Chelicerae Essays

  • Arthropod Head Debate

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hox genes were first applied to the study of Arthropod evolution. The traditional concept that chelicerates had lost a deuto cerebral segment and that the chelicerae was innervated by the tritocerebrum was overturned when the anterior expression domain of labial, the anteriormost gene of the arthropod Hox cluster, was found to align the chelicerae with the first antenna of mandibulates (Edgecombe and Legg 2014). This alignment of the head was later confirmed by resemblances in the developing nervous

  • Tick Investigation

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ironically although ticks need an extremely high water percentage to survive, they cannot sur... ... middle of paper ... ...n the feeding process. Adaptations As mentioned before, the hyposome anchors the tick to the host, and the chelicerae help to keep the blood flowing, but ticks also have anticoagulant in their saliva glands. This stops the blood clotting making it easy for the blood to flow. The tick also has elasticized skin so that it can expand whilst feeding on blood.

  • Chondrichthyes vs Arthropod

    2013 Words  | 5 Pages

    To do this, the spider sprays digestive juices on the tissue. Chelicerae are a pair of appendages that the spider uses to seize and kill its prey. The chelicerae are above the mouth opening and just below the spider's eyes. Each chelicera ends in a hard, hollow, pointed claw, and these claws are the spider's fangs. An opening in the tip of the fang connects with the poison glands. When the black widow stabs an insect with its chelicerae, poison flows into the wound and paralyzes or kills the victim

  • The Evolution Of Convergent Evolution: Evolution And Evolution

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    Convergent evolution is the process in which organisms which are not closely related derive akin traits separately due to the need for adaptation to similar environments or ecological niches. According to the neo-Darwinian view, species with similar environmental living settings experience similar selection pressures. Natural selection then acts on the arbitrary changes or current genetic variability leading to identical phenotypic solutions. There may be resemblances at a phylogenetic level, but

  • Essay On Black Widow Spider

    1388 Words  | 3 Pages

    Black Widow Classification The spider is a wide known organism with a wide influence on life. The Black Widow spider is just one of tens of thousands types of spiders. Southern Black Widow is a common name for the spider which is classified scientifically as K: Animalia, P: Arthropoda, C: Arachnida, O: Araneae, F: Theridiidae, G:Latrodectus, S: mactans. There are 31 differnet species from the genus Latrodectus. This genus is commonly referred to as widow spiders. Other members of this genus

  • The Black Widow Spider

    1914 Words  | 4 Pages

    Black Widow Spider Classification The spider is a wide known organism with a wide influence on life. The black widow spider is just one of over 30,000 types of spiders. Black Widow is a common name for the spider which is classified scientifically as K: Animalia, P: Arthropoda, C: Arachnida, O: Araneae, F: Theridiidae, G:Latrodectus, S: mactans. The species name mactans specifies the southern black widow spider. There are 31 different species from the genus Latrodectus. This genus is commonly

  • Spiders and Arachnids: Similar Yet Different

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    use in their senses. Since all arachnids have eight legs, they are easily distinguishable from insects, which have six legs. Arachnids also possess two other pairs of appendages that have evolved to help their feeding, defense, and senses. The chelicerae, the first pair of appendages, serve in feeding and defense from predators. The next pair of appendages is named the pedipalps. These appendages have been adapted for such uses as eating and digestion, to move or travel, and for reproductive functions

  • Insects in Popular Culture

    1172 Words  | 3 Pages

    Table of Contents Film: The Wasp Women- 25 points Film: The Black Scorpion- 25 points Poetry: Haikus- 6 points Poetry: Short Poem- 5 points Insects in Popular Culture – 10 points Original Comic- 30 points References Honor Pledge The Wasp Woman, 1959 The Wasp Women tells the story of Janice Starlin, owner and CEO of a cosmetics company. To bolster her declining sales she enlists the help of recently fired beekeeper Dr. Zinthrop. Zinthrop was fired for experimenting with wasps, specifically