power or judicial review. Chief Justice John Marshall, in his ruling of Marbury v. Madison, established the principle of judicial review advocated by Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. Originally designated as the weakest of the three branches in government by the framers of the Constitution

  • Sarah Weddington: Roe vs. Wade

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    Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee were the plaintiff's lawyers. John Tolle, Jay Floyd and Robert Flowers were the defendant's lawyers. Those on the Supreme Court in support of the Roe vs. Wade decision were: Harry Blackmun, William J. Brennan, Chief Justice Warren Burger, William O. Douglas, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Powell and Potter Stewart. Those in the dissent were William Rehnquist and Byron White. Although abortion has been legal for more than 30 years, the Roe vs. Wade decision is currently

  • Olmstead V. United States (1928)

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    Olmstead v. United States (1928) Opinion delivered by Chief Justice Taft Vote: 5-4 Case reached Supreme Court by writ of certiorari. Facts: The evidence in the records discloses a conspiracy of amazing magnitude to import, possess, and sell liquor unlawfully. Involved were not less than fifty employees, two sea-going vessels for transportation of the goods to British Columbia, a ranch beyond the city limits of Seattle with a large underground cache to store the liquor, and many other caches

  • Is Flag Burning Protected by the First Amendment?

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    the Supreme Court justices came to two drastically different positions regarding the constitutionality of prohibiting flag burning. To see how such a division is possible, we are going to compare and contrast both the arguments and the methods of argumentation used by both the majority opinion (written by Associate Justice Brennan) and the dissenting opinion (written by Chief Justice Rehnquist), which critiques the majority opinion. Surprisingly, both Associate Justice Brennan's majority

  • Jacksonian Democracy

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    Supreme Court stated that the Jacksonian Democrats' actions were unconstitutional because they had issued the "Indian Removal Act". By doing this, they were in violation of the treaty of New Echota. In the 1832 decision Worcester v. Georgia, Chief Justice Marshall ruled that the Cherokees had their own land and that they did not need to follow Georgia law in their own territory. This ruling of the Supreme Court did not stop Jacksonians from driving the Cherokees off of their land. Jackson used the

  • Black struggle for equality

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    un-constitutional law; those being a monumental reference to the 14th amendment in the Brown vs. Board case, the organizing of minority groups who set out to fight the battle of inequality, numerous cases regarding the "separate but equal laws," and Chief Justice's theory on the issue of segregation in the public school system. The first of these arguments which Brown pointed out was a reference to the Fourteenth Amendment, which was added to the US constitution after the Civil War. In the first

  • California History

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    youth agencies, and other and public service programs. EPIC volunteers provide thousands of volunteer hours to the community. 2. Earl Warren Earl Warren was a political leader. He was a governor of California, but he is remembered as the chief justice who led the Supreme Court of the United States when it made big changes in civil rights laws and in criminal procedures. Warren was a liberal Republican, and he was born in Los Angeles, California. He was elected attorney general of California

  • Roger Williams

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    nearby Smithfield of so-called Puritans or heretics. This probably influenced his later strong beliefs in civic and religious liberty. During his teens, Roger Williams came to the attention of Sir Edward Coke, a brilliant lawyer and one-time Chief Justice of England, through whose influence he was enrolled at Sutton's Hospital, a part of Charter House, a school in London. He next entered Pembroke College at Cambridge University from which he graduated in 1627. All of the literature currently available

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

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    been introduced to a lot of new crimes that has arisen from the constant advancement in technology and more. There are a lot of white collar crimes. "The Supreme Court's caseload has grown substantially over time. John Marshall's first term as chief justice, the Court delivered only 15 opinions; in 1853 that number rose to 46, a pitiful handful by today's standards. By 1853, the number of cases docketed had risen to 253, still small compared to the current docket of more than 7,500. So too workload

  • Nationalism and Sectionalism

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    less, they still got paid. They had choices of what jobs to do where slaves were assigned to certain jobs. The women got some free time and even a 30 minute lunch break while slaves had very little or no brakes at all. 3. While John Marshall was chief justice the Supreme Court promoted the idea of nationalism. In the Supreme Court case Gibbons vs. Ogden help make certain that the federal government had power on pretty much everything crossing any state lines. Another case also supported the national

  • Gibbons V. Ogden (1824)

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    deemed America’s “founding fathers” and laid the support for the most powerful country in history. However, one more man deserves his name to be etched into this list. His name was John Marshall, who decided case after case during his role as Chief Justice that has left an everlasting mark on today’s judiciary, and even society itself. Through Cases such as Marbury v. Madison (1803) and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) he established the Judicial Branch as an independent power. One case in particular

  • JFK and the Warren Commission

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    shot dead by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner, as he was being taken from police headquarters to court. As Jack Ruby went to prison and the police had no longer a suspect to question, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, set up a committee led by chief justice Earl Warren, to conduct an official investigation into Kennedy's murder. They were under immense pressure by the public to come up with a conclusion. On 24 September 1964, the Warren Commission finally issued a report of their findings. They concluded

  • Jays Treaty

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    seamen and their role in our economy Washington knew something had to be done. Washington knew that the tension between America and England had to be thinned out so he decided to send over a special envoy. The individual chosen for the job was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay. John Jay had much experience in this department because he was the former Secretary for Foreign Affairs under the old Confederation. His objective was to make peace between the two countries. He was under instructions

  • Samuel Sewall

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    However, he became convinced of the error of these convictions and in 1697 in Old South Church, Boston, publicly accepted the “blame and shame” for them. Sewall served for thirty-seven years as judge of the superior court of the colony, being chief justice during the last ten years of his service. Sewall was also a well-known author and his most famous work was his three-volume diary, which is very revealing of Samuel Sewall and the period he lived in. Sewall was a respected figure of his time and

  • Free Essays - A Raisin in the Sun

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    Some citizens still believe that African-Americans are inferior to Caucasians and that they should be slaves.  In the 1950s, whites and blacks were segregated to a point that they could not go to the same schools or even use the same bathrooms.  Chief Justice Earl Warren abolished the segregation of schools in May of 1954.  The desegregation of schools has helped people of all races grow up together in a non-hostile environment where they can develop relationships with people of other races.  Throughout

  • Pony Express

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    telegraph was Samuel Finley Breese Morse. Groups working to finish the transcontinental telegraph meet at Fort Bridger in Utah territory. The first transcontinental telegraph was sent from San Fransico to Washington. The message was from the states Chief Justice to President Lincoln. The telegraph line only went as far west as St. Joseph, Missouri in 1860. It was 2,000 miles from St. Joseph to the west coast as Sacramento, California. It took over months

  • indian history

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    n     Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee, Seminole n     Cherokee adopt republican form of gov’t. John Ross Cherokee leader n     Have written language (Sequoya) n     Take U.S. to court to keep lands n     Cherokee Nation v. Georgia n     Chief Justice John Marshall rule in favor of the Indians n     President Andrew Jackson “ He’s made his decision, now let’s see him enforce it” n     First group of 3000 began in summer of 1838 n     12,000 waited in prison camps and traveled during the winter

  • Book Report On Cover Up

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    Was he innocent? Was there a conspiracy against the president? These questions called for Lyndon B. Johnson, the new president, to form the Warren Commission specifically to investigate the assassination. It was named for the Chairman, and the Chief Justice of the United States, Earl Warren. This commission, after ten months of investigation, presented their report to President Johnson. The 26 volumes of testimony and exhibits, " overwhelmingly supported the conclusions that the assassination was

  • Public Education: Funding based Upon Race

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    system that perpetuates the economic inequality of America’s racial groups endures. In the 1954 United States Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, school segregation was found to be unconstitutional. On behalf of the Court, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote, “We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” The reasoning behind the unanimous decision diverged from the line